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Everything posted by BigDigger

  1. First of all, thank you all again for your assistance. In checking the log I noticed the Program to shutoff the lights at Sunset + 4 hours was NOT triggered. I ran various scene tests again and the results seem to vary from succesfull to failed and during this testing no other factors would have skewed the results (i.e. appliance being turned on) I have noticed that during the testing the end devices actually come on and then off as part of the scene test yet the test shows failed. Below is an example where I have added a Table Lamp to the scene and the table lamp being located right beside me where I can see it come on and off as a result of the scene test, yet the scene test states it has failed. Just curious what does "Failed" mean when the device actually responds? Also, is there documentation and I'm sure there is, on I can decipher the communication logs? By the way, I have about 20 CFL's that make up my Garage and Front house lighting which would make any CFL troubleshooting pain staking. I live in Ontario, Canada where incandescent bulbs are no longer being sold. Fri 03/28/2014 06:46:08 PM : [GRP-RX ] 02 61 19 13 00 06 Fri 03/28/2014 06:46:08 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 22.CB.5B 24.1B.E3 61 13 19 LTOFFRR(19) Fri 03/28/2014 06:46:08 PM : [std-Cleanup Ack] 22.CB.5B-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0 ----- Front House-Garage Test Results ----- [Failed] Garage Outdoor Lights (23 F2 6E 1) [Failed] Den Table Lamp (29 9E C1 1) [Failed] MB C - Front House (24 16 3B 5) [succeeded] Hallway A - Front House (22 CB 5B 3) [Failed] Front House Lights (23 F2 B0 1) ----- Front House-Garage Test Results ----- Fri 03/28/2014 06:46:16 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.19 CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00) Fri 03/28/2014 06:46:16 PM : [Ext MH ] Unexpected Ack imCmd=62 cmd1=LTOFFRR 0x13 Fri 03/28/2014 06:46:17 PM : [iNST-TX-I2CS] 02 62 1C 57 C7 1F 2F 00 00 02 0F F7 08 62 01 23 F2 6E FF 00 01 DB Fri 03/28/2014 06:46:17 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 1C.57.C7 1F 2F 00 00 02 0F F7 08 62 01 23 F2 6E FF 00 01 DB 06 (00) Fri 03/28/2014 06:46:26 PM : [iNST-TX-I2CS] 02 62 1C 57 C7 1F 2F 00 00 02 0F F7 08 62 01 23 F2 6E FF 00 01 DB Fri 03/28/2014 06:46:26 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 1C.57.C7 1F 2F 00 00 02 0F F7 08 62 01 23 F2 6E FF 00 01 DB 06 (00) Fri 03/28/2014 06:46:30 PM : [1C 57 C7 1 ] Link 1 : 0FF0 [620123F26EFF0001] *Failed Writing [620123F26EFF0001] Fri 03/28/2014 06:46:30 PM : [ 1C 57 C7 1] ERR 1 Thanks again !!
  2. Here is the log from the scene test .... I will also ensure it runs tonight.. Thu 03/27/2014 02:01:20 PM : [GRP-RX ] 02 61 19 13 00 06 Thu 03/27/2014 02:01:20 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 22.CB.5B 24.1B.E3 61 13 19 LTOFFRR(19) Thu 03/27/2014 02:01:20 PM : [std-Cleanup Ack] 22.CB.5B-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0 ----- Front House-Garage Test Results ----- [Failed] Garage Outdoor Lights (23 F2 6E 1) [Failed] MB C - Front House (24 16 3B 5) [succeeded] Hallway A - Front House (22 CB 5B 3) [Failed] Front House Lights (23 F2 B0 1) ----- Front House-Garage Test Results ----- Thu 03/27/2014 02:01:29 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.19 CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00) Thu 03/27/2014 02:01:29 PM : [Ext MH ] Unexpected Ack imCmd=62 cmd1=LTOFFRR 0x13 Thu 03/27/2014 02:01:29 PM : [iNST-TX-I2 ] 02 62 1C 48 4C 1F 2F 00 00 02 0F CF 08 E2 02 24 E3 E5 FF 00 02 18 Thu 03/27/2014 02:01:30 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 1C.48.4C 1F 2F 00 00 02 0F CF 08 E2 02 24 E3 E5 FF 00 02 18 06 (00) Thu 03/27/2014 02:01:39 PM : [iNST-TX-I2 ] 02 62 1C 48 4C 1F 2F 00 00 02 0F CF 08 E2 02 24 E3 E5 FF 00 02 18 Thu 03/27/2014 02:01:39 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 1C.48.4C 1F 2F 00 00 02 0F CF 08 E2 02 24 E3 E5 FF 00 02 18 06 (00) Thu 03/27/2014 02:01:43 PM : [1C 48 4C 1 ] Link 6 : 0FC8 [E20224E3E5FF0002] *Failed Writing [E20224E3E5FF0002] Thu 03/27/2014 02:01:43 PM : [ 1C 48 4C 1] ERR 1 Thu 03/27/2014 02:01:43 PM : [1C 57 C7 1 ] Link 1 : 0FF0 [620123F26EFF0001] Writing [620123F26EFF0001] Thu 03/27/2014 02:01:43 PM : [iNST-TX-I2CS] 02 62 1C 57 C7 1F 2F 00 00 02 0F F7 08 62 01 23 F2 6E FF 00 01 DB Thu 03/27/2014 02:01:43 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 1C.57.C7 1F 2F 00 00 02 0F F7 08 62 01 23 F2 6E FF 00 01 DB 06 (00) Thu 03/27/2014 02:01:52 PM : [iNST-TX-I2CS] 02 62 1C 57 C7 1F 2F 00 00 02 0F F7 08 62 01 23 F2 6E FF 00 01 DB Thu 03/27/2014 02:01:52 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 1C.57.C7 1F 2F 00 00 02 0F F7 08 62 01 23 F2 6E FF 00 01 DB 06 (00) Thu 03/27/2014 02:02:01 PM : [iNST-TX-I2CS] 02 62 1C 57 C7 1F 2F 00 00 02 0F F7 08 62 01 23 F2 6E FF 00 01 DB Thu 03/27/2014 02:02:01 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 1C.57.C7 1F 2F 00 00 02 0F F7 08 62 01 23 F2 6E FF 00 01 DB 06 (00) Thu 03/27/2014 02:02:05 PM : [1C 57 C7 1 ] Link 1 : 0FF0 [620123F26EFF0001] *Failed Writing [620123F26EFF0001] Thu 03/27/2014 02:02:05 PM : [ 1C 57 C7 1] ERR 1 Thu 03/27/2014 02:07:28 PM : Setting Time From NTP Thu 03/27/2014 02:12:03 PM : [ Time] 14:12:03 9(0)
  3. Thank you all for your assistance. As I mentioned I have also added an OR condition based on the Dusk-Dawn input from an outside sensor. The last 3 days it has been the sensor that has been shutting off my outdoor light scene which is comprised entirely of CFL's. If I had a communication problem to the switches wouldn't it also apply when the ISY turns off the scene after receiving input from the sensor? My outdoor light scene is the only thing that is being triggered at Sunset + 4 hours. Also, where can I find the procedure to run a level 3 event viewer trace? Thanks again.
  4. I hoping someone can help me out with this puzzling but simple piece of code. I am controlling a lighting scene based on the condition; If Time is Sunset + 4 hours Then .....turn off scene For some reason this condition does not work 100% all of the time. As an interim I have also added an OR with the sunset condition that uses the Dusk-Dawn value for one of my outdoor sensors. If there a specific reason why the Sunset condition is not working? Thank you ....
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