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Everything posted by bshepperd

  1. Interesting exchange... thanks for all the ideas After reading everyone's preferences I will make a couple of changes. I was approaching it more from a typical programming environment when I should be thinking of device naming from an end user perspective since it is what is displayed in mobile apps. To make the programming a little easier I will switch to folders for rooms instead of grouping by device type. Not sure it is necessary to have a folder for the floors since each room can easily have a unique name in my house. I will likely having scenes in the same folder.
  2. interesting. In your scheme you do not worry about the type of device. If the on level is 100 or it is simply an on or off type of device you do not have a suffix for the On-level - correct? This makes sense for lights and switches. How about a motion sensor or 8 button keypad?
  3. Does anyone have a good naming convention for devices? For instance, a motion sensor on the south deck has three entries in the device list. One for low battery, dusk dawn, and state (on/off). I have tried a number of different options but have not been fully satisfied. An example could be: ddLocation.function where dd is a two digit prefix for the device. In this case it could be "ms" for motion sensor. Location could be the location of the sensor (SouthDeck). And function could be LowBat. The full name would be: msSouthDeck.LowBat For a leak sensor under the guest bathroom sink it could be lsGuestBathSink.Dry Common prefixes could be ms - motion sensor ls - leak sensor os - open sensor ds - door sensor sd - switchlink dimmer so - switch link on/off kd - keypad dimmer switch mo - micro on/off module ll - lamplink dimmer td - toggle dimmer lr - in-linelink relay md - micro dimmer mr - mini remote etc. A common problem seems to be in choosing a convention that results in names that are too long. I am curious to see if anyone has suggestions for a good convention.
  4. 2443-222 Micro Module On/Off v.43 It is not a part of any scenes and it controls a normal two bulb ceiling light. Total of 150 watts. After posting, I remembered that I had been using a circuit tracer trying to find out which breakers controlled which outlets in the house. I am guessing that the signal from the circuit tracer could have been causing issues with the switch. I haven't had any problems since I took the tracer out of the outlet.
  5. I had a strange experience this afternoon where the master bedroom light flashed on and off repeatedly. Every three to four seconds it flashed on and then off. The last log entry was my wife turning it off manually. The logs looks as if someone was turning it on and off manually each time. Has anyone experienced anything like this? It is almost as if the switch is faulty. I have added the log below.
  6. I have a 2443-222 on/off module that turned on by itself early this morning. I installed it last night but had not yet created any programs to control it. When I looked at the Log it shows the following: Lights / Main_MasterBedroom On Sat 2014/01/11 09:18:43 AM Web Log Lights / Main_MasterBedroom Status 100% Sat 2014/01/11 09:18:44 AM System Log Lights / Main_MasterBedroom Off Sat 2014/01/11 09:18:45 AM Web Log Lights / Main_MasterBedroom Status 0% Sat 2014/01/11 09:18:46 AM System Log The first entry is mysterious since it appears that someone turned on the module via the web interface. The third entry is when I turned it off using my iPad. I am the only one that has access to the web interface so it seems improbable that someone else could have turned it on. Has anyone experienced this issue before? I am on version 4.1.1 on both firmware and UI.
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