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  1. Thank you, your description has jogged my memory, and I now remember that a similar bug (or maybe this exact bug?) has been around for a while.
  2. In the AC, with the Elk node server "Area 1" selected (which I have renamed to cElkArea1 using the AC), under the Display Message area, the Content pulldown displays only 4 choices, despite the fact that I have 27 email customizations defined. I also see this same limitation in programs which are using the Display Message action. I have tried to reboot the polisy, it had no effect on the problem. I am running IoX v.5.8.4 on a polisy, PG3X version 3.2.27, and elk nodeserver version 3.10.15
  3. Thank you, yes, if the format is changed to "html" , and html tags added, that is a workaround. I opened a ticket for the behavior when "text" format is selected, and Michel responded that it is a known issue and "already fixed for the next release in 3 weeks."
  4. https://www.support.getzooz.com/kb/section/455/
  5. I'm running IoX v.5.8.4 on my eisy. When I receive the output of an email customization, the text is run together, as if the carriage returns are being ignored. Blank lines (line feed) are also being ignored. I am not explicitly putting any control codes for CR or LF in my email customizations, but I have never had to in the past?
  6. I have received the ZSE70-800LR and included it in my eisy ZMatter ZWAVE network. This is day one, it seems to be working correctly. Zooz support confirmed back to me that the device will work with either two CR123 batteries, or a power supply of 12-24V, AC or DC. (I am using a spare 12VDC supply that I had. You can purchase one very inexpensively at thesmartesthouse , or other vendors.). The device provides motion sensing, temperature, and luminance. The device acts as a repeater IF it is powered by 12V when it is included. So always apply the power source (battery or 12V) that you intend to continue to use, prior to including the device. (If you include the device using 12V power supply, and then switch to batteries, the device will continue to function as a repeater and rapidly drain the batteries.) The device comes with two CR123A batteries, but does not come with a power supply. The power supply terminals are located under the screw off cap on the bottom of the motion sensor, and have "+" and "-" labels. Drill a hole through the screw off cap to allow the power supply wires to pass.
  7. Looks promising. I ordered one. Not clear exactly what power supply is needed for the supply powered option - I had a look at the zooz user guide and it states "If using 12-24 V, replace the bottom cap with terminal seal. Unscrew the cap and connect 12-24 V wires to the terminals (follow polarity). " The FAQ states "The ZS70 can be powered by either 2 x CR123A (3 V) batteries or 12-24 V AC/DC." Seems a little unlikely to me that it will work with either AC or DC? Since it can be battery powered one would assume DC would work for sure....I have a question in to Zooz support, and once I have the sensor in hand I will know for sure.
  8. Thanks for the info. I see that Aeotec has a product called TriSensor 8, which does not appear to have a USB power option.
  9. Looking for recommendations for a ZWAVE motion sensor that can be used outdoors and has a non-battery option (typically USB) for power. I have tried to use a ZOOZ ZSE29 in the past, and it has not reliably detected motion, and I have seen posts from others who were not satisfied with it either. I see that Aeotec has a multisensor 7 out. AFAIK, it is not specifically rated for outside use, but I suspect if it is mostly out of the rain it will work (I have used older Aeotec multisensors in a partially covered outdoor environment in the past with success). The Multisensor 7 has a bunch of other functionality that I don't really need. If there was another motion detection choice that was reliable, had a non-battery option, and was less expensive, that would be ideal.
  10. I downloaded the update just now. Paste has been restored. @Javi thank you!
  11. I have updated to Android 1.1.79 As before, I can add a device to the root of the favorites folder by selecting the "Add to Favorites" choice. Now I want to move that favorite into an existing folder located at the root of the UD Mobile favorites menu. I do not see a way to do that anymore. I can select "move to favorites folder" on the favorite, but when I then select one of the existing favorites folders there is no option to paste?
