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  1. oberkc, Ok, that was more of a "ME" programming thing than anything else. I just found it easier for "ME" to not use scenes to get the job done. All is good. Thanks, Les
  2. obeerkc, Thanks for your reply. However I am a bit mystified by your "reliability" comment. What I was questioning was the Ramp at 8.5% in the Log and it was explained by kclenden to be a result of a power start up status report. Which makes sense and it could have easily been. It hasn't happened since. If there is something else that I might be missing then please explain, since I am missing it somewhere in translation. As for the programming of scenes or not I am quite happen at this time with the not. Thanks, Les
  3. Hi oberkc, May be somewhat true. However, my present programing is doing what I wanted it to do except for what I assume is the Ramping of the light levels. The customer is happy with how it is working!! Therefore for me to work on this by using scenes to get the ramping to actually work is not really necessary. I just would have liked the it to ramp. At this point figuring it out has little value for me. If the customer expressed a desire for it and was willing to pay for the extra time spent that might be a different story. Economics 101 or Rewards for Time spent. Thanks, Les
  4. Maybe true. However, I tried using a scene in the beginning and for some reason had trouble with it not working as desired. When I went to just controlling the switches themselves then all was good. As I said, I will give it a try when I have nothing else to do. Thanks for the input!! Les
  5. Sooooooo what you are saying is that I need to do some different/more programming?? Maybe, I will just leave well enough alone..................... until I have nothing better to do. Thanks, Les
  6. Hello kclenden, Thank you for the detailed response to my question. Very helpful!! So the info in the Log was a report of the configuration status of the switch not an command to the switch. Got it!! In your response you triggered another question. You said: "the switch is configured to come on to 100% with a ramp rate of 8.5 seconds if you actually tap it." If in programming I have a switch go from 30% to 100% will it ramp up at a rate of 8.5 seconds?? By your statement I am guessing that to be not true. If that be true then the programming needs to be modified to have the switch ramp up to 100%. Is that correct?? Thanks again!! Les
  7. UPDATE: Over the past two weeks all seems to be working quite well. However, I did notice something that needs a little enlightenment. I noticed on the Log the following in the attachment. This is the first time I noticed that the Ramp Rate is Logged into the report. It was not triggered by the driveway sensor X10 input but did start with a "Null" being logged. First question, what is a Null and then what would cause it to happen?? It actually triggered all switches to do the same thing. Status OFF >> On 100% >> Ramp Rate 8.5 seconds At some point the lights went Off since when I looked at the switch they were off. May not be a big deal but I am curious as to what caused it to happen?? Again thanks for any input. Les
  8. Hello ALL, Ok, so I now have my program working as desired. At least it appears to be from looking at the Log File. The program is attached for those that have a similar desire. Now I am sure that there are a multitude of other variations to do the same thing. However, this seems to work for me, at this time. I also set the Ramp Rate for each switch to 8.5 seconds. I assume that it will apply to both up and down since I am not there to observe the effect. Which brings up a few questions. I decided not to add the Ramp Rate in the program itself since it is available in the switch itself. Is that correct?? I also noticed in the programming pull down that there are a number of ways to say the same thing. Such as Brighten and Fade Up or Fade Down and Dim. Why so many choices to do the same thing?? Seems odd, but I assume there is a good reason. The other odd thing that I noticed is that in the switch programming under Ramp Rate the values go from 0.1 seconds up to 8.5 seconds and then jump to 19.0 and 21.5 seconds and move up to 47 seconds. Is there some mathematical value of prime numbers going on there that creates those values?? And thanks to all for the input. All very helpful. Have a good rest of your week. Les ISY Program 02_12_19.pdf
  9. Hello, Still a bit mystified here. I have this small program entered and running. X10 Test - [ID 0003][Parent 0001] If X10 'A5/On (3)' is Received Then Set '4D.76.AA.1 Rear Door' On 100% Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Seems rather straight forward in that If a X10 A5 is received then set 4D.76.AA.1 to On at 100% However the Log shows that it is turning on at 100% and then turns Off in the same second or 1 second later. This is the part I am missing or not understanding!! What is turning it off?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X10 A5 Mon 2019/02/11 01:14:00 PM X10 A5 On (3) Mon 2019/02/11 01:14:00 PM 4D.76.AA.1 Tony Rear Door Status 100% Mon 2019/02/11 01:14:01 PM 4D.76.AA.1 Tony Rear Door Status Off Mon 2019/02/11 01:14:01 PM X10 A5 Mon 2019/02/11 01:14:03 PM X10 A5 Off (11) Mon 2019/02/11 01:14:03 PM X10 A5 Mon 2019/02/11 01:15:50 PM X10 A5 On (3) Mon 2019/02/11 01:15:51 PM 4D.76.AA.1 Tony Rear Door Status 100% Mon 2019/02/11 01:15:51 PM 4D.76.AA.1 Tony Rear Door Status Off Mon 2019/02/11 01:15:52 PM X10 A5 Mon 2019/02/11 01:15:53 PM X10 A5 Off (11) Mon 2019/02/11 01:15:54 PM Thanks, Les This is an edit. I think that I found the problem. It seems that I forgot to disable the other program to have the light off during the day and as such they were being turned off just after being turned on. Maybe i will know once the driveway sensor is tripped again now that I have the other programs disabled. My bad........... I decided not to delete the above since it may help others with the challenge someday. Les
