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Following up, with Michel's help the issue was resolved. It turns out that it was a router issue. My Verizon G1100 "Quantum Gateway" router decided to block outbound communication from the ISY. After tracking it down on the router I remember having gone through this before a year or two ago with another device. Rebooting the ISY, the router, any intermediate switches, getting rid of the static IP assignment, etc. doesn't do any good. It seems the G1100 remembers the blocked device by MAC address and even after assigning it a new IP address it will keep it blocked. Once you know where to find "blocked" status in the router it's just a click to clear it, and that resolved the issue. It's just not where I'd expect it to be. It's also not clear why it blocked the ISY to begin with.
My ISY has always just connected to the portal without problems. For the past three days or so it's not connecting. My error log is full of this: My Dashboard network settings look like this: My Admin console shows: I'm running 5.0.15A. I can't think of anything that's changed on my home network that would make this suddenly stop connecting. Any thoughts?
As that referenced E.E. friend, I will say that I have learned two important lessons over the years that I strive to pass along to others whenever possible to save them from heartache, confusion, and endless torment. 1) you can't mail a letter without a stamp (except when it says "no postage necessary if mailed in the US") 2) filterlincs are the Michael Cohens of Insteon communication problems: you send them to take care of the noise you brought on yourself and you don't ask how or why.
- 44 replies
For a variety of reasons I'd like to create kind of a log file that I can write to through ISY programs. I can (and have) set up programs so the triggers I want send an email notification with all the right event details and variables to an email address I set up. So I have the conditions and tests and all that working. The emailing part is a workaround though. What I really want is to log the contents of those emails into a file, which would look something like [mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss] Event xyz occurred, etc. I'd settle for having it logged into the main ISY event log, although ideally I'd like it to be some other file. Is there a way to do this entirely within the ISY? Would there be some way to do this with the Network module if I had some logger listening on some port on my internal network? I have other systems that are always on (or close enough).
EDIT - a few minutes after posting this I discovered the "Network Module" add on. I assume that will do what I want. Duh. I'll leave the rest of the post in case there are good tips, I'm sure others have been down similar paths. Sorry if this has been covered bunches of times but I couldn't find it... I'd like to schedule the ISY to simply open up a URL once an hour. That's it. I thought maybe I could do it through the notifications setup, but I can't seem to figure it out. What I'm doing is this - I have a hosted domain that's always running at (for example) http://www.mydomain.com. It has forums on it and that kind of stuff. I buried a simple php script down a few directories (e.g., mydomain.com/ISY/dynamicIP.php) that captures the IP address of any incoming hit and creates a "redirect.php" file that will redirect hits to that page back to my configured ISY port at the previously captured address. So by having the ISY just open up the http://www.mydomain.com/ISY/dynamicIP.php page it creates a link back to my ISY (on a dynamic IP) that I can always access remotely at http://www.mydomain.com/ISY/redirect.php. The reason I need the ISY to hit that link regularly is because I never know when Verizon is going to change my dynamic IP. I suppose my other question is whether there's a better free way to do this. (My approach is effectively free because I'm already paying for the domain and hosting for other stuff.) If I was smart I'd probably put some kind of security on that process, but first step is to get the ISY to open the required address.
Thanks Michel. Couldn't ask for more, your collective responsiveness is great.
Thanks, Michel. I guess that explains why I can't find it anywhere. Having never used this "feature" I'm not 100% sure I understand it, but if it works the way I understand then I'm not sure I follow the logic of omitting the option on the ISY. My understanding is it's only a *local* programming lockout. So that it prevents the set button on the switch from allowing program at the switch. Anyone using an ISY shouldn't be programming anything at the switch (to avoid conflicts with the ISY programming). I understand that if this local lockout it set it still allows programming over the network through the ISY, Houselinc, etc. If this is how the function actually works (disabling only *local* programming) then I would think most people would find it preferable to set this way for most switches/dimmers. When mine get messed up due to the kids accidentally hitting the set buttons I find the easiest and fastest thing to do is just factory reset the switch and then "restore device" from the ISY. Now if the flag is a *all program lockout* meaning you can't program through the ISY/Houselinc either then I would completely agree with the logic of omitting it from the ISY menus. That could be more of a pain than a help.
Thanks LeeG. I'm definitely running the latest (v.4.0.5, firmware and panel). I know where the "Option" button is supposed to be (from the picture in the first post). It's just not there for 2477D (v.41) or 2477S (v.43) (which I believe are the latest switches with the latest firmware.) On the Smarthome forum a guy says the Houselinc software can set the "program lockout" option on these switches. So it would appear that this feature exists, but is just missing from the ISY admin panel (at least in v.4.0.5).
I asked this question over on the Smarthome Insteon forum and ended up back here... My kids like to play with the dimmers and switches (mostly 2477D and 2477S) and seem to accidentally push the "set" buttons from time to time. So about once a week I find some switch doing weird things or just not working. I was wondering if there was a way to lock out programming at the switch to avoid this. Over there somebody described how to access the "option" button for devices through the ISY admin panel, as shown below. I'm running the latest (4.0.5) and I don't have that "Option" button for any of my devices (2477D v41, 2477S v43, 2486D v41) and wondering if those "Options" no longer exist for these newer devices, if the feature is just missing from 4.0.5 for these devices, or if I'm just blind and missing it somewhere. And, for that matter, would that "Local programming lockout" actually do what I want (e.g., stop the set button on the switches from doing anything) or is there some other way to accomplish this?
