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Community Answers

  1. Curious, the web server available through the admin console under the configuration and networking tab, (I have a POLISY), am I able to add php scripts that I can call remotely on the polisy web server?
  2. Would be nice if you could select a different attribute for the advanced config than what is displayed in the tile. So you can show for example the temp in the tile but change the icon color if the hvac is actually cooling, heating or idle.
  3. @JaviIf its not already on the list, would it be possible to have a selectable filter when looking at the All Devices and Scenes view, where you can select only On or only Off (or variations of that) devices and scenes to show? Would be handy to be able to see all Devices and Scenes that are on quickly for example. Similar to email I guess where you can just see your unread emails.
  4. 5/2/24 @ 9:20AM ET still unable to connect remotely via UDMobile. @Javi
  5. @Michel Kohanim @Javi I hope everyone is well. Would it be possible to get an update and target date/time for when things may be restored for users affected by this OAuth error? Thanks for all the hard work and support.
  6. @btreinders It only charges you after the 1,000 calls have been made at that rate. You can also put a.limit on your plan of 1000 calls and it will reject (not process the call therefore no bill you) should you go above the 1000 in case you accidentally configure things that way.
  7. @Javi I am at work so cannot check local but some data points: UD mobile connects to my Polisy (5.8.0) fine remotely UD mobile does not connect remotely to my ISY 994i (5.3.4) - oAuthPortal Error UD portal shows both systems online with the green light. Portal web access works on POLISY Portal web access does not work on the ISY994i Running latest UD mobile .60 Appears to be portal and ISY 994i related?
  8. Same issue cannot connect remotely. Following.
  9. I understand you can use the graph.microsoft.com API to append rows of data to excel 365 workbooks but have never invested the time to better understand the API and whether it’s something that could be used for this use case leveraging an IOX network resource or an IOX network resource that calls a php script on the web server or something like that. Lots of info at url above and specific examples here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/excel-write-to-workbook
  10. Perhaps something like this behind your current manual shutoff valve. Pricey but would fit the use case: https://www.homecontrols.com/Greenfield-Z-Wave-Automatic-Security-Valve-Kit-GFASVxZ?quantity=1&custcol2=25
  11. @Goose66Thank you Thank You this is what I was looking for. Based on a look at the launcher JNLP it is now isyfinder-3.5.jar which I was able to download and execute per your guidance above. I guess the trick is to just periodically download the latest jar file as it changes. @RPerraultUnfortunately I am on the naughty list so no PC from Santa this year.
  12. Long story for another day, but my Laptop (Windows 11) is restricted by my employer from loading and running Oracle JAVA on it. We are limited to Azul Zulu being our Java JRE/JDK environment, and it does not include Java web start (javaws) being part of the standard Zulu install (I believe it is Azul IceTea but that is also restricted). I know nothing about JAVA so go easy on me, my questions are: Can I run the Admin Console another way than launching the JNLP file from windows web environment? If not, will the EISY ever get a non JAVA interface and if so the best guess what year? This question is not meant to inflame a debate on the AC and JAVA, just curious, I am still on my 994 and I have been a UDI fan and user since the ISY-26 days, but with a large Z-wave based installation I really don't want to upgrade to EISY until the AC interface is sorted out. I am happy to keep the 994i for the next 2 to 3 years (I have a POLISY running PG3), but if a new interface isn't on the cards in the next 2 maybe 3 years I might as well bite the bullet now and look at alternatives, not that I want to or necessarily will, just looking at my options.
  13. Is there anything I can do on Polisy/PG3x side to fix the certificate issue? Eg install a let’s encrypt certificate?
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