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Everything posted by madmartian

  1. Well, that was interesting. Turns out Comcast had set the modem up using the wrong MAC address. On the bottom of the modem - and I did ask which one they wanted - are "WAN MAC" and "HFC MAC". The correct address is the HFC MAC. They set it up with the wrong address. No idea how it was working at all, but it was working with some devices. My own app - "Simple Home Controller" - does not use the portal, so I need the port forwarding for that. Someday maybe I will learn how to program for the portal.
  2. Yah, already went through all the listed troubleshooting steps. Will submit a ticket.
  3. I swapped out cable modem combos from an Arris SBG7600AC2 to an Arris G36. eISY continued to work with the portal without issue. The G36 had an issue with spontaneous reboots so I decided to return it and swapped back in the same SBG7600AC2 I was using previously, and now suddenly the portal is offline. No idea why or how to get it back online. eISY otherwise works fine. I can connect to it via the computer admin console as well as a phone app via wifi. The Portals tab in the admin console shows both "Offline" and "Registered". The portal itself shows "Error - ISY is not online" when I try to bring up any menus. This is on the same computer I am running the admin console from. I tried rebooting both the router and the eISY without change. In the portal profile "my preferred ISY" is set to the eISY and there is no triangle exclamation on the eISY (there is a "!" on the ISY994i since it's not active and not plugged in). I verified with IP Scanner that the UUID is found and matches what's listed for the eISY. Expiry date in the portal has a 2025 date. I tried all the troubleshooting steps listed in Portal Access Troubleshooting - except for the last one that says to open a ticket. Thought I'd try the forum first. Note that I have changed nothing on the old modem - it still has the same config and port forwarding for the eISY it had before and the ports are still correct. Any ideas?
  4. Thanks for the tip - might try that - though I can turn off the device manually through the admin console without issue, so I'm not so sure it's noise.
  5. No, I replaced the old bulb fixture with a perm LED structure.
  6. I should mention that the switch is 2466S ToggleLinc, which is not dual band.
  7. A few months ago? How would I prevent the light itself from generating noise and blocking the off?
  8. I tried a trail of modules leading up to the switch and the switch is available now, but is still not responding to programs. This has been super frustrating as this worked without issue for years and now I can't get it to work. To be clear, the on command is working but the off command is not. Simple dusk to dawn turn the light on, else turn the light off. Worked for years on the old ISY994i. I thought the eISY might be the culprit until I found the range extender issue. Now I am back to wondering if this has something to do with the eISY (5.8.0). I already tried deleting the program and rewriting it. I know it's running the else command as I added a notification for when it does.
  9. Well. I plugged one into an outlet that has an appliance module and when I put it in test mode, the appliance module light blinked. I tried the same with the other range extender and the appliance module did not react. Looks like I found the bad range extender. As these things are no longer made and people ask too much money for used ones, any idea what common repairs on a range extender might be, ie a likely bad part I can swap out with a soldering iron?
  10. I had a particular Insteon switch stop responding - the one furthest from the eISY - and I believe I found the problem to be faulty range extenders. I have a pair that's been setup for years and was working at one time. I tried to test them following the directions (press button on unit A 4 times, unit B should blink green) and all I get on unit B is solid green, indicating no communication with unit A. I tried plugging them into the same circuit (2 plugs on the same wall) which should have resulted in unit B being red, but it's still solid green. I have also tried swapping which is unit A and which is B. I cannot get one unit to acknowledge the other in any way. Am I doing something wrong or is one of my range extenders bad, even though both appear to function in text mode as unit A?
  11. Just curious if anyone is working on Eufy security system integration, or if that's even possible. Would love to have a camera trigger also trigger devices from the eISY.
  12. I tested Simple Home Controller with Android 14. I upgraded to an eISY controller. No issues! Yay!!!
  13. The word from Michel is "no, that's only if your eisy was a secondary controller to something else." Confusing warning message in that case... So looks like I can just click "yes" on the reset warning screen without any pre or post operations. I will post again if I have any issues.
  14. Thanks Geddy. I filed a ticket. I'll post the steps here after I receive them and complete the reset so other folks can find the instructions.
  15. The warning message says, "unless you plan on restoring a backup of the z-wave dongle [I don't] you should remove this ISY from the Z-Wave network before doing a factory reset" That warning implies additional step(s) before and possibly after doing the factory reset of the Z-Wave dongle, but does not specify the exact steps. I am looking for the specific menu selections to do both before and after the Z-Wave reset. This does not appear to be documented anywhere.
  16. Please read the original post above. I already tried that and it pops up with a warning message, pictured above.
  17. I appreciate your response, but I am not looking to learn all that about Z-Wave controllers. I just need the steps to reset the eISY Z-Wave dongle.