  10. Hurting2Ride Please look at the loaded image. In the Add To Program area it states Time is After Sunset However, it the Program Line it states Time is Sunset. It does look like a contradiction but it is the Admin Console that is making it look that way. Besides I don't see a "between" selection or choice. It is either Before or After. That is UNLESS I am missing some other program pull down. Thanks, Les
  11. Hello all, I do appreciate all the extra insight and thoughts on how to use scenes or not use scenes, etc. However, my problem is trying to get the X10 On(3) signal to actually trigger a 100% lights ON So far that hasn't happened that I can see. In the Log it clearly records the X10 On(3) but the lights have yet to respond. So I have now set a program to do just one thing. And because I am not there I have to wait for someone to come in the driveway and see if the light comes on. X10 Test - [ID 0003][Parent 0001] If '4D.76.AA.1 Tony Rear Door' Status is Off And X10 'A5/On (3)' is Received Then Set '4D.76.AA.1 Tony Rear Door' On 100% Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') It would seem to me that this simple program should do as it is written. However, in the mean time, my question goes to the following. Are there condition or devices that will not respond as expected with X10 signals?? Or is it just a matter of getting the program written properly?? If the program above does NOT turn on the light then what is missing?? Needless to say if it does actually turn on the light then this is all somewhat moot. At this point it is just a wait and see. I will provide more input later once it happens .......... or not. Thanks, Les
  12. Ok Guys, I have read and sifted through the input. Some I get and some I put the side. I have made changes to the programs and will have to wait a while to see what happens. I am quite sure something needs changed or modified. Again Thanks for any input. Les The programs are now as follows. My Programs - [ID 0001][Parent 0000] Folder Conditions for 'My Programs' If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Allow the programs in this folder to run. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turn On At Sunset - [ID 0005][Parent 0001] If Time is Sunset Then Set '2C.36.AB.1 Laundry Door' On 30% Set '4D.76.8D.1 Front Door' On 30% Set '4D.76.97.1 Mud Room Door' On 30% Set '4D.76.AA.1 Tony Rear Door' On 30% Set '4D.77.36.1 Tony Garage Front' On 30% Else Turn On From X10 - [ID 0002][Parent 0001] If Time is Sunset And X10 'A5/On (3)' is Received Then Set '2C.36.AB.1 Laundry Door' On 100% Set '4D.76.8D.1 Front Door' On 100% Set '4D.76.97.1 Mud Room Door' On 100% Set '4D.76.AA.1 Tony Rear Door' On 100% Set '4D.77.36.1 Tony Garage Front' On 100% Wait 10 minutes Set '2C.36.AB.1 Laundry Door' On 30% Set '4D.76.8D.1 Front Door' On 30% Set '4D.76.97.1 Mud Room Door' On 30% Set '4D.76.AA.1 Tony Rear Door' On 30% Set '4D.77.36.1 Tony Garage Front' On 30% Else Set 'Sconce Lights' Off --------------------------------------------------------------------------- After 11pm x10 - [ID 0004][Parent 0001] If From 11:00:10PM To Sunrise (next day) And X10 'A5/On (3)' is Received Then Set '2C.36.AB.1 Laundry Door' On 100% Set '4D.76.8D.1 Front Door' On 100% Set '4D.76.97.1 Mud Room Door' On 100% Set '4D.76.AA.1 Tony Rear Door' On 100% Set '4D.77.36.1 Tony Garage Front' On 100% Wait 10 minutes Set 'Sconce Lights' Off Else Set 'Sconce Lights' Off ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turn Off at 11PM - [ID 0006][Parent 0001] If Time is 11:00:00PM Then Set '2C.36.AB.1 Laundry Door' Off Set '4D.76.8D.1 Front Door' Off Set '4D.76.97.1 Mud Room Door' Off Set '4D.76.AA.1 Tony Rear Door' Off Set '4D.77.36.1 Tony Garage Front' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  13. Hi Paul, I made the changes as you described. Will need to wait till sundown to see it it makes a difference. But, I do question what that change would have to do with the program reacting favorably to a X10 On(3) input?? Can you or somebody shed some light on that point?? Thanks, Always learning............................. Les
  14. Paul, Ok, I can do it that way. I thought having the From and To was a more efficient way saying the same thing. I will give that a try. Thanks, Les
  15. Paul, Sorry you are right, I pulled the wrong part number off. My whoops. I am using a PSC01 that is responding to a contact closure from the driveway sensor board. Personally not sure what the HD/UC stands for but if it has to do with a X10 ON (3) signal then yes that is what I have in the program. The LOG shows that that being received as well as the OFF (11) OFF signal. As in: X10 A5 On (3) Sun 2019/02/10 12:06:48 PM System Log X10 A5 Sun 2019/02/10 12:06:51 PM System Log X10 A5 Off (11) Sun 2019/02/10 12:06:51 PM System Log X10 A5 Sun 2019/02/10 12:12:59 PM System Log X10 A5 On (3) Sun 2019/02/10 12:13:00 PM System Log X10 A5 Sun 2019/02/10 12:13:02 PM System Log X10 A5 Off (11) Sun 2019/02/10 12:13:03 PM System Log X10 A5 Sun 2019/02/10 12:18:25 PM System Log The issue is that the signal does not appear to change the lights that I can see. That is what I am missing. Thanks, Les
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