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Everything posted by bleepblorp

  1. I used NotifyMyAndroid until that service shuttered due to GDPR. I switched to Join because of how well it works with Tasker. Not sure how it compares to the other suggestions above, but thought I'd mention it in case you are a Tasker fan.
  2. I mount the EZFlora 8-Zone in a box outside. In fact, I am reusing my old Rainbird box.
  3. Buying a second one right now ...
  4. I'm buying a Home right now!
  5. If you are okay with just always running for 8 hours straight you could do this without recording the run time as a variable. You could use the trigger of the solar panel system starting launch a program like this: if solar panel system is on then turn on pump wait 8 hours turn off pump Would that work?
  6. I didn't notice that your log file shows an error for POST and GET. That IS interesting, but not totally sure what to make of it :/ I'll take another look at this on the weekend though!
  7. Hey ravedog, That other thread was originally talking about trying to accomplish exactly the same thing that you are (SS triggers ISY) and then later refers to doing the reverse (ISY triggers SS). The first issue was solved by jwagner010: Follow these 3 steps to allow SS to trigger ISY ... http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/14890-synology-surveillance-station-and-rest/?p=127785 ... but use this updated script for step 2 http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/14890-synology-surveillance-station-and-rest/?p=127932 The key is that SS is not performing an HTTP GET when it executing Actions for External devices. I and others have fed back to Synology that they need to add an option to allow you to choose what SS should send for each action (similar to when you create an ISY Network Resource). If you don't have a need for ISY trigger to SS then you can ignore the rest of the thread.
  8. Have you seen this thread already? http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/14890-synology-surveillance-station-and-rest/
  9. Nice job! Those do look good. I do have a set of the clear buttons that I didn't care for originally. I'll take another look at this.
  10. How did I miss this? Totally installing on my phone now. Thanks for the tip!
  11. Doh! After all this time I never noticed that. Well now I feel like a complete idiot. A happy idiot though! Thanks for setting me straight,all!
  12. I agree that disabling is the best method for programs like this. I wish there were a way to conveniently 'disable' ISY from querying the specific devices as well so as to avoid getting the series of pop-up messages about device not found. Is there a better practice here than just ignoring the pop-ups for items you knowingly removed? Just curious.
  13. Good to know these aren't high failure rate items. I don't lose power often, but I will never forget this experience. Thanks again, Michel. Sincerely, Bertram
  14. No problem, Michel. You were spot on as usual! I was able to perform the steps you outlined to a T. So glad to have my ISY back up! I think I'll leave some of these SD cards handy and ready to go just in case. Best regards, Bertram
  15. So last night I had the misfortune to come home to my ISY994i flashing its red error LED. Looking on the forum and wiki I found this could be due to a bad SD card. I apparently lost power while I was out so maybe it was related? In any case, I started following the instructions here: http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Replacing/Formatting_an_SD_Card Unfortunately, I don't get the result indicated in step 2.4. After inserting the new SD card, logging in via telnet with the default user name and password, entering 'FS', I get the following text as expected: ***WARNING*** You will lose all data/configurations. The controller may become inoperable! Proceed (Y/N) I type 'Y' and hit enter and then it just sits there. I let it sit all night. It never said 'Goodbye' as indicated in the wiki. I tried moving on to the next step of browsing to http://universal-devices.com/99i, the page looks like it starts running java but then stops with an error: When I click the error it says a class can't be found: Anyone have advice for me on this? I'm not sure how to proceed other than trying more SD cards. Also, not sure if it matters but I have the ISY with the SD card accessible from the front. Regards, Bertram
  16. I've played around with using Google's tts and network resources with my squeezebox devices to do this. If the Sonos can play a link like ... http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?tl=en&q=Hello%20world ... then it may be an option that doesn't require another box.
  17. I think you would need at least two programs for this: 1. a program that responds to any of the devices turning on and adds '1' to a state variable ... if it turns off then it subtracts '1' 2. a programs that responds to the state variable changing ... if it is greater than or equal to 2 then execute your intended code
  18. bleepblorp

    outside audio

    I'm still enjoying Squeezebox throughout the house so I continued this outside as well. I use a 'homemade' squeezebox using the very well done Squeezeplug software for raspberrypi. I have that connected to an extended battery inside a Drytunes box to protect it from the elements (and also allow it to float in the pool if I care). The result is seamlessly synced audio inside and outside the house that I can control from android, idevices, and ISY.
  19. I suspect it depends on what you want the ISY to do. In your original example, it sounds like you want to be able to trigger your Itunes installation to play a playlist (presumably using Airplay) based on ISY detecting an event (button press on a keypad). While ISY won't do this directly the product has long been dedicated to communicating to open interfaces. Airplay doesn't quite fall into this category. With that said, you could achieve what you describe, but you would need to create a network interface for your Itunes server to listen for commands (i.e. some server that would run on your Itunes server). A quick google search for 'control itunes command line' seems promising. As far as streaming in a Smarthome, as I imagine you are well aware there are lots of streaming options in the market today. The difficulty of having ISY talk to each of these varies quite a bit. I would imagine Airplay is going to be on the more involved end of the spectrum. I, for one, am a long time Squeezebox customer (even though it has been discontinued for some time). I was able to use the ISY's network resource option to control all the players in my home without any additional fooling around. Ultimately I guess I responded just to reply that what you want to do can be done, but like a lot of things in home automation the choice of products/interfaces/etc will guide the complexity of the result. Sincerely, Bertram
  20. Thanks, shannong! I don't have a 2nd sensor for my garage door yet, but I had been thinking about getting one for the very reason you describe. I really want to know that the door is fully open or fully closed. In my case, I have a Jeep that just barely clears when the door is fully open. In addition, if the top of the Jeep is on the view while backing up makes discerning the position of the garage door tough. I feel like I end up waiting an unusually long amount of time to make sure the door is all the way up. I thought it could be handy to set up red and green lights that indicate when it is safe to back up. ~ Bertram
  21. I would think so. It does seem to be a pretty versatile device with the different modes of operation - single momentary, dual momentary, and latched.
  22. Can you confirm that you been able to clear the java cache? KMan and LeeG have posted links on this important step.
  23. Works perfectly! This is so much simpler than my previous solution that required a separate server to monitor the squeezebox server.
  24. Awesome! I have a buggy external server that I've been using to do this which has been very frustrating. I'll be setting this up tonight. Thanks for sharing the info, jwagner010!
  25. I think I've read that this isn't a good idea because the two controllers might have different ideas about how each device is supposed to be configured and then mess it up one way or another. No matter what I think you're right ... it would be a lot of linking.
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