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Everything posted by BrianM

  1. Jon... Thanks...I've not used the Wait command often and wasn't aware there's a Random option. Your solution suits me fine. Thanks. Brian
  2. I have an ISY994i/IR running 4.3.26. One of the main functions it provides is to give my house a lived in look when I'm away. I'd like to be able to turn the outside lights on & off a random number of minutes before & after sunrise & sunset. I figured out how to create a random number and store it in a variable but I can't incorporate the variable into the code of the program that controls the outside lights. Anyone know how to do this? Thanks, Brian
  3. Thanks LeeG, that's the part of Java I didn't understand. I now think I know how to make it work.
  4. I have a ISY994i, latest software running a network of 3 X10 units and 4 Insteon units. I'm trying to find a way to make the ISY do a better job of recovery after a power failure. I followed BitSmith's suggestions and find they work well when I specify a SET command in the Power Recovery program but I get nothing happening when I specify execute a program that I use to control a unit. For example: Execute this program when powering up (i.e. power has been restored): If ;When the ISY restarts - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Send Notification to "Myself" content "Power Restored" Enable Program 'POWER RECOVERY' Run Program 'POWER RECOVERY' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The POWER RECOVERY program looks like this: If ;If there is some light From Sunrise - 1 hour To Sunset + 1 hour (same day)! Then ;Turn everything off then disable this program Set Scene 'My_Home_ISY' Off Disable Program 'POWER RECOVERY' Else ;Turn everything off, turn on a soft light then disable this program Set Scene 'My_Home_ISY' Off Set Scene 'Downstairs / Soft_Light' On Disable Program 'POWER RECOVERY' The Set works OK, but if I specify RUN OUTDOOR (with correct syntax), the program that turns on my outdoor lights (X10 controlled) at sunset and off at sunrise, I get nothing happening. OUTDOOR has a From...To IF statement in it...could that be a problem? I don't really understand how Java executes these programs...are they continuously being 'run'? Any help would be appreciated.
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