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  1. I wanted to let everyone know that I fixed this issue. I suspect it was something wrong with my self signed certificate. At any rate I did end up completely resetting the ISY (don't worry I was planning on doing this anyway as I've recently reconfigured my whole house) and when I set everything back up it's now working like a charm.
  2. This is not the problem either. I do not use Chrome, I have cleared the Java cache several times and I can't get the desktop icon to work either.
  3. At any rate I think I'm going to reset my entire ISY tonight anyway. Maybe I messed something up with the certificate.
  4. Yeah that is what I normally use but it will not work remotely... not matter what I put in for a URL it says not found. I've tried the direct IP and my DYNDNS.
  5. Yes I am running the latest release 4.4.6. I am also on a MacOS 10.11.4 and the latest Java. Right now I'm trying to access the admin console from the UDAjax screen. Is there some other way I can directly access it that might work better?
  6. Yes I have done this and it makes no difference.
  7. When I access ISY Admin Console from my house I have no problems. When I try to access remotely I get the following two errors: XML Parse Error https://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:XXXX/desc Socket Open Failed javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: java.security.cert.CertificateException: Certificate does not conform to algorithm constraints I'm using self-signed certificates and I can access the ISY UDAjax website fine and I can also access my ISY using MobiLinc fine both remotely. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Wes
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