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    San Diego, CA

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  1. Ahh, bummer... Well, I had been thinking to re-do all the wiring to use the Relay side of the IOLincs I have monitoring the doors... it will just be a lot more/extra wiring. Ahh well Thanks again, -Taner
  2. +1 on the ecobees. I have 6 of them The UI on their smartphone app is a little sub-par in my opinion, but it functions. This makes me very happy! Would be great to have these tied into my ISY. -Taner
  3. Ahh, ok. I'll add a couple watchdog programs, then Yeah, I agree it's most likely that packets are getting corrupted on the wire and misinterpreted by the devices. I have a feeling this might have to do with line noise generated by my AC units... but I have no idea how to filter/isolate those. Are there any line filters that work at high-current 220? (~60A) -Taner
  4. Hello! I use an EZIO4O to trigger my garage doors, but the device comes by default set to Latching mode for the Relay, and so that means I have to send an On, wait 2 sec, and send an Off. Normally I wouldn't care too much about that, but the devices in my garage seem to not communicate very well with the rest of the house (it's a very long run of cable, and my Access Points seem to barely make up the difference), so I don't want them to be stuck "on" ever. The EZIO4O can be programmed to be Momentary, but the programming software requires me to connect my laptop directly to the PLM, and I don't even have a COM port on my laptop, so I'll have to go find a USB-to-Serial adapter... etc... So, my question is: Is there any hope to get an [OPTIONS] button for the EZIO4O in the ISY admin console? (similar to the one for the IOLinc) I realize the EZIO4O is not actually produced by SmartHome (rather by "Smartenit"), but I had assumed there would be a way for the ISY to tell the PLM what to do to program it... perhaps not... -Taner
  5. Oops, I thought I had replied to this thread, but perhaps I never actually submitted it! Anyway, I've gone ahead and added a 1sec delay to the programs that adjust any of the button scenes on my KPLs... we'll see if that helps prevent this from happening again. It had only happened once each way (ON and OFF) for me in the last several months, so it might have been some other type of gremlins (since I have no motion sensors) So... one strange thing.. this house still has an old Lutron RadioRA system in it, and when the "all off" event happened across all of my Insteon devices, it seemed to also turn off a couple of the Lutron-controlled lights. Now, I'm not convinced that happened at the same time (there are some light switches that remain on at all times, so I went to check those when the all-off happened, and one of them was off), and I don't even think Lutron and Insteon even operate in the same frequency spectrum, but I figured I would at least mention this as well "just in case". This might just be a coincidence (or otherwise a red herring). Oh, one related question I have: Is there a way to completely disable/prevent an "ALL ON" event from being broadcast by the PLM? I have a few outlets/switches that really should not be turned on "accidentally" if possible... or at least, shouldn't possibly be "left on" for a long time. If not, I guess I can write some "watchdog" programs to ensure these don't stay on for super-long. Thoughts? -Taner
  6. Actually, after thinking about this some more, I recall that the "all off" happened just as I hit the "back of the house off" button on the KPL... The "all on" happened when (I think) a program ran that turned on a light that would have triggered an "on" for one other KPL buttons (scene)
  7. First, thanks for the response! Hmm, this is traffic begin (perhaps) sent to the PLM and misconstrued as "Turn on ALL", or you mean there is malformed packets being broadcast which each device sees/acts on? I don't have any Motion Sensors (the list I provided should be concise as to module types, just not exact on the count ), but I have 2 KPL8's that check states and adjust scenes based on those states. A) 3 buttons check the state of various lights (kitchen, hallway, family room) and set an appropriate KPL on of off. General form of these programs is "IF (light1 status off AND light2 status off ...) THEN set KPL button scene off ELSE set KPL button scene on" second KPL shows the state of my garage doors, and if a button is pressed will "press the garage door button". This is actually a slightly intricate setup: [*:3rdka2ta]IOLinc dry contacts connected to a magnetic switch, closed (On) when door is closed. There are 4 of these (4 doors). [*:3rdka2ta] 4 separate programs monitor these sensors and each sets a variable on or off based on the door state, and then calls my "StatusALL" program which sets the light on a 5th button on or off if any of the doors is open (If $door1=1 OR $door2=1 [...] THEN set scene GarageANY 100% ELSE set scene GarageANY off) [*:3rdka2ta]Each of the 4 status/control buttons on the KPL has an associated program that toggles its respective channel on an EZIO4 that does: [*:3rdka2ta]Set DoorOpen1 100% [*:3rdka2ta]Wait 2 sec [*:3rdka2ta]Set DoorOpen1 OFF ...this was because I could not program my EZIO (requires Windows XP!?!) to make the relays momentary... I am thinking to redo these to use the relay side of the IOLinc... I hadn't done that initially because this now complicates the wiring greatly. [*:3rdka2ta]Due to the inconsistency communicating to the garage devices, I created another program, linked to a 6th button, that essentially "rescans" the sensors (calls QUERY on each sensor) [*:3rdka2ta]Also, in case it matters, this KPL Button mode is "Non-Toggle [OFF]", since I control light state from programs EZIO4O: Relay side of EZIO4O is soldered onto the "button" contacts of the garage door controller: Sorry if any of that is hard to follow -- I can give you exact code if you want, etc. If you think I should add delays to any of these situations, which would be the ones to do it to? Thanks, -Taner
  8. Wow, I should probably have put a few more details in that post, sorry 1) ISY 994i running 4.0.5 2) Roughly 60 devices, mostly SwitchLinc (switch or dimmer), 5x IOLinc, 2x KPL8, 2x OutletLinc, 1 EZIO4, 1 iMeter Solo 3) I have a SignaLinc bridging the phases near one of my sub panels 4) I have to run Access Points to properly get signal into my detached garage, as I'm guessing the power run is a bit too far (the mains power in my house is run in an "interesting" fashion, and I have solar that feeds into it, at the detached garage -- so perhaps that is why). Even that is not a stable connection, though (I often get errors that they cannot communicate).
