** SOLVED **
Hi All,
I setup an Autelis controller for my Jandy Pool system and all is working fine after adding the commands to the network resources page. However I am struggling with how to use the network resources. Here is what I want to do.
I want use the Amazon Echo to control my pool equipment (waterfall, spa jets, lights, etc..)
I configured the network resources and tested each one and no issues.
I have also set up a variables page with every piece of connected equipment that the Autelis can talk to.
So this is where I am stuck. I know I can control a scene with the Echo. However the scene needs a device to be in the scene to control.
I as hoping to setup a program that detected the variable change and would run the corresponding network resource. But I can't figure out how to set the variable without an actual device?
Any help pointing me in the right direction would be much appreciated..