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Everything posted by dfetzer

  1. Hope, I'm not overextending my bounds here - but downloaded the 1.3 jar and forgot all devices and readded and now everything works...Not sure where the error was - but definitely URL related as you could see the following 200 HTTP status code once I updated: 2015-06-13 10:46:19.991 INFO 8740 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] com.armzilla.ha.hue.Hue Mulator : calling GET on URL: 09F%201/cmd/DFON 2015-06-13 10:46:20.009 INFO 8740 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] com.armzilla.ha.hue.Hue Mulator : GET on URL responded: 200 Happy as a pig in you know what
  2. could it be that these are the insteon bulbs and not actual switches? checked with regular switches and with %20 and it still doesnt work: You can see that it finds the device, tries to set he state to on, but then the echo actually says 'sorry I could not find the device name basement living' All devices show in the echo app 2015-06-13 10:32:16.717 INFO 3388 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.armzilla.ha.hue.Hue Mulator : found device named: basement living 2015-06-13 10:32:16.879 INFO 3388 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] com.armzilla.ha.hue.Hue Mulator : hue state change requested: m8n2WwN5zEvreKPJzu872p8dfYnTj7Sl XNdO1AEK from 2015-06-13 10:32:16.880 INFO 3388 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] com.armzilla.ha.hue.Hue Mulator : hue stage change body: {"on": true} Not sure what to do from here
  3. I had the %20 in there originally but the forum rendered it as a url and changed it...when i use the link directly in my browser it works, maybe I'll see if I can get arms latest build...I can also try to secure my isy and try that run as well
  4. found answer to my second question...send delete rest url: http://yourmachine:8080/api/devices/ deviceID - replace device ID with the id shown in the api URL returns: [{"content":[{"id":"ffa3ffeb-cb39-4e06-9199-5a283612d41b","name":"west office light","deviceType":"switch","offUrl":"
  5. You can see its trying to change state: 2015-06-12 17:16:22.976 INFO 1904 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] com.armzilla.ha.hue.Hue Mulator : hue api root requested: from 2015-06-12 17:16:24.545 INFO 1904 --- [io-8080-exec-11] com.armzilla.ha.hue.Hue Mulator : hue light requested: fr om 2015-06-12 17:16:24.546 INFO 1904 --- [io-8080-exec-11] com.armzilla.ha.hue.Hue Mulator : found device named: west office light 2015-06-12 17:16:24.694 INFO 1904 --- [io-8080-exec-12] com.armzilla.ha.hue.Hue Mulator : hue state change requested: from 2015-06-12 17:16:24.695 INFO 1904 --- [io-8080-exec-12] com.armzilla.ha.hue.Hue Mulator : hue stage change body: {"on": true}
  6. Thx cmacnichol { "name" : "bedroom lamp", "deviceType" : "switch", "onUrl" : "", "offUrl" : "" } When i try them direct in the browser they function properly
  7. OK - so i can see my requests coming through the emulator - set up three devices by their local URLS and the fast on off DFON and DFOF as it appears normal off commands dont work as well via post and i can see them in the echo app. I can see in the logs it asks for a state change but then the echo states that it could not reach the connected device... Any ideas? Also - if we have to alter URLs for these - how can we do that without forgetting all and readding one by one?
  8. Thanks man - Im an idiot....assume if you are running tomcat through that emulator that is what it should have been...its been too long in management and not in code
  9. Ok - pretty big noob here and just got my echo. Can someone correct the following that have been able to get the hue emulator working? 1) running the emulator via this command: java -jar amazon-echo-bridge-0.1.1.jar --upnp.config.address=192.X.X.X (is this supposed to be the address of my ISY?) It appears to be running yet i am seeing nothing in the console logs and cannot ping the devices api URL here: http://192.X.X.X:8080/api/devices- assume again this is my ISY address? or am i completely offbase and this is for VERA? as I saw in another forum. That then means that I cant use the restful services to set the following: POST http://192.X.X.X:8080/api/devices { "name" : "bedroom light", "deviceType" : "switch", "onUrl" : "http://192.X.X.X/rest/nodes/insteonaddress/cmd/DON", "offUrl" : "http://192.X.X.X/rest/nodes/insteonaddress/cmd/DOF" } Help?? Thanks
  10. i see this: If you have already made a Cert Request (#d) and have now been given an actual certificate based on your Cert Request (CSR), (I HAVE NOT RECEIVED THIS - how long does this take?) then click on the Receive Cert button to import the Certificate into ISY.
  11. appreciate the response...So I am still looking into the CA signed certs. You mentioned this in another thread: I just would like to use IP address and not run through dyndns - I don't want to pay anything if I can get around it. Maybe that is impossible. I used to use dyndns back about 2002, would rather just hit my IP for now. If I use IP I assume I dont need cname etc. I requested the cert through the ISY but I never received anything...Sounds to me like I need a domain, pay for hosting, point an alias from ISY to dynamic dns domain and then I can request the cert??? How exactly do I need to request this cert, and then use the wiki for installing cert in ISY? I need the 'how to do not get the cert error for dummies' edition using just my static IP address.
  12. Hi New to the forum and trying to access my isy994i remotely. I am successful reaching the web interface hitting my direct IP but Android chrome is complaining that its an unmatched cert and I have to click proceed anyway. Well, I tried creating a self-signed cert using the local address as the host 192.168...etc, but is that actually supposed to be my direct IP instead? I have HTTPS server and client settings at TLS 1.2 and 1.0 respectively. When I launch the URL via HTTPS android chrome states the identity not verified, server cert does not match UL, non trusted cert, It says that the connection is using ssl 3.0 yet I set up the client settings to TLS1.0 and it also complains that the server does not support TLS 1.0 I am trying to use tasker to call an insteon URL to shut off lights using autovoice but if I have not accessed in some time, it will open the URL and then request that i proceed anyway with this unverfied cert. Also doing the same with llama so that when I reach home it instantiates scenes for my arrival by calling https://my ip:my port/rest/nodes/16431/cmd/DON What am I doing wrong? Appreciate any help
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