  18. I decided to start from scratch with Z-wave on the eISY dongle after previously migrating the Z-Wave settings from the 994i. I do a lot of testing of devices and most of the Z-Wave devices aren't even plugged in, so the migration did funny things. Time to start from scratch and only add the Z-Wave devices I'm actually using - while keeping Insteon nodes as-is. When I go to Z-Wave/Advanced/Factory Reset Z-Wave Dongle, a message pops up that I don't understand (see attached image). What else do I need to do? (exact menu selections and correct order appreciated) The goal is: Complete reset of Z-Wave, including removal of all Z-Wave nodes and starting the numbering from scratch as I add them back in. As if I had never added a Z-Wave device and was just starting. Without erasing any Insteon nodes... Those migrated perfectly. I will individually reset each Z-Wave device before adding it back.
  19. Update 43 has been submitted to Google. Should be propagated within a few days. This primarily updates the target API so the app will continue to be listed in the Google Play store. If you are not sure which version is currently running, tap "Debug" on the login screen and it will be right at the top. Once again this was created with a new version of the Delphi mobile development environment. I took precautions this time to avoid a failed release, but I am still limited to a few test devices. Please let me know if you have any issues. At this time, I cannot justify the expense of purchasing an eISY system, so this has only been tested with the ISY994i + Z-Wave 5 daughter board (the ISY994i firmware no longer supports the Z-Wave 3 daughter board). I have no idea if this works with the eISY (with Z-Wave module) or not. I assume it doesn't, but I am curious to hear if it does. If anyone has an extra eISY lying around and wants to donate one, I will make sure it is supported.
  20. New update rolling out today. I had to update my development environment to create it, so please let me know if you have any issues. This should bring the app current in regards to the Google Play Store. Also fixed a minor bug that only occurred on first-run (dimming didn't work until second time the app was run).
  21. Thanks Ralph! I had the same issue last night - I said "Alexa, goodnight" and nothing happened! I opened up my bedside tablet and clicked off everything just fine in my app. So glad I wrote that thing!
  22. Just got this on ebay. Reset it first. Then tried to include it. Inclusion worked, but no nodes were created. Weird, So then I excluded it, then included it again. Both appeared to work with no errors, but again no nodes created. Is 5.3.3 broken with respect to the Everspring ST814-2? I can tell from old threads it was working in the past (2015, likely with the 300 board). I have the 500 series Z-Wave board. I know this is not a "Plus" device, but in theory it should still work.
  23. I use Spotify. While it does let you add your own files to the library, it only lets you use them on the device they are stored on. Playing on Everywhere automatically skips manually added files.
  24. Thanks to Asbril and MrBill, I was able to get this to work with remotes. You have to do the following: Set a state (not integer) variable in the ISY Create a program with an "if" that says "control [your remote button] is on" Set the "then" to "variable [your variable] = 1 add to "then": "wait 15 seconds" add to "then": "variable [your variable] = 0 In the ISY portal Amazon Echo Device List, select add variable and select the desired variable, setting the trigger to "1" Ask Alexa to discover devices. When setting a trigger in Alexa Routines, click on Smarthome and select the trigger you setup. Set a custom response to "play [song name] by [artist] to everywhere for [# of seconds] seconds" I can now use the GoControl WA00Z-1 as a doorbell. I added both buttons in the "if" statement so either one will work. These are super cheap, by the way, going for about $12. They are being closed out on Amazon, Ebay, and here: https://www.zwaveproducts.com/products/gocontrol-z-wave-scene-controller-wall-switch-wa00z-1 Get 'em while you can! The only issues remaining are the delay and Alexa saying "playing for 15 seconds or until end of the song" before the song starts. I googled this but could not find a single inquiry about it. Sadly, Alexa's "brief mode" has no affect on this. Just one of many things I wish I could get Alexa to stop saying, along with "playing from [device name]" when my tablet connects to Alexa via Bluetooth. <sigh>
  25. Thanks for the replies. I am playing around with Alexa Routines and have run into the following issues: 1. I have to choose a specific Alexa device to play on. It will not let me choose "everywhere" or a custom group if I am not using the custom command. 2. While it will play a song, I must choose the length of time in 5 second increments. I can play the song for 10 seconds or 15 seconds, but not 12 seconds. (again, when not using the custom command) 3. I must play the song from the beginning - I can't choose to skip any. My desire to play Devo's "There's No Place Like Home" as my doorbell won't work since the song does not begin with the chorus. 4. I tried the custom command, which does work on "everywhere", but there is a six-second delay. This appears to be an artifact of the "everywhere" command as there is a three-second delay when I play spotify on my PC to "everywhere" that otherwise isn't there when I play to one device. 5. I found I can add "for 15 seconds" to the end of the custom command, and that works, but then Alexa will say "playing for 15 seconds or until the end of the song" before the song starts. Quite annoying! 6. Reading the ISY/Alexa instructions, I found I can setup motion sensors and contact sensors to trigger Alexa Routines. However in practice this did not work so well. I tried to setup three different remotes as contact sensors and none of them worked to trigger the routine. I also tried telling Alexa they were motion sensors (following the removal and rediscovery protocols) but that didn't work either. Only actual motion sensors set as motion sensors worked to trigger the routine. False triggers make a motion sensor terribly impractical for a doorbell, though.
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