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  1. I’m using about a half dozen notifications through the notification node server and they seem to work fine with my iphone. At this point, I’m not sure if there is any value in trying to implement telegram (or even pushover).
  2. Thanks for the response, but if you read further in the post, I managed to remove the telegram service- but I’m not sure how I did it. thanks
  3. I have installed the LIFX node server from the PG3x plugin store. I have it in slot 3. I have tried to follow the instructions in https://lifx-nodeserver.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html#how-to-use but this seems to be focused on downloading from GITHUB and not loading it from the plugin store. I have also read through anything I could find in the forum and I couldn't find anything in the wiki. to Anyway, when I go into POLYGLOT, and look at the LIFX node, it says that it is DISCONNECTED. I can't seem to find any way get it connected. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. Thanks for the explanation re: the multi function button. I never actually use that to cycle the power, I essentially disconnect it from power and reconnect it. This “seemed” to have less impact on the system as using the admin console to reboot. After the power cycle, the EISY simply restarted. But after the reboot, I got a message saying the system has been updated- which seems like more activity to me.
  5. More info: I had cycled power before my initial writeup. I didn't realize that a reboot (from the admin console) is a different animal, so I did that today. It still hangs up in network resources. I don't know when this issue started but I had switched over to EISY a few months ago and set up UDMobile at that time and had done several synchronizations while setting up UDM. I have made a few recent changes to my network resources in order to utilize the notification node server, but I think I saved everything I changed. I'll try to save them all again.
  6. I have an ISY portal account, but cannot find where to open a ticket.
  7. I have been trying to run the synchronization of my UD mobile to the EISY and it starts off OK, syncing a bunch of stuff including programs and "optional", but when it gets to "Getting Network Resource files from ISY", it hangs up and never completes. I tried letting it run overnight last night and it never completed. I'd like to make sure that UDM and the EISY are synchronized before I go on a trip. Thanks, Bob M
  8. After I wrote the note above, I decided to look around at the PG3 page. there I found that I had 3 nodes, so I clicked on it to discover 1 of them was the Telegram node and there was an x icon next to it. I clicked on the x and it started to delete the telegram node. I restarted Admin console and it was gone...
  9. it is something that you have to add... it is a service that works with the notification node server that is supposed to make it easier (I think) to set up notifications. (I really don't understand it but wanted to try it.) So I followed the instructions for how to install in and it doesn't seem to work because it has the red exclamation point next to it. No one has helped me figure out what is wrong, so now I just want to delete it, but I can't figure out how to do that either. Here is a screenshot.
  10. Since no one offered any assistance with fixing the red exclamation point, can someone help me remove the service entirely. thanks
  11. It took me a while to get notifications working with the notification node server the way I want (no experience with this type of software). Then I thought it'd be a good idea to try to implement telegram (I also have no experience with that). I tried to follow the instructions, but am not sure I did it correctly. (although there were no errors reported while doing it. It took me a while to find how to add the bot to the configuration page of the notification node server, but I got through it with no errors reported. When I look at Admin console, I see the telegram service right under UD mobile but it has a red exclamation point icon (which I believe is an error). And when I try to add a notification to a program, I don't see where telegram is selectable. I know I'll probably have to provide some data, but at this point I don't know what to provide. TIA
  12. Thanks for the response. I finally got it to work the way I want it to. I wasn't sure what the following sentence meant - should it be checking the status of the 3 KPLs or of the scene (although It appears you can't check the status of a scene), should I create a new program or modify the existing one, should it be enabled or disabled.... So since I wanted to use Alexa routines to run set home and set away, and I didn't know how to have a routine run a Then or an ELSE, I created 2 programs with only THENs, one to run set home and one to run set away. I gave them each unique spokens. I then wrote Alexa routines so I can say I'm leaving or I'm home and it will respond with appropriate sayings and do other stuff that isn't connected to EISY (yet). There may be an easier way to do this, but this is working now, so I'm happy. Thanks
  13. HISTORY: In my ISY994, I had a scene called HOME. It has only 3 KPL push buttons in it that are all controllers. So pushing any one of them turns the scene on or off. There are also two (enabled) programs (SET HOME or SET AWAY) that check the control of each of those switches and then does stuff (sets variables, turns things on or off, etc). I was using mobilinc at the time and I gave the home scene a name HOME that was seen by Alexa. I had an Alexa routine such that if I said ‘Alexa, I’m leaving, it would turn the scene off and the program SET AWAY would run, and conversely, if I said Alexa, Im home, the scene would turn on and the program SET HOME would run. TODAY’s problem: So I switch to EISY and try to implement this in UD mobile. I have a Favorite in UD mobile called HOME. It is a conditional favorite that runs a disabled program called set away/home. So when I push the button on UDM, it runs either SET HOME or SET AWAY, and the scene HOME that contains the 3 KPLs changes state and all the stuff that is supposed to happen, happens as expected. This works fine. When I tried to implement this in Alexa, I couldn’t get it to work. So I just tried manually changing the state of HOME SCENE from the HOME SCREEN of UDM and although the 3 KPLs change state when I do that, neither program (SET HOME or SET AWAY) run. This doesn’t seem right to me. So I decided to look at one of the 3 KPLs on the HOME page of UDM and I noticed that it just shows the status of the switch, there is no way to change that status. And when I change the status of the Home SCENE from the HOME SCREEN, the status of each of the 3 switches changes but it doesn’t trigger the programs that are linked to them. Right now, I can’t figure out how to give something an Alexa name and have these programs run. Is there another way for me to get this working with Alexa? Thanks
  14. So I've made good progress on setting up alexa using UD mobile. I deleted the Mobilinc skill from Alexa. Then I removed all the devices that were linked to Alexa via mobilinc (I couldn't find the FORGET ALL, that is talked about in several places, so I did it manually. Then I used UD mobile on the HOME page, Devices and Scenes and one by one, added a spoken for each of the items I want to control via Alexa. I told Alexa to discover devices and most of it worked as expected. I had one scene named "All kitchen lights" and its spoken was "All kitchen lights". I thought I should just simplify this to the spoken "Kitchen Lights". But when I tried to do this, UD mobile told me that spoken was already used. So I went back through each and every device and scene in the kitchen folder of UD and cannot find a spoken "kitchen". Is there a way to easily find this device? Note that if I open Alexa and look at all devices - sure enough there is a device named Kitchen lights. If I try to turn it on or off, nothing happens (Alexa beeps as if it accepts and executes the command. (I've walked through the house and no lights are on.) I've deleted the Kitchen lights device from Alexa, re-discovered devices and it shows up again. Any clue on how I should proceed? Thanks, Bob
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