  9. So, before I get into this event: a few weeks ago, I actually had the opposite happen: Everything in the house turned OFF all of a sudden... I had meant to post about it then, but neglected to. This time, however, suddenly everything in the house turned ON (including my I/OLinc that triggers the door bell ). Right around that time there could have been a program running to turn on 1-2 lights (evening). I don't really see anything else in the exported UDReport logs around that time, other than me going around and turning things back off again. Oddly, I don't even see ALL of the switches I turned off... hmm. The Error log has this near that timeframe, but I think actually AFTER the event (I honestly don't even remember when it exactly happened): Fri 2013/07/12 06:41:09 PM System -5012 26 Fri 2013/07/12 06:41:14 PM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:30 error:6 Fri 2013/07/12 06:41:19 PM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:30 error:6 Fri 2013/07/12 06:41:24 PM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:30 error:6 Fri 2013/07/12 06:41:29 PM System -170001 [uDSockets] RSub:30 error:6 Fri 2013/07/12 06:41:34 PM System -5012 27 Is there something that could trigger this, somehow? What sort of things should I look for when troubleshooting this? Unfortunately, I did not have the ISY admin console open at the time, so I don't have anything from the Event Viewer :-/ This is the first time (other than the all-off that happened) something like this has happened since installing all my Insteon devices (about 2mo+). I did recently upgrade my ISY to 4.0.5, though. Thoughts? -Taner
  10. Hello! I have a couple scenes set up for some lights in the back hall of my house, and I wrote programs to turn them ON in the evening, then (later at night) automatically dim both scenes if either of them is currently ON, and ultimately turning them OFF even later at night. I did the dimming by setting the "On Level" for each device in each scene, and then issuing an "ON" command. (It seemed to work better with the 5sec delay in there, which might be overkill, but *shrug*) I then restore the "On Level" (back to 100%) when I auto-shut-off the lights late at night, so that the next day they come on at 100% once again (or any other time I issue an 'On' to that scene outside of a hardware/Local control) I'm mostly curious if this back-and-forth is necessary, versus somehow just sending the scene a "set current brightness to 25%" command (which I couldn't seem to find?) Here're are the programs, with the explanation that (PRI) is just the hardware that is physically controlling the load, versus the other dimmers ( (Bar) and (Window) ) which are their respective slaves: ON: If Time is Sunset - 30 minutes Then Set Scene 'Hall Sconces Back' On Set Scene 'Hall Sconces Laundry' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') DIM: If Time is 12:30:00AM And-( | Status 'Hall Sconce Back (PRI)' > 20% | Or Status 'Hall Sconce Laundry (PRI)' > 20% -) Then In Scene 'Hall Sconces Back' Set 'Hall Sconce Back (PRI)' 25% (On Level) In Scene 'Hall Sconces Back' Set 'Hall Sconce Back (Bar)' 25% (On Level) In Scene 'Hall Sconces Laundry' Set 'Hall Sconce Laundry (PRI)' 25% (On Level) In Scene 'Hall Sconces Laundry' Set 'Hall Sconce Laundry (Window)' 25% (On Level) Wait 5 seconds Set Scene 'Hall Sconces Back' On Set Scene 'Hall Sconces Laundry' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') 12:30am dimming (if not already off) Full OFF (mostly in case I've forgotten to turn them off ): If Time is 3:00:00AM Then Set Scene 'Hall Sconces Back' Off Set Scene 'Hall Sconces Laundry' Off Run Program 'Hall Sconce Restore' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') And the "Restore" program is just: If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then In Scene 'Hall Sconces Back' Set 'Hall Sconce Back (PRI)' 100% (On Level) In Scene 'Hall Sconces Back' Set 'Hall Sconce Back (Bar)' 100% (On Level) In Scene 'Hall Sconces Laundry' Set 'Hall Sconce Laundry (PRI)' 100% (On Level) In Scene 'Hall Sconces Laundry' Set 'Hall Sconce Laundry (Window)' 100% (On Level) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Any thoughts/comments? I had initially tried to restore the "On Level" of the scenes at the end of the "Then" clause in the Dimming program, but that didn't seem to work... it would never dim the scenes -- they just stayed at 100% -Taner
  11. Aaaaand, apparently I need to read the UDI wiki, and not the "quick start" that comes with the devices I created a scene for these switches, added them to it (as "Controllers") and all seems much happier now I'm not sure if it matters that I had previously linked the switches to one another, or not, but I'll find out when I install my next 3-way or 4-way switch setup -Taner
