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Everything posted by gregf

  1. Had the same problem after a power event. Fried the Ethernet port. Replaced with a Polisy. Before the eisy came out.
  2. Wonder if there will be issues using with UD. Or if they will help if there is.
  3. “Isy994i expected life.” In my case it was the next power surge. ? In spite of everything being on surge suppressors. Took out all ethernet ports and hdmi ports. And my coffee pot. Wanted an excuse to get a polisy anyway.
  4. In the Polisy User Guide it states you can get a free 30 day trial for the ISY Portal, but in the store page for the Polisy it says "And by the way, Polisy comes with 2 year subscription to ISY Portal free of charge." Is the user guide in error ? If I already have a subscription, does buying a Polisy extend my subscription, which expires in June by 2 years? (Not that $20 will break the bank ) Greg
  5. My ISY944 took a hit with a power spike. Took out the ethernet port. It was still on v4. I will be trying to restore the v4 config also.
  6. Thanks for the response. For various reasons, I think I would prefer to put the cost of replacing the 944 towards a Polisy. Wonder if there is a “loyalty” program that would get me a discount?
  7. Thank you.
  8. Is the Amazon Echo integration available on the ISY Policy ? Or is it on the roadmap? My reason for asking is that my 5ish year old 944i ZW recently got nailed with a power event. The ethernet adapter not working. I was still running 4.x and the old Z-wave card. I had intended to upgrade. I have a very modest Insteon setup with 5 or six devices, serial PLM. Only a couple of programs that turn lights on and off at set times. Starting over with a blank config is not an issue. I do control a couple of switches and outlets with Alex but can live without it for a while. I'm thinking of going with a Polisy PRO instead of replacing the 944i just to be future proof. I realize the ISY on Policy is still alpha, but guess it will work with my small low complexity setup. Thanks, Greg
  9. I went with pumpalarm.com completely stand alone. Sends a text using a cell modem. Works and notifies you if the power goes out. Pretty much bullet proof.
  10. I found another solution, a flow switch. http://www.ebay.com/itm/322288846235 Put this on the end of the drain pipe that dumps into the basement sump. Connected this to the I/O linc. Worked as desired with no fuss. Hopefully it will not clog over time. I ordered a mag switch to pursue the float tube solution, has not arrived yet.
  11. Thanks !
  12. I think I know. A piece of 1 inch pvc to make my own float tube, and put a float switch in it. No chance of interfering with the real float tube.
  13. Will look at the float assembly to see if I could put a magnet on it and a reed switch. Another good idea. I found a 9 volt water alarm with dry contacts in addition to the alarm in my junk box. An earlier attempt to monitor my sump for high water. Could disc the alarm and have it trigger the contacts. Corrosion on the probe/wires could be a problem. Heading down the Rube Goldberg path. Fun though.
  14. I'll have to measure the water level in the "float well", for lack of a better term for it. A tube that runs to the bottom that houses the float that shuts off the water going into the tank. Testing the I/O link the salt water doesn't conduct enough to trigger it. It must be right on the edge, the led comes dimly on but the status doesn't change. A float switch would have to be small to fit in the well, and not interfere with the float.
  15. Cheap and simple are always a good combination. Though I am a fan of Rube Goldberg. Just ordered a triggerlinc and a watersensor, thanks for the sale info. The rest of the water softener story is: Who else knows that a water softener resin tank can rupture ? I sure didn't. The good news is that it's in the same room as the sump pump. Not sure how long water was pouring into the sump. Noticed the sump running constantly on a Sat morning. Hence the watersensor, though I expect this softener to outlive me. Greg
  16. The two wires from a Triggerlinc is an amazingly simple idea! Assuming the salt water will close the contacts. The water level drops during the brining and refills to the level determined by the float, so that should do exactly what I was looking for. I have an I/O Linc somewhere, just need to remember where somewhere is. Had looked at the pulsing output from a flow sensor, didn't think about connecting directly to an I/O link. Also a good idea worth trying. Wonder how the flow sensors will stand up to the salt water, or if the salt will build up on the impeller. I've seen a couple of artilcles using an ultrasonic sensor to monitor the salt level, connected to an Aurdino. A possibility to maybe try some time. I usually remember to check the salt every few weeks. Wasn't familiar with the Trigger Linc, looking at that gave me an idea for another project. A float switch to let me know if the water level is low in a fountain and turn off the pump. Thanks for the ideas! Greg
  17. I don't believe anything other than the owners manual is available except to dealers. https://www.kinetico.com/water-softeners/kinetico-signature-series/ https://www.kinetico.com/media/1618/15066a_manual_owners_kinetico_signature_series_wqa_extranet_032015.pdf It's a closed unit with nothing to access. There is a dial on top that indicates which of the two tanks it is using but that is it. Nothing to see here. Water drains into a the sump. Someway to detect that happening.? Or an ultrasonic detector watching the water level in the brine tank?
  18. I just had a Kinetico water softener installed. Being non-electric with no motors or timers hopefully less to go wrong. Trying to think of a way to keep track of how often it regenerates. Any ideas ? Thanks, Greg
  19. You have been quiet lately, I have occasionally wondered what you were up to.
  20. People with dogs have reported this crappy problem. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/aug/15/roomba-robot-vacuum-poopocalypse-facebook-post
  21. Maybe Samsung should come out with an Echo compatible fire extinguisher. "Alexa, put out my phone."
  22. Don't know if they changed anything, but "away" works again. "Turn on away" And she she responds ok to turn phone on.
  23. Things seem to be getting worse. I have a program name "away" stopped working over the weekend. Same symptom, either doesn't know the word or wants to play some song name away. It's really frustrating something that was working so well going to crap. The only Greg.
  24. It may be a simple oops. They are very responsive in fixing things they bork.
  25. I don't think it's a coincidence that this happened the same time as the announcement for the Connected Home enhancements. Wonder what word to replace phone with? Alexa turn on the effem phone!
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