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  1. Update. I am in!!! After scratching my head a few more times, i decided to inspect the cables. It appears when they installed my Fios last year, the installer plugged my ISY into my Modem and not my router. Since it all worked, I never gave it a second thought. After plugging it into the router, I was able to find it, ping it, and attach to it via the launcher. Thank you all for the quick responses.
  2. Yes, I can access via the Portal, but I from there, I can only turn devices on and off. I need to rename an old device and update the program associated with that device. I tried the https://YOUR IP:443/desc with my public IP address and it did not work. I also tried without the "s" and it also would not locate. Firmware is 4.6.2 according to the portal. Side Note, I used http://my.isy.io to identify my Mac address and I don't see this Mac address listed as a connected device on my network. My Mac address is 00:21:b9:01:ff:26 Below are the connected devices on my network.
  3. I have had my system running strong for about 6-7 years. Recently, I have a need to add a device to the network. I've installed the newest version of Java and installed the admin council. I am getting stuck at the point of trying to add the Isy to the launcher. I believe my isy is connected to the network for the following reasons: I can control devices via the Isy Portal and I can control my devices the connection to my Echo. When I look for my Isy on the router, I see where I have it in for Port Forwarding (443) but I do not see it in the attached devices. I can ping the IP address which I believe is assigned to the Isy, but when I try to add that specific address to the it says it's Invalid. At this point, I have the feeling my solution is simple, but since I have not worked with the system in so many years, the answer is escaping me. Any direction would be welcomed.
  4. Update, i did a factory reset by airgapping the switch and now its working.
  5. So I replaced the PLM today and within 3 hours, a Dimmer switch in my Dining room started blinking then Died. The light is still on the switch shows its turned off, but the switch is no responsive both locally, from an attached KPL and from the Computer. It seems like a strange coincidence of timing for the two to not be related in some way.. Any Ideas?
  6. Thanks guys. I'll order my new plm tonight. This is the second time this one has stopped so it's inlikely I'll get it fixed.
  7. I tried rebooting as directed but it's not working? Do I just need to buy a new one or do I have steps to still try?
  8. Nevermind, After unplugging and replugging multiple times, I got it working again.
  9. Is there a way to tell if the PLM is getting power? Does the PLM have an indicator light? I know the plug it's plugged into has power. I have unplugged both units and was sure to power up the PLM first and then the Isy944i. We did have a power outage recently. I am not sure if this could have been my the start of the issue.
  10. Playing around, I found I can create a program to turn off the back light on the actual switches, then i can set the dimmers to 0 and if s.halloween variable is 1 and switch control is on and not turned off, then turn off said light. Then they will turn on then back off and if we really need a light, then I can fast on them
  11. During our annual Halloween Party, I have a strict no white light rule. In the past, I would use painters tape to tape the light switches down. is it possible to use Isy to disable the light switches when Date is 10/25 and a State variable is 1 (set by a spare switch on a keypad) What would that program look like? The only way I can think to do it is to use a program to turn them off as soon as it sees one is turned on, but I want it to stay off. Any suggestions would be appreciated. As a side not, my system is set up to "know" the date is 10/25 already
  12. yes but i tried in dual bright and none dual bright settings
  13. i just spent the better part of 3 hours trying to get my motion sensor floodlights to work with the Micro Linc. i could turn the lights on and off with the Isy, but i could not get the unit to tell what the motion detector was doing. My setup was: Micro Linc was connected to the Neutral and the Line with a L1 going to the lights from the unit and the lights also connected to the Neutral. The Motion Sensor was hard wired to both the Direct Neutral and the Direct line to get power. The Traveler for the sensor was then connected to the Yellow Sense Wire on the Micolinc. (I also tried both Yellow and Purple at the end). I set the options in every possible configuration. I thought maybe the motion sensor is not firing, so I took the Microlinc out of line and it works perfectly. For the life of me, I don't know what I am missing here. All I want to do is to have the micro tell me when the floods are on so I can have a light in the house notify me. What am i missing?
  14. at the end of each time the irrigation runs thru their cycle. i have each program run thru the entire cycle of all the zones then at the very end it will show that the cycle is complete.
  15. Michel, Thanks for the response. I put some thought into it and I think I have my solution at hand. I have created a folder with the condition to only run programs on Even Days. Inside the folder, I have three active programs, one for 11pm, one for 1am and one for 4am. Each Program checks that Irrigation requirements exceeds .02 inches (which is what I will shoot for in each cycle Each Program will run through all zones (included Drip for the bushes) and end with letting the Irrigation Module know the cycle is complete With this set-up, my system will run every night, while still keeping me in compliance with the new ordinances. Sometimes it runs before midnight and sometimes it runs after midnight, but it will get water every night. By adding in the 4am cycle, there should be plenty of opportunity to catch up on the days that we need more water (like our many heat waves) and since it's monitoring the actuall needs of adding water, I can skip cycles in the cool months as needed.
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