I think there is an alternative approach to the above solution for linking a keypad with an iolinc device.
First off, let me clarify that the iolinc sensor as reported by the ISY refers to the sensor light status and not the actual sensor state. When the sensor light is ON the sensor is OFF, meaning the two magnet sensors are 'touching' each other. For our garage control this means that when the sensor (light) reports an ON status, the door is closed and vise versa.
1) First open the garage door, which is the state you want the door to be when an ON command is sent to it by a controller. (in our case the keypad device).
2) Press the controlling keypad button so the light turns ON.
3) Create a scene where the controller is the button from the above step as the controller and the responder is the iolinc relay.
4) Create another scene where the keypad key is the responder. Let's call it LED scene. (This is a follow up scene, which takes care of setting the state of the keypad button after each change in the iolinc sensor)
5) Create a program which takes care of the above step logic.
if iolinc sensor status (light) is on << means door is closed
then set scene LED scene off
else set scene LED scene on
For the above solution
a) The keypad buttons toggle mode can be full toggle, meaning the button sends both on and off commands. (which is the default)
You do not have to select the trigger reverse, thus you don't need to reset anything if the ISY loses power.
c) You select the momentary C option for the relay setup (driven by sensor input)
d) The Query all ISY default program does not mess up your sensor status every time it runs, as it happens with the original solution.
Full instructions at: http://samaklis.no-ip.com/blog/2013/04/ ... kit-setup/
I hope the above helps some people.