  12. When adding 3-way (or more-way) controlled light, should I add both the Primary (with the actual load) and Secondary (just a controller) to the ISY, or just the primary? I noticed that if I adjust the dimming on the primary (using the physical dimming function of the switch), while it reflects it on the LEDs of the Secondary 2477D, the ISY doesn't notice it unless I force a poll... which makes me wonder if I should even bother putting it into the ISY at all (?) Also, interestingly, the percentages don't match between Pri and Sec (they can be way off, like right now the Pri says 86%, and the Sec says 55%)... and if I adjust the brightness of the Primary via the ISY, the Seconday doesn't seem to know about it Also: When pairing the devices, I only did it directly on the devices -- is there anything I should do on the ISY, as well? I had half-expected the ISY to show appropriate "Controller for" and "Responder to" membership, but it doesn't. Did I do something incorrectly? I'm still familiarizing myself w/ this stuff, so perhaps -Taner
  13. So, I was playing around with setting up a loop that will query my iMeter Solo every 5 min, so that there is always a fresh value, since I plan to set up a cacti monitor to poll its status via the REST interface, later... But... it doesn't "start" unless I force it to run initially (right-click, Run (If))... Am I missing something? This is the program: If Status 'iMeter Solo' is Responding Then Set 'iMeter Solo' Query Wait 5 minutes Run Program 'iMeter Update' (If) Else Wait 15 minutes Run Program 'iMeter Update' (If) Keep the iMeter value freshly-updated. I have the Else clause to just prevent a useless query if the Meter happens to be unplugged, with a slightly longer delay before it checks again. Is the "is Responding" not a good condition for the 'If'? Does it not "trigger" except when there is a state change, or something? (Are the If statements only edge-triggered?) I'm new to programming the ISY (but not new to programming, in general -- I'm a software engineer), so I may be missing something fundamental about how the If clauses work Thanks!! -Taner
  14. My iMeter Solo shows up on both my Android (phone) app, as well as my iOS (iPad) app... I just have to click it to force a refresh (query). I tried setting up a looping program to query the iMeter ever 5min (to keep the value updated) just to see if I could -- and that works... but that also sort of seems silly, unless you plan to record and perhaps graph this data...?
  15. Hello, all -- thanks for all of the responses! I'll address the questions by starting with some more background, and then addressing questions in a slightly random order (not on purpose, heh)... I currently have the recirc pump come on at about 6:30am, and turn off at about 1:30pm, since that is when we would want instant hot water the majority of the time. If the pump is OFF, it takes 3+ minutes (of wasting water) to get hot water to a faucet that is not right next to the tankless water heaters (which happens to be the majority of the faucets that are in use, daily). Our schedules are erratic, however, and sometimes we'd want to shower at ~7am, and sometimes not until 11am or even later (sometimes it ends up as early afternoon)... this is why there is a long run time already. The recirc pump pulls about 175+W (as per my kill-a-watt), and (realistically) we'd really only need the pump running for maybe 1.5-2 hours of the day, tops -- instead of the 7+ hours it runs today. Being able to take a shower in the evening without waiting 5min for the water to heat up would also be nice Once the pump turns on, it takes about ~30 sec for hot water to reach the farthest location in the house (compared to the 3+min without it... and a recirc pump is at least not wasting the water). There are no tanks at any sinks for flow buffering. Sometimes if we happen to take a cooler shower, the hot water flow is not enough to convince the tankless heaters to stay on, and so they will turn off briefly, and then fire back up 30 sec later -- meanwhile I get blasted by super-cold water for a short time. :-/ This is why I'd rather just run the recirc pump while showering. I've considered simply hooking the light switch for the shower to a trigger that also starts the pump -- but that only works for the bathrooms that have a separate light for the shower or tub area. I have also considered doing a partial on/off sort of deal (on for 5 min, off for 3, etc) but stopping/starting a motor generally shortens its lifespan more than just leaving it on for a longer period of time.... and I'm still left with the situation where I come home late at night and want to shower. It's very good to hear that I could use a SwitchLinc Dimmer and have it (essentially) show how much time is left on the pump run cycle -- I think that would be a neat way to display status! I had just assumed I'd get an "it's on" or "it's off" (LED) sort of feedback, but the gradient display is much better Honestly, I also sort of want to just do this to see it work... I mean, the "tinkering" side of me Also, thanks for the pointers on the program code... I didn't realize you'd have to make it (essentially) recursive like that. Is that the normal way to do that sort of "loop"? I guess a more fundamental question: How often (and under what circumstances) are the IF conditions checked to see if a given program should run? Oh, one last thing: ...is it sad/scary that I actually DID think about doing it that way, too? Well, at least, with motion detectors or somesuch hahah Thanks, again!! -Taner
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