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Everything posted by dslocum

  1. Thanks for your help folks, but I'm not getting a good feeling about my purchase. I love the flexibility of the ISY, but I simply don't have the time to devote to problems like this, particularly in my first 10 minutes of experience. Is there ISY support listening? Is there a phone number to call for support (didn't see one)? I really need to decide if this will work for me this weekend. Again, I appreciate you guys helping out.
  2. My Java is Ver 7, Update 45. Trying IE 10.0.9 with update 10.0.12. Chrome Version 31.0.1650.63 m. This might also explain what would be my next question/ issue: If I close the ISY Java app, something seems to stay around and won't let me log in again. I get the app, but there's very little in the UI to interact with, and the menubar dropdowns don't do anything.
  3. Sorry, I misspoke. I meant the PowerLinc (2413S Ver 1.. I tried unplugging the PowerLinc with the same results. Running Windows 8, if that makes any difference.
  4. OK. I tried to get this guy to work a few weeks ago when I got it, but just got frustrated. I'm trying again today and getting no where. I'm pretty knowledgable with electronics, computers and Insteon / et al. I have the ISY connected and communicating with the network and SmartLink. When the ISY app first loads in my browser (tried IE & Chrome), I get the "please leaver this page open, then the Java aapp runs and asks for the "admin" / "admin", and finishes loading the page. When I start exploring, every 30 seconds or so, the password screen pops back up. No matter how many times I click OK it still keeps popping up. Anyone able to help? Firmward 4.0.5, UI 4.0.11. HELP!
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