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  1. I don't mean to hijack this thread however is it possible now to completely turn off LED status on certain KPL buttons only? Essentially I want : off=1 on=15 if a KPL button is being used off=0 on=0 if a KPL button is not being used. This helps the wife remember which buttons are programmed. Thanks
  2. I'm not sure it matters if you use 100 or 255 since you are really just graphing on/off. I suppose 255 is closer to '1' than 100 as 255 is 11111111 binary. Thanks
  3. I setup a new device under 'Devices' and added all my data sources under that device. I don't think there is any relationship there but it seems cleaner to me. It just gives you the ability to use the variables. You could pass the ip variable from cacti to the python script so you would only need to change it in once place if you updated the ip of your ISY. Devices:
  4. So I managed to get this working and I admit it was more work than I thought. I have used mrtg/rrd in the past and am fairly familiar with linux. I first followed a ubuntu/cacti guide to make sure I had a working instance of cacti, this is a good recent guide: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/ ... oud-server Then I used the script attached here but modified it so I could pass device names and not addresses. The risk here is that if I rename my device I will loose my graph but I'm ok with that. I also used Cacti Data Templates and Graph Templates to ease adding new devices. I think you would need to be insane to not use templates if you are graphing more than 2 items. With the templates and variables setup all you need to do is copy your quoted device name in the data source once and all your data sources and graphs will auto populate. Here is my modified source and templates: #!/usr/bin/python import urllib2 import sys import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET username = 'user' password = 'pass' host = '' url = "http://%s" % host auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() auth_handler.add_password(None, uri=url,user=username,passwd=password) handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(auth_handler) opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler) urllib2.install_opener(opener) def get_lookup(): response=urllib2.urlopen('%s/rest/nodes/devices' % url) Lookup={} mytree = ET.parse(response) for elem in mytree.findall('node'): Lookup[elem.find('name').text] = [elem.find('address').text,elem.find('property').get('value')] return Lookup def get_values(): Lookup = get_lookup() if len(sys.argv) == 1: for k,v in sorted(Lookup.items()): print "%-30s: %s" % (k,v) else: address = Lookup[sys.argv[1]][0] response=urllib2.urlopen('%s/rest/nodes/%s' % (url,address.replace(' ','%20'))) mytree = ET.parse(response) elem = mytree.findall('node')[0] print elem.find('property').get('value') get_values() Data Template Graph Template
  5. Thanks, so Responding only applies to queries made to it, not heartbeats sent out. Thanks
  6. What is the difference between checking heartbeat status is "on or off" vs testing if it is responding? I set this rule to test if they are responding: If Status 'Hot Water Heater-Heartbeat' is not Responding Or Status 'Kitchen Sink-Heartbeat' is not Responding then Wait 25 hours Send Notification to 'Default' PS how do you copy rule text so you can paste to the forum?
  7. Is there any way to clear the isy/plm and start from scratch reading the remotelinc? I don't have anything setup on the isy/plm that is important. I would rather just get the address and start from scratch. Thanks mlr
  8. Inlinelinc toggles when I hit 'G'
  9. Ok, I hit 'Restore Modem (PLM)' and nothing really changed as far as I can tell.
  10. I tried to add 24.1A.B5 and that is the error it gave so I have no idea what it is. The Kitchen SwitchLinc LED was blinking Green. If I restore via 'Restore Modem' that will not affect the remote?
  11. I did the RF test and the Kitchen SwitchLinc blinked, the living room SwitchLinc did not. I cannot see the InLineLinc but it is about the same distance from the PLM as the living room SwitchLinc. I believe one of the Insteon devices (24.23.32) is a failed dimming InLineLinc that was returned. I do not know what 24.1A.B5 or 24.22.D7 is.
  12. I have only had one PLM, I have never replaced it. I have not done communication tests because I assume they work if I can see it from the ISY. I cannot reach the linelinc to test. ISY is running 4.05 , I guess this is a ISY 994i (1120)? Everything is dual band (except remote of course). Both switchlincs are 2477D v.41 Thanks, mlr
  13. As for the 2 phases, I do not know which item is bridging the two sides.
  14. Here is a screenshot of my Main page, it does show the remotes. I'm not sure what you mean by 'new PLM' I have only one. Should I start from scratch? I just don't want to erase my mini remote as I won't be able to recover the address. Also, in this picture 'G' is toggling the linelinc. When I hit the button 'G' I can see the 'current state' toggle from Off to On. Thanks, mlr
  15. So I'm able to get the address table and there are 3 Addresses that I do not recognize. Here is my inventory: Kitchen - 24.7A.67 Living Room - 24.AE.96 PLM - 24.1A.B5 Remote 1C.4C.0F The 3 below are not recognized by me, when I try to add them manually by 'Link Management' -> 'New Insteon Device' -> enter address and hit keep add new and keep existing, i get the following errors per address 24.1A.B5 UNK Device is an old PLM, do Restore Modem and try again 24.23.32 UNK Cannot determine Insteon Engine 24.22.D7 UNK Cannot determine Insteon Engine So I'm not able to add the linelinc but the remote works fine.
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