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Everything posted by DaveYHZ

  1. Hope I'm not repeating a question, but when the 5.x goes in to production, will there be an upgrade advising tool for the 4.x crowd? I'm reading a lot of people spending a lot of time going through each scene and program to verify them one-at-a-time. I'm hoping that the deprecated functions will be listed in a "ToDo after you upgrade" list. Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere. Dave.
  2. *sigh* Power supply in PLM seems to have died. I guess my $100 has expired Another one is on the way. I will update this post if/when the PLM arrives with the results. Dave.
  3. I have logged in to the ISY and can see the Main and Config tabs without error. When I click on Programs, however, I get an Error dialog stating: Error Could no open config file to read [/CONF/INSTENG.OPT] Could not open file [/CONF/PORTALS.PSF] Please advise Dave.
  4. I have the 2441TH controlling our AC/Heat. I have a 2441ZTH in the baby's room. I would like to set a program such that when the difference between these two readings >3C then adjust the temperature on the 2441TH (Master). I cannot find a way to store the current temperature in a variable. Current Thoughts: Variable: $HVAC_CurrentTemp Program: HVAC_TempChanged If 2441TH temp changes, $HVAC_CurrentTemp = 2441Temp Run Program HVAC_NarrowTempGap Program: HVAC_NarrowTempGap If 2441ZTH - HVAC_CurrentTemp > 3 Then 2441TH + 1C Wait 1 hour Run HVAC_NarrowTempGap
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