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Everything posted by pkopp

  1. Thx! all for the responses. I did end up simply configuring all the devices in the portal manually. Michael... you may want to review that video at the bottom of the Wiki page... that's where I got my original information.... http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Amazon_Echo_Integration Too bad it's not automated... seems like that's what this is all about...
  2. New echo installation… working on integrating with ISY. Problem: Echo doesn’t know anything about my devices. She responds… (for example) “Cannot find device DEN… turn off which device?” ISY seems to be talking to portal (admin console shows online, registered)… plus, I can control my ISY via the portal…. So they are talking. ISY portal is linked to Amazon account. I assigned [simple] spoken words to all of my devices in the ISY admin console. From ISY portal, I can select tool, connectivity, Amazon echo. Box pops up. Click refresh… and I see the main window displaying Retrieving: /api/voice/spoken/nodes At this point… I’m thinking that it should be populating the spoken word info in the table. (it’s not). No errors… just no info. If I add the device manually… Echo works. What am I missing? ISY firmware v 4.5.1 (latest released) JAVA 8 v101 (latest released)
  3. Worked just as you guys recommended... very easy. thank you!
  4. What's the best way to replace my Insteon thermostat without impacting my programming? Had a thermostat go bad (completely dead). Smarthome sent me a replacement. I'm ready to replace it but I didn't want to "add new device" without checking with the experts. I have a backup from the ISY before it failed. What's the recommended replacement sequence? tkx!
  5. Too easy. That did it... Thank you. I suppose that the post that I saw provided instructions to do this same thing, locally, on the KPL itself (as if I didn't have an ISY). I like this way much more! Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk HD
  6. I had some problems with my 6 button KPL and I lost some of the local configuration. There was a sequence, that when entered, makes the OFF LED stay off regardless of button press. I remember doing some button sequence 3 times... but I don't remember what it was. Right now... When the load is off... The off light is lit. This sequence "fixed" this undesirable configuration. I know that it's posted here.... somewhere... but I can't seem to find it.
  7. Excellent!.... that did it... I'm back in business. tkx!! much. Paul
  8. I need some advice/assistance... Everything has been working fine with my ISY and programming for some time now. Two days ago, I noticed that the ISY didn't seem to be doing its job. Switches that triggered events no longer worked. (programming like... if fastoff lightA, turn off light B... which was setup in the ISY). I didn't think too much of it until this morning... when I found my garage door open. Via the admin console: - I could turn on and off lights (PLM seems to be working) - I checked some of the switch link tables... and, to the best of my knowledge, they looked fine (I recognized the address of the PLM in some of the links) - I turned off a light manually and checked the log... there was no Insteon entry for the event.... but there was an event logged that corresponded to the X-10 address that was associated with that switch. - I checked the PLM link table... and it was blank. I'm guessing that's my problem. Not sure how it got that way... I didn't do anything. I have a backup (via "file", "backup ISY")... but I noticed that when viewing the PLM link table... there was a "save option". (I'll bet that's where I backup my PLM's link table?... thank you ... nice place to put it. ).... unfortunately, I don't have a save of that. What's my best way forward? Will a "restore ISY" restore the PLM link table? I didn't want to start messing around before consulting with the experts.
  9. Hi Matt... thx! nice work around but I was hoping for a solution that didn't involve writing a program for detecting every possible degree. I may do something just like you did... because it looks like the only way around this. I'm a little surprised they didn't get this right... Paul
  10. Newbie here... with a thermostat question... I noticed that there's an event added in the log when someone manually changes the temp on the thermostat. Is there an easy wasy way to trigger on this event? I'd like to be able to trigger a program if someone manually changes the setting... doing someting like: IF temp setting changed - allow new setting for 1 hour - revert to old setting. I'm using a program for the daily settings, so I know what it's supposed to be set to at any given time... I'd like to avoid the need to write programs detecting every temperture that's not the old temp. (i.e. if now 77 then wait and revert too old temp.... if now 76, wait and revert to old, etc.) I suppose, as a work around, I could: IF between time/time on day1, 2, etc. - Set temp - Repeat: - Wait 1 hour - Set temp But that's not the same. Please point me in the right direction... tkx!
  11. OK.. New guy here... After entering the program... it didn't work. Then, I realized why... I was using "normal" variables. Should these ALL be "state" variables? or just some of them? Tkx. Update: forget that. I just realized that you use i. and s. to show the difference... I missed that the first time.
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