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  1. FIXED! looks like it was my home firewall blocking the outbound connection, so false alarm, all is well. Thanks!
  2. seems like an important thing to just push to the wayside, would have been nice to get a notification of some kind that this feature is no longer working.
  3. getting an error message for the ISY default SMTP server when trying to send emails, just a generic communication failed. Is the default SMTP server for the ISY still working, or do I have to use a Gmail or some other SMTP server?
  4. is the PLM made out of soft cheese? why does this happen so often?
  5. sorry, forgot to say, I'm a sys admin for a company I manage about 100 desktop and 20 servers. No the PLM is not plugged into the network port. Yes the green light is on, on the PLM. The cable connecting the 2 devices is the one that came in the box and is about 1ft long.
  6. Got my ISY-994i a week ago, set it up, unplugged it, plugged everything plugged everything back in in the basement, now the ISY's RX light is stuck on. It did have an initial issue with communicating with the PLM at first setup, but I did a reset on the ISY and that seemed to fix it. Now the issue is back, please tell me there is an easy fix for this. I'm about ready to throw in the towel and return it the whole integration with Insteon seems to be half-baked the more I read these forums.
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