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Everything posted by Smile4yourself

  1. As a point of clarification, programs can run when the folder is false. Instead, they will not trigger from the IF condition. If called externally (such as from another progam), they WILL run. Yes I would cause a program to run whatever is in the ELSE path. If nothing, then I guess that would be the same as stopping. Also, I think it will halt/interrupt a currently-executing program only if there is a wait statement. Otherwise, I believe a program will continue to completion (which would only be a few seconds or less, anyhow). I have not double checked, but is there not a HALT program option to add to a program? (Memory is vague.) Thanks. You were right. I found "Program; Stop" under the actions. (HALT) Unfortunately, the idea of blinking lights ON and OFF by program control does not work very well, as it seems to take so much power from the ISY to do it. I had created a loop of blinking lights with a REPEAT 50 and one device I was controlling decided to have communication problems. The lights blinked, but rather than at a rate or every second, it took over 20 seconds... it seems that the ISY waits for an acknowledgement before sending out the next command. Once I moved the problem appliancelinc, the lights began to blink every few seconds, but the more lights in the program loop, the blinking rate gets slower. I also set up a button to turn OFF the blinking, but found I had to push it multiple times before the ISY would catch it while it was busy turning lights ON and OFF. It looks to me that we can't program the ISY to send commands every second as it easily gets too busy to do much else. Have you found the same to be true?
  2. I read how to control programs by putting them in a folder, and using an "if statement" on the folder, so that the programs can run only what the folder's if statement tests TRUE. This is great to set up an "AWAY" alarm, so if I leave, I can press an "AWAY" button on a remotelink and use this button to permit the programs in the folder to run. Additionally I have the button in a scene so I can control a led on a keypadlink to see visually when the "away" button has been pushed. The programs in the folder include a trigger program that checks a door switch, and if it is triggered it runs an alarm program which blinks the lights forever. So my question is what's the best way to stop a program? If a program inside a folder is already running, and the folder status becomes "FALSE" because I turned OFF the "AWAY" button on my remote, will the programs continue to work? I thought of making a "Alarm Off" program outside of the folder (so it could run at any time) and in the then path, run "alarm program (else path). Will that interrupt it and cause it to stop? thanks for your help, in advance!
  3. Where does one see the "Status of the Device"? Under the MAIN tab, there is a column called "Current State" which shows the device is either ON or OFF. Under the PROGRAM tab, there is a status column which shows True or False for the program. If the "then" section ran last, it will show TRUE. If the "else" section ran last it will show FALSE. ?? regards
  4. thanks for your help. Your answers were perfect. I had not waited long enough to get the links from the PLM. I am amazed by this technology --how well it works.
  5. ref. viewtopic.php?f=26&t=5731 I waded through this very interesting post (above) and learned: 1. separate triggers to a state, from what should happen while in that state. This is because a trigger that began the program can occur if the same program is in a wait or repeat statement, in which case, it will abort the program and cause it to begin over again, thus giving you misleading or unexpected results. 2. A program that runs the "then path" will remain with a status "true" 3. A program that runs the "else path" will result in a program status of "false" These values can then be tested with an "If statement" My question is if these principals are still valid now that the ISY has variables. I think the wonderful tutorial was written before variables were added to the ISY. I used the first principal effectively and did get the expected results, It does work, but you end up breaking up each program into two.
  6. If the PLM can control an insteon device without a link table in the device authorizing that device to do so isn't that a security problem? Also when i try to get the links using the ISY menu, i get a blank window... I am testing with a motion sensor so maybe I need to wake it up to get a response... But i would have thought the PLM would respond with it's table of links? Best wishes
  7. Something i have not found in the ISY tutorials is an explanation on how to verify that the Insteon Links (the two table entries in the Insteon Controller, and Insteon Responder) have been set up correctly. It is not clear to me either if one must create a scene each time we want to control a device. I think that the PLM can act as a Controller or a Responder, and does so in front of the ISY, but looking at the event logs I don't see the address of the PLM ?? In working on the motion sensor for the garage, I took it down brought it into the house, changed some option, tested it on my dsk, took it back to the garage, and it no longer triggered the program I had used before. I could see the commands from it in the event viewer, so it was operating fine, but maybe the links got screwed up. I need to tell it to make links with the switchlink in the garage if i want it to control the switch without the ISY, but I'd rather have it communicate to the PLM and have the control links between the PLM and the switchlink, and the motion sensor and the PLM. Am i missing something, or maybe totally screwed up? Best wishes
  8. Thanks for your thought provoking response. In the example, the test uses an AND rather than an OR. Doesn't the ISY use "logical AND" ie BOTH tests must be true for the THEN to run? If both statements are tested at the same time, when the first one is TRUE the second one will also be true, as it is a double negative. Thanks for your help
  9. Ref If Control 'Main Bath Motion.1-Sensor' is switched On And Control 'Main Bath Motion.1-Sensor' is not switched Off Then Set 'Main Bath Lights' On Else Set 'Main Bath Lights' Off http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index ... _Bathrooms In the example program, is there a benefit for testing for each of these? I understand that if we use an If statement in the ISY, we are asking it to watch for a certain command from the Insteon PLM. If we watch the event viewer, we can see what commands are being received from the PLM from the motion sensor. In my case, I get a "DOn 1" (device on) followed by a "st 255" (status). I think that if the if statement begins "if control" the Isy looks for the "DON" command. If the if statment begins "if status" the ISY looks for the status command. Maybe someone close to the design of the ISY could comment and clarify my understanding, and if the test for opposites in the example is in fact redundant. Thanks for all your help.
