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@Guy Lavoie try updating EISY and adding your nanoleaf bulb now. I was able to add mine after the update today to _18. It is a dimmer bulb but only has on-off functionality, but it did commission and I can turn bulb on and off.
To be clearer on what I meant. When you share the device from the first one, you are getting a new commissioning code and when you use your mobile device to commission to that ecosystem/fabric, the app shares the credentials for that ecosystem so it can join. So even when you use home assistant and declare Apple as the Thread Network, if you commission to HA and then commission to Apple by sharing the device you have 2 fabrics using the same thread network as a matter controller / bridge ... This is a good source for matter fabrics and such. https://matter-smarthome.de/en/know-how/what-is-a-matter-fabric/
Guys, I think you are pissing up a rope until UDI fixes their matter fabric / server for thread. A device can be a part of 1 or more thread border routers but only 1 thread network. When you are asked if new or existing installing the device, that is determining if it is being added to a new thread network TBR or not. The nanoleaf app is not going to help you. You can add the device using Bluetooth and it will see your devices on the existing thread network. when you add a device to the first matter controller (Apple, Alexa, google, OTBR) you are putting it on the thread network and first fabric and establishing the credentials. When you share the device you are sharing the credentials to commission on a second fabric. That fabric talks directly to the device because it has the credentials to do such and does not go through the first fabric. Each fabric needs a TBR to hat can talk between thread and WiFi / lan networks so that you can talk to that device on the network. Nanoleaf are working fine now. obviously UDI haven’t figured out the ability to put a thread device on their fabric which is what it sets up so you can control them from the admin console / eisy. Watching the network it seems like it isn’t getting the Mdns messages that would tell it the ipv6 address so it can interview and setup the device. I haven’t seen anyone get a thread device working yet.
To your statement, I think you are conflating topics. The post that said iOS devices don't work had a specific error and it specifically stated that it was an issue with BLE Wi-FI commissining and it said Matter should work for IP, Thread and previously commissioned devices. So based on that, my use of iOS should not be a problem and that is not the error I get. Thread devices are on an ipV6 network managed by the TBR in my case Apple TBR via Apple TVs. My HA instance use Apple as the TBR to communicate with the device. The device is commissioned in HA. I also shared the device via QR code adn commissioned it in to Apple Home which would be a separate fabric and that works fine. When I share the code to commission in to UDI, it just doesn't ever see the device. To further my suspicion I have only 4 matter over wifi devices (sonoff relays). I shared the code the same way and they commissioned just fine via iOS using UD Mobile. I moved my UDI in to the same VLAN to rule out MDNS issues across VLANs. So the issue seems to be with Thread devices which should really only differ in that they work via a TBR using ipv6. With HA to commission a device on the Apple Network using Thread you have to share the Apple Credentials to to commissioning App to do the initial commissioning. I assume that is why the statement made was that it should work for previously commissioned devices. I hope someone from UDI is reading the forums. Happy to help test, I have 98 Thread devices and 4 matter over wifi devices consisting of on/off plugs, motion sensors, light switches, fan switches and matter buttons.
So, we do have different experiences. I am using Home Assistant with Apple as my border router. I updated to 1_13 and don't get same error, HA generates a QR code so that isn't the issue and I'm not resetting my devices as they are paired all to HA and i have not problem sharing the pairing to Apple Home from there as well. I can scan the QR code and I get "Adding Matter Device" pleas wait and on the UDI Admin console the Add a device to the Matter network pops up with Listening for MAtter devcies to add to network, but it never works. My guess is given people have gotten Matter over Wifi devices to work, UDI is having problems with ipv6 traffic. For home assistant there were serveral ipv6 hop params needed to listen inside a container. I have no idea of UDI is working. Now it seems to be a listening issue.
I had 5.9.1 and just updated and it is installing 1_13 as I watch the log.
My issue with the post is that the only devices I have tried to commission using IOS were already commissioned devices when I got the error.
Oh, I had problems. 1 of my soft starts on my AC units died and some other stuff not to mention the thousands spent replacing switches and that's before all the time (which honestly, I enjoy problem solving so yeah). I have a claim with Tesla.
So tesla came out. a big issue with the flickering and reliability was there was a loose neutral on the main panel (after meter, before load center(s)) I suspected this and I checked neutral all the way to the gateways but not to the main panel because I had to turn off power to house and wasn't sure exactly how to test. I mean the lug had to be turned 3 more times (full turns) to lock it down. I knew when they came to replace my main breaker after meter because they broke a lug that they were going to forget to check all the torques again.