  12. Makes sense. And the same API via M1XEP that M1ToGo uses I would guess?....While ElkRP also connects via the M1XEP, it has M1 configuration/initialization capability that the 7TS does not. So I was hoping that I could use ElkRP for the system bringup, and not have the added expense of a keypad. But I suspect you are correct, and at least one keypad is required. It would certainly be a stronger design for Elk to support a "virtual keypad" with the 7TS and not require a physical one, but perhaps it was less development cost to keep the existing API unchanged.....Elk's target audience is probably neither frugal, nor DIY 😁
  13. The 7TS touchscreen is now available, and Elk has a Reference Guide for it on their website. The questions that I have are (Note that Elk does not support consumers directly, so I can't just ask them): Can a M1 install can be done using only a M1XEP and ElkRP, with no physical keypad present? Does the 7TS support a M1 system which has no physical keypad installed? @Jimbo.Automates, does the Elk nodeserver currently require at least one physical keypad be present? I'm doing a new install soon, and a single 7TS touchscreen would be sufficient for the house I am installing it in. If at least one physical keypad is required, I'll install one, but if not, I can save the money and just use a 7TS. Here is some related information from the 7TS Reference Guide: It is clear that you can not use the 7TS to configure a M1. From the 7TS Reference Guide: "The M1 app on the ELK-7TS provides a clean modern user interface for controlling an M1 system. It is not designed or intended for M1 system programming or configuration." The 7TS reference manual on page 9 shows a picture of the "Security page". The picture shows a pull down box labeled "Keypad". The text says that "Keypad Selector: This drop down box allows you to change which keypad you are viewing, if multiple keypads exist in the system." Here is some info on what the choices are for providing network and power for the 7TS: The 7TS does not connect to an M1 system via the RS485 bus, rather it connects via a M1XEP. The 7TS can connect to wifi, or wired ethernet w/out POE, or wired ethernet with POE. If using WIFI, or wired ethernet w/out POE, a 12-14VDC 1.5amp power supply is also required(purchased separately). If using wired ethernet w/out POE, a POE47TS ethernet adapter and a DC supply are also required(both purchased separately). If using wired ethernet with POE, a POE47TS POE splitter is also required(purchased separately).
  14. Some info I have found related to some of the questions I raised in my first post: It does appear that you can use the ElkConnect app to access an E27 locally without having a subscription. Here is the response by an Elk employee, on a forum run by Elk, to someone posting and complaining about a subscription being required. Note that I think there are a number of typos here, but the meaning appears to be that you don't have to have a subscription: "The requirement for an ElkConnect account is solely for the remote connectivity from the home since there is a monthly access fee required. This is only set up to invoice to professionals." "Although the system is targeted for a local only operation, it can be archived. You can access the system locally by clicking the menu in the top left of the app from the login page, then settings, the local discovery. This will allow you to connect to the control over the local network." Both the E27 and M1 controls are designed and marketed to the professional market, but Elk is aware there is a DIY market that uses it. From a posting by an Elk employee on a forum run by Elk: "I will note that when we set out to create the M1 Gold we never intended it for the enthusiast market, but we are aware that there are some people out there like yourself that have installed in their personal homes and enjoyed it. That said, we design and market our products to industry professionals." "The ELK M1 Gold is ELK’s Premium Platform Control for High End Security and Automation . ELK will continue to offer, support and enhance the M1 System for many years to come. When the time comes the research and development that allowed ELK to create the Alarm Engine Platform and E27 Control will help us to create the next generation of M1 Gold Control." I am leaning toward a M1 system for my new install, because there just may not be enough info out there about the all the implications of E27 before I need to pull the trigger, and it seems likely the M1 systems will be both supported and enhanced over the coming years. ( I will also buy a 7TS once they are actually available. It is not clear if I can do an install for an M1 system with just a 7TS and M1XEP, or if a M1KP* keypad is required for an install. )
  15. I'm moving and going to be doing a new install soon. There is a new controller, E27, that is part of the new "Alarm Engine" line of Elk controllers. Here is some feature description from Elk for the E27 : "An on-board Ethernet port and optional Wi-Fi adapter provide secure connectivity with multi-layered authentication and encrypted communications. E27 offers powerful automation with simplified scheduling and a robust rules engine for unrestricted customization. Easy integration with Z-Wave devices provides convenient automation and real-time control of lights, thermostats, locks, and garage doors." The E27 uses a new "app and cloud portal" called ElkConnect, and the FAQ states that (at least the cloud part of) it requires a monthly fee. The FAQ also states that no subscription is required to create rules, BUT: "Are subscriptions or account required for creating Rules?" "No. Dealer/Installers can create rules for any E27 system that is online." I am going to continue to use Eisy/Polisy for my Zwave network, so I don't care about the new Zwave features in the E27. I strongly prefer to NOT pay subscription or monitoring fees, I strongly prefer to NOT have anything in the cloud, and I strongly prefer being able to modify rules/install WITHOUT involving a dealer/installer. So my questions are: For a DIY/no cloud/no fees person like myself, do I stay clear of the new Alarm System controllers (and stay with M1)? Or is it possible to use the Alarm System family without paying any subscription fees? I am also wondering if ElkRP will still work with the E27, and if not, is it being replaced by ElkConnect? If so, can I use ElkConnect to fully configure rules/install without paying any fees?
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