  10. I contacted Insteon today via their chat tool, and told them I had an Insteon device with two different numbers on it: a 2242-232 and a 2412N Rev 3.0 This was their reply: [J.T.] I believe the 232 was a an earlier device which was basically a powerline-only hub, basically a software upgrade on a smartlinc where its the smartlinc (2412n) casing, but the internal workings are the hub, but it's powerline only, not dual band, like the 2242-422 which was a dual band version of the hub in the smartlinc box They also told me that it was not a dual-band device, and could not be used for anything in my current configuration. (the conversation is here on my blog: http://insteonhome.blogspot.ca/2013/08/ ... d-app.html) We can close this issue now. Thanks for your help.
  11. You guys must have seen this before. I add say a button to a new scene and the ISY reports to me that a motion detector on the porch (which has nothing to do with what I'm doing) can not communicate with the ISY. I thought they were RF devices that did not communicate except when they decide to in order to save battery.?? The ISY also reports that my remotelinc does not communicate. This is understand, as I have shut it off to save the battery, but the ISY does not report that the motion detection in the garage can't communicate... so I'm led to believe there is something wrong. To make things stranger, the motion detector on the porch works fine, detecting motion, triggering programs etc. There are different icons in the admin panel of the ISY for two different motion detectors, even though they are the same models ?? One icon looks like "1011" in a small arrow pointing right. (motion detector on porch) The other icon looks like two red dots connecting by a "Z" turned sideways (motion detector in garage) Maybe someone can add some light to the meaning of the icons, and correct my expectations. Best regards
  12. Seems to me there are six possibilities, or 12 if we substitute "Status" for "Control" Any insight as to the most robust program --i.e. you want to make sure a low battery is replaced. Regards, Donald ------------------------------ If Status 'Garage Motion-Low Bat' is On Then Send Notification to 'Don at Rogers' content 'Condition IS ON' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If Status 'Florida Room Sensor-Low Bat' is not Off Then Send Notification to 'Don at Rogers' content 'Condition IS OFF' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If Status 'Florida Room Sensor-Low Bat' is not On Then Send Notification to 'Don at Rogers' content 'Condition IS NOT ON' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If Status 'Florida Room Sensor-Low Bat' is not On Then Send Notification to 'Don at Rogers' content 'Condition IS NOT ON' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If Status 'Florida Room Sensor-Low Bat' is not On Then Send Notification to 'Don at Rogers' content 'Condition IS NOT ON' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If Status 'Florida Room Sensor-Low Bat' is not Responding Then Send Notification to 'Don at Rogers' content 'Condition IS NOT RESPONDING' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  13. The device in front of me has "2412N REV 3.0 1237" on a small square label. The large Insteon label has Model 2442-232 (CORRECTED) under the large "INSTEON" label. Sorry for the previous typo (now fixed). It was purchased from Canad Computers under the Insteon Number 2244-333 (Insteon Starter Kit) and included a hub, Range Extender, and Dimmer Module.
  14. I received this device with an evaluation kit when I first tested a few Insteon devices and found them to work quite well within the distances of my current house. I then decided to buy the ISY994i from Universal Devices and a number of other Insteon devices. The 2412N is not recognized by the ISY994i but wondered if it was good for something. Maybe someone has modified one to make a dual-band bridge. ? Will plugging it into my new network with the ISY cause problems or help transmissions? Your advice is appreciated,
  15. Hi guys, I am new here and would like some help in programming my new ISY994I. First off, let's discuss how to monitor for a low battery on a motion detector, as I could not find where these options were discussed related to a motion detector. I created a table of the programming options (as an image), but did not see how to place it here in this post. Please see it here on my blog [/url]http://insteonhome.blogspot.ca/[/url] Essentially there are six possible choices to get the ISY to send out an alert email if the "battery low" condition sends a message to the ISY. Of the possible choices, what is the best one, or should one monitor for multiple options? Maybe some of the answers depend on the option settings in the 2842-222 ? Your help is appreciated.
  16. If this happened at my home, i'd be looking at my access logs to see if someone gained remote access to the controller. There was an article i saw posted by google alerts under Insteon Security where the reporter had searched on google, found a list of smart homes in australia and broke in from his livingroom, turning lights on and off etc... http://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill ... omes-hack/ Best wishes
  17. Thanks for these resonses above folks. I'm happy that it is possible to control program decisions based on a variable that can be set via a mini remote. This means that one really does not need to purchase an Elk option and system to have some degree of security. I was thinking that if a motion detector sees movement when i am sleeping, (ARMED variable is set) a program could sound an alerm, blink all the lights fast, and send email alerts. If this is feasable, do you have any advice on what need to consider and/or purchase?
  18. I am considering the purchase of an isy99 and read the manual quickly, but did not see the ability to create a variable like "Armed" and then program an IF /THEN ELSE sequence... Can this be done? I would like to tell the system if i am home or not, and gave programs to make rooms act differentl if i am there or not. Maybe later add the Elk alarm system, but it seems like more than I need. Can a mini remote control the value of the variable "Armed" Thanks for your responses!
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