I am using the Inovelli White Switches 2-1 dimmer, fan module, canopy and waiting on the on/off w/humidity to come out. I detailed in another post my issues with the tesla powerwall and insteon switches / communication issues. I've been on insteon for like 20 years (maybe little less) and it has been great, but was showing it's age. I took the opportunity to move to what I assume will be the next generation to be around a while and decided to incur the pain of matter/thread. I am doing thread only if I can. I'm currently using some wifi for specific applications. I haven't replace some of my on/off switches, none of my leak sensors and have kept my keypad lincs.. Waiting for inovelli on/off with humidity for bathrooms, inovelli has an upcoming scene controller and since I'm ubiquity I may use their upcoming product release for leak sensors. I use elk for alarm panel, but may transition to ubiquity protect for alarm at some point. I currently would like to commission my matter light switches that are linked to insteon keypadlincs to manage the syncing of those buttons in eisy instead of home assistant automations and was trying to see how far I could take that, but it is working fine in HA. https://community.inovelli.com/t/my-journey-from-insteon-to-inovelli-and-matter-thread/18613
I’m pretty up on all the networking requirements for matter. I don’t think the matter dongle can work as a thread border router given the requirement to use thread is that you have to have a border router in the 5.9.1 release notes. My real reason for wanting to know if anybody’s gotten a device set up is because there’s no mention of whether or not the Zmatter / EISY need to be on the same vlan as the thread border router. With Home Assistant I had to make sure that the matter server was in the same vlan as the thread Apple border router. My assumption is the EISY is running its own matter server much like Home Assistant has to run its own matter server to provision devices. so far I haven’t been able to get matter servers talking to one other except in the same vlan and at the moment my EISY is not in the same vlan. United States. I’m kind of hoping I can use one of the Wi-Fi connections and stick the Wi-Fi adapter in the vlan of the matter servers instead of having to move the EISY to that vlan but there’s no information on how any of the networking works and a flat network simply doesn’t cut it with all these IOT devices
Has anyone got a matter device paired. I am looking forward to this because I am still using KPLs for scene controllers even though all my switches are now matter over thread. I was hoping to add the to Eisy and then put them in scenes to remove the automations I have built in Home Assistant to keep switch and KPL in sync. I too am getting the error reading QR code message. The 5.9.1 notes talk about wifi settings change, but I'm assuming it doesn't have to turn on the wifi radio as eisy is not acting as a TBR so it doesn't "need" a wifi signal like the TBR does to communicate with thread devices.
There are so many variables to all this. For instance, my main panel is separated from the electrical entrance to the house by probably 50ft of primary wire to the main panel and my secondary powerwall gateway is 75ft away. I also think it makes a difference if your wireless dual band devices are good. I have (had) a lot of switches all dual-band and that may have helped. I haven't seen any red blinking lights in a long time. Have you tried a new PLM? A failing PLM can also cause these problems. If you want to try one reach out, I bought a bunch of new stuff trying to solve this including new PLMs from insteon and won't be using them.
Yes this was investigated by a few of us. Impersonally have done a grid outage simulation and actually when on battery there was no flickering. There are lot of places to look for sure.
So Tesla came today. I could recreate my problem on the room I left Insteon switches in by lowering the backup threshold to 98% and letting the battery provide power for a bit, then raise the backup to 100% so the charger controller in the PW3 kicks on. I explained to him that I would see issues with flicker in the house even if the power wall for the guest house (all connected the same 400amp load center) was going from charge to discharge. I probably need to let it run a bit longer test wise, but the problem seems to now be gone. No flickering. I'm not saying this solves the communication issues and I will continue to monitor for that, but the flickering when going on and off charge seems to be better. The issue is what I suspected and was a loose neutral. They messed up my main breaker during the install and changed it out a few days later. The connection from that breaker to the 400amp load center that feeds both pw3 gateway was loose (like 3 turns of the lug loose). The guy was super honest about it being totally an install failure. I'll test the communication issues to see if they are less. He was pretty sure when we started the problem was either. 1) a loose neutral 2) an improperly bonded neutral to ground (either bad bond or that there was more than 1 bond to neutral). I had checked the double bonded issue myself in the panels and ensured the bonding lugs in the gateways were removed, but didn't want to mess with the high power load in the main panel and wasn't sure how to test (other than tightening) for a bad neutral as I have some big splice blocks as well. Anyway, if you see flickering, maybe check the neutrals as stuff I read in other forums also eluded to this.