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Everything posted by cherokeesix

  1. Hello to all and thanks for the advice, After the new PLM, extenders, and "factory resets" of just about all my devices my Insteon Network is back and fully operational. My house is large and long, with 3 electrical sub-panels. Communications were not working well. Now, with the new PLM and a number of new dual band devices, I have excellent communications across the board. -Bill
  2. Thanks for the great tips. I just ordered a new PLM. I had an old one that was not dual band. I'm also adding two range extenders. I think that with the new PLM, the range extenders across the power phases, plus the many dual band switches around the house the Insteon messages should get to the intended device. My understanding is that dual band devices can and do communicate over the power line and over the "air", and that all devices pass along all messages. A dual band device that cannot communicate over the power line will work as long as it can communicate over the air. Correct? It is weird that my setup worked fine until replacing old switches with new 2477s switches. One would think that the new switches would have better communication capabilities than the older versions. - Bill
  3. I have been using Insteon for many years and have found it to be generally reliable. Programming and control is via an ISY 994i, currently on 4.7.5 for both firmware and UI. This weekend spent many hours (days) Updating my home system with some new SwitchLinke Dual Band 2477s Switches (v.45) just purchased through SmartHome. I had one bad switch that needed to be replaced and since I bought the 5 pack I also replaced some older ICON brand switches that were troublesome now and then. I already have a number of dual band switches around the house and figured adding more will help bullet proof the communications. It has been a weekend of frustration. These new 2477s switches will not communicate and I now assume the whole batch of 5 is bad in some way. I was able to get them added as new Insteon devices using repeated tries, but they will not update (1011 error) and fail to query most of the time. This has also caused communication problems with what were very reliable existing switches. Could this be just a bad batch of switches from SmartHome? Thanks for your advice/suggestions. -Bill
  4. Hi, A SwitchLink Relay in the garage, which is the load, turns on front yard lights. A different SwitchLink Relay in the house, which is load, turns on backyard lights. I want to make the SLRelay in the garage also turn on the backyard lights, but only if pressed-on twice. When turning off, it would be neat to be one press off turns off the front, two presses off turns of the back. These are SwitchLink Relays (non-dimming) and I'm not sure of what to look for in the programming. Is it ON, FAST ON ...? I have experimented by making a Front Yard On folder and a Front Yard Off folder. Programs inside these folders would take appropriate action based upon the status of Front Yard. For example: If Folder Front Yard On = True and Switch is Pressed On then set scene back yard ON. Am I going about this the best way? Thanks
  5. Thanks for the help. Would I be able to see the traffic in the event viewer if it was X10 causing the strange behavior?
  6. I have a KPL button D linked with a Switchlink relay. Both are set as controllers. That part works fine. The weird part is when I press the KPL D button ON, some lights controlled with ICON switches (4 way lighting arrangement), also turn on. I removed the scenes with the ICONS and the KPL D button and restored the switches, then remade the scenes. Still get the strange behavior. The ICONS do not indicate being ON, and the ISY99 does not show them or the scene they are in as being ON. I worked around it by writing a small program that says "when button D is turned on then turn the ICON switches off". That fixed the problem, but it is not the solution. Do I have bad ICON or KPL switches? Thanks
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