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  1. That's what I figured... but I know that I do not need to do that to a SwitchLinc in order for a change in local rate/level settings to take effect when I have set it by tapping or double-tapping the set button. Michel... do you mean that if the local rate/level settings are programmed 'remotely' that a reboot is required? Just trying to clarify in my head... Thanks... -- Jamie
  2. Call me crazy... but how does one 'reboot' a SwitchLinc? Does tapping or double-tapping the set button do that as part of the process? Thanks... -- Jamie
  3. This new feature is great - but what if the scene controller (actually - one of the scene controllers) is also the local load? Is there any way to programatically change the local level/rate of a SwitchLinc for example? Thanks...
  4. I know it's still new, but will there be support added for the INSTEON Wireless Motion Sensor? http://www.smarthome.com/2420M.html Thanks... -- Jamie
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