Ah, you're brilliant, and I was driving myself nuts. I had them set correctly for the "parent" scene definition (i.e., Scene name in the ISY list), but incorrectly for the individual KPL controllers within the scene. It's odd, I set them properly at the "Scene name" level and used the "Copy Scene Attributes From Sleep" for each of the KPL controller buttons as masters, but it didn't actually copy those 0% On Levels from the parent. It dropped them in 100% On Level and I didn't catch it. (I have 38 responders in the scene and didn't scroll all the way.) Working well now, appreciate the help.
I have a couple 8 button 2486 Keypadlincs that I can't quite get to behave the way I want (at least not without programs that seem unnecessary). The problem I'm having is with individual keys lighting up at the wrong times. I have button C as a controller for simple scene called "Hall lights". It just turns on and off the hall lights, along with 2 switches. As part of that scene the switches and KPL work properly. (i.e., C button lights up when either of the 2 switches or the KPL C button turn on the hall lights, it goes off when any of them turn the hall lights off.) Button G controls a "Sleep" scene, which turns off most of the lights in the house (including the Hall lights) and turns a few lights on very dim. It properly turns all the lights off and dim, but I can't seem to find a way to make it properly turn the KPL C button off without using a program. Am I missing something obvious? If I set KPL C as a responder to the "Sleep" scene (with "on level 0") the button lights up when I use button G to activate the "Sleep" scene. I wasn't expecting that behavior. If I leave button C out of the Sleep scene as a responder then it just stays on if it was already on (even though I'm turning off the Hall lights using "on level 0"). I know I can create a simple program to just turn the C button off when the G button is pressed. It just seems like there should be a way to set up the scenes so I don't have to. (I'm hoping for a better solution because I use several keypads and have this same issue with several buttons on each.)
Thanks Lee. That approach seems to work as well. The reason mine works (with the And conditions) is because the program executes every time any of the relevant load controllers change status and it forces the KPL led either on or off. Yours works for the obvious reason - it delays the program's ability to turn the led off until things have presumably stabilized. One key difference in operation. With the And approach (and setting the led either on or off explicitly every time) the KPL C led will light up any time lighting conditions match that scene. So, for example, if I "interrupt" the MovieLights scene by temporarily turning on the Table Pendant light the program will turn the KPL C led off. If I then turn the Table Pendant light back off the program will see that conditions match the MovieLights scene again and turn the KPL C led back on. I'm not sure either approach is better than the other. Thanks again for the help and input, much appreciated.
I changed the logic a bit and this seems to work. This variant just tests status on all the relevant devices and sets the KPL C led on/off appropriately. Make sense, or is this going to blow up on me somehow? If Status 'Family Room / Family Recessed' is 30% And Status 'Hall / Hall' is 15% And Status 'Upper Hall / Upper Hall' is 15% And Status 'Kitchen / Kitchen Recessed' is 30% And Status 'Kitchen / Stairway' is 15% And Status 'Kitchen / North Island' is Off And Status 'Kitchen / South Island' is Off And Status 'Kitchen / Turret' is Off And Status 'Kitchen / Table Pendant' is Off And Status 'Kitchen / Table Recessed' is Off Then Set Scene 'MovieKPL' On Else Set Scene 'MovieKPL' Off
All devices are set correctly and as tested by the program. As a starting point I turned all lights off. Then I pressed KPL C. The button blinked twice, then went off. All lights ramped to their appropriate state. The Program Summary status shows False. But the keypad light is off nevertheless. Here's some strange behavior from KPL C's LED as I play with it: - if start with all lights off it does what I described above - it flashes twice then stays off. - if I then push it again it flashes twice and stays on. (The scene is already set and the program is testing False) - if I turn one light off (e.g., Family Recessed) the KPL C led turns off, as it should, and the program tests True - if it then push KPL C again it behaves as it should - lights return to movie settings and KPL C led stays on - BUT - if I turn two of the lights off (Family Recessed and Hall) the KPL C led goes off (as it should) but when I press it again it blinks twice then stays off. So what's happening is that as long as all the lights are either already set at their test levels in the program, OR only one of them is different, the KPL light will stay on after I push it. If more than one of the lights has to change it ends up blinking then staying off. This behavior is not 100% consistent. About 1 in 5 tries it will blink twice and stay on after setting multiple lights. Maybe there's some kind of race condition going on here? Is it possible it's taking more than 1 second to propagate the status of all the load dimmers back the the ISY and the program test conditions flash True for a split second, the ISY sends the KPL C off command, then a second later the ISY sees them all correctly but the KPL C off command has already been sent? EDIT - looks like we overlapped - I suspect you nailed it in your post right above this.
If Status 'Family Room / Family Recessed' is not 30% Or Status 'Hall / Hall' is not 15% Or Status 'Upper Hall / Upper Hall' is not 15% Or Status 'Kitchen / Kitchen Recessed' is not 30% Or Status 'Kitchen / Stairway' is not 15% Or Status 'Kitchen / North Island' is not Off Or Status 'Kitchen / South Island' is not Off Or Status 'Kitchen / Turret' is not Off Or Status 'Kitchen / Table Pendant' is not Off Or Status 'Kitchen / Table Recessed' is not Off Then Set Scene 'MovieKPL' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I looked at the log a little bit. I see everything reports levels in 8 bits when the scene is set, irrespective of ramp rate. So I see 15% coming across the status as 38/255 and 30% as 76/255. Those are the right levels (at least after rounding). I added the event log below. I push KPL C at 11:36:24, and I see it go "on" (255). Then 1 second later, last thing in the log, it gets turned off.