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Everything posted by Drexx3

  1. Hi Michael, I will try the uninstall, reboot routine to see if that works. I think I tried that during my research to make it work but I just can't confirm. I just got so frustrated trying to make it work. Ultimately I would like it to. I will post my results. I will agree about not throwing money away, that was an overreacting comment. I actually do like being able to access the ISY from a hotel room My apologies. Drexx3
  2. Hi Michael, Thanks, but it wouldn't have gotten it to work if I didn't have those settings correct to begin with. I think it would make sense for you to contact Wes at Mobilinc and ask him to let you use a copy of Mobilinc so you can see the issues for yourself. UDI doesn't make an app for your product so others have. It would also behoove you to realize that your portal product could have bugs or compatibility issues with supporting products. For me, I have thrown away $49 in my opinion as I can't use Mobilinc fully any more and had to go back to using plain old port forwarding. The only benefit for me now having an ISY Portal license it is to be able to login to the Admin console from my work PC without using LogMeIn. Oh well....
  3. Notifications are a feature of Mobilinc Connect but the Geofencing is not. I purchased the ISYPortal module today and have now lost my ability to have Mobilinc update the ISY variable when crossing a geofence boundary. I did not previously use Mobilinc Connect, I was using plain port forwarding using a custom WAN port and secure communication from my router to the ISY. Since switching to ISYPortal today the geofencing does not work. If I reconfigure the app settings to go back to either use a local IP (since I'm at home right now and on the same network) or, if I reconfigure settings back to use the port forwarding the geofencing update works just fine again. Switch back to the ISYPortal configuration and Mobilinc itself works OK (albeit slightly slower response time) but the geofencing is a no go. It results in a communication failure error.
  4. What should one check if it doesn't automatically turn off? I have experienced the same as the OP and also had to create a program to turn the relay back off. I (to the best of my knowledge) followed the Wiki to a "T" and even purchased a different NO/NC contact than comes with the kit so that when it opens the status is "on", and when closed it is "off" (as I understand the original kit came this way). Thanks
  5. I had the same trouble and as recommended by some forum members I just went to Amazon.com and got a few of these (one for each garage door): http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0009SUF08/ref=oh_details_o05_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 These allow you both options and it was odd as i had to wire to the N/C and Common contacts on the relay. I guess the status refers to the relay status when not near the magnet. I used the new relay with the big gray magnet that came with the Insteon garage door kit. It is much more powerful and allows a wide gap between magnet and relay. Works like a champ.
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