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TMR Rudy

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About TMR Rudy

  • Birthday 08/31/1967

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  1. okay, good news. I think clearing Java cache worked - thanks for sharing. Program files are back. Now the bad news I need to upgraded the firmware, the link you provided (Thank You) needs me to be on a new firmware. Do you have advice here you can share. I am on a Mac and I have downloaded the latest firmware file 5.3.4. My current firmware is 5.0.16. When I downloaded the file it created a folders called; CODE; DEF; and WEB. Should this not have been a .ZIP. Not sure which folder has the firmware. I tried to compress the files in to .ZIP but I am getting the following message: "upgrade failed : invalid or incompatible upgrade file. Wondering if it has something to do with being on a Mac. Rudy.
  2. thanks for your reply, can you please expand on reloading IoX? What are the steps to do that? Thanks
  3. It's been sometime since I needed to refer to my programs. Today I noticed the programs I have created are missing, however the programs have been running. I needed to re-set one of my wall switches and wanted to add it back to a daily running program, to find the program missing. Any suggestions on how the programs continue to run, but I cannot find the original program? Thanks Rudy.
  4. from the link what am I uploaded I don't see the specific file or zip
  5. Okay I have to go figure that out then. I am using a. launcher on a Mac. Could mine be old?
  6. Paul, I read a post from Michael that stated you need to have ISY and UI at the same version before upgrading?
  7. ISY - Insteon only
  8. Michale, were do I get the UI upgrade. I am currently at v4.7.3 (ISY) and v4.6.2 (UI)
  9. I am showing Manually upgrade
  10. Paul I have ISY Launcher going just can't find were to download or upgrade is?
  11. My ISY Firmware is at v4.7.3 UI v4.6.2 Sorry, but could not find the link to upgrade the UI only. Looking to upgrade to 5.x
  12. TMR Rudy

    Timer Program

    Sorry see next post with programs.
  13. TMR Rudy

    Timer Program

    I wanted to use a program to have the fan (on/off switch) run after using the shower. Usually we turn off all the bathroom lights including the fan once showered. I found that moisture was not escaping the room during the period the fan was on during showering. I wanted the fan to run 15 minutes longer after the shower. Thus the need for a timer program. The goal was after showering and leaving the bathroom, I wanted the fan to continue running without the need to revisit the bathroom to turn off the fan. The fan I am using is a in ceiling typical bathroom fan integrated with the rest of the house as an on/off switch. Using the two stage program has solved the issue. Once the fan is switched off, there is a short delay and then the fan turns back on and runs the program for 15 minutes. I wish there was not a short delay, where the fan would remain on and runs the program. However not a big issue. I did not want a program starts the timer once the fan is turned on. There are several individuals using the bathroom who take different lengths of time showering, I did not what to cut the fan off while someone was in there. Basically I wanted a run time of 15 minutes after you left the bathroom. Thanks again all. Rudy.
  14. TMR Rudy

    Timer Program

    Thanks everyone for your quick replies. I have managed to get the fan to stay on after it is turned off; however using the program from Jon above, there is a delay from when the fan is turned off...which sets the fan off, and then clicks back on to run the program. I guess the off and on has to be there. I was hoping for a smoother transition from when the fan is switched off (since it was on) and to stay on while it switches over to the program timer. Thanks again all Rudy
  15. TMR Rudy

    Timer Program

    I am trying to find a timer program that keeps the bathroom shower fan on for 10 minutes after it is turned off. the program that I found on the forum is not working for me; IF control fan is switched on and status fan is off THEN wait 10 minutes set fan off ELSE (optional) Please let me know if you have seen any other programs that may assist. Thanks Rudy.
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