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  1. bigDvette's post in ISY does not read status if played or paused from the app was marked as the answer   
    @Flex the updated node server is in the store.  If you go to purchases then click reinstall you will see there is an update.
    I also added a mute status (thought might be handy for what you were doing).  I’m not 100% that status will get added to existing speakers.  The speakers should get the same names if they get re-added so if you have any problems try deleting  the Sonos speakers and then restart the nodeserver.  I usually remove them using  the nodes tab on the polyglot web page.
    if you change play, pause, volume or mute from say the Sonos app, it will take up to as many seconds as you have configured the shortpoll on the config tab of the nodeserver.  
  2. bigDvette's post in eisy Migration and Network Resources was marked as the answer   
    That point was actually in the migration wiki.  I have found you  have to do this basically any time you restore a backup.
  3. bigDvette's post in eisy can't retrieve nodes was marked as the answer   
    3.1.17 update fixed the issue
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