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  1. Yeah, after the Restore PLM most things seem to work right. The devices I tried to control before and failed - mostly showing a red "!" now, the Write Update to Device command seemed to fix. Got a few programs that don't work though - I'll have to debug those later. Thanks again.
  2. "Never replace your PLM while the ISY is running " - again too late!
  3. Thanks, but now that I've already done it, is it too late? My ISY seems to have forgotten how to talk to most of the devices on its list, saying "check connections" even on hard-wired switches that haven't changed.
  4. I'm not sure what you're saying here - that I need to replace every device because they all might have rev v9B firmware in their PLMs? I just got my new PLM this morning - v2.0 1438 v9E. I had to unplug my ISY and replug to get it to recognize the new PLM. Then, it was a long time (20-30 minutes) popping up busy dialogs. (Which I guess I should have expected - hopefully the ISY reloaded all the necessary links into the new PLM?)
  5. Thanks for the help, guys, I didn't think to search for "All On" in the forums. Looks like this has been going on for awhile. Glad I came in on the tail end of it, where the fix appears to be in sight. I called SmartHome, and they are sending me a new 2413S, charging my credit card, which they will refund when they get the old PLM back. The gal on the phone wasn't too technical, but she did have a note mentioning the need for a firmware upgrade, and that the new PLM was "2.0". Hopefully that means it matches the "Rev 2.0, v9E, date code 1425" mentioned it the other threads. I still don't know if I need to replace the #5010Ks from SmartEnit, or the 2413U. Or if this is only a problem for the PLM that is connected to the ISY?
  6. Ah, NM. I found the ISY order from SmartHome, 16/06/2013 I'll contact them. Thanks.
  7. Actually, I guess the 2413U was to connect the SimpleHomeNet utility suite. But, now when I plug back in the 2413U I still can't get the utility to connect to it (so that maybe I can report it's firmware version.)
  8. PLM Info/Status = 28.CD.FC v9B / Connected Sounds like it's way behind the vEF mentioned in the other thread. So, should I order new PLMs from SmartHome, UDI, SmartEnit, or all of the above? How do I insure they have the latest firmware?
  9. I reported the ISY version (4.1.2) already. I tried to capture the About window but it wouldn't let me paste it here. Ah, I presume you mean the PLM the ISY plugs in to (i have a few others). Let's see, it says: 2413S V1.B 1343 I also have a 2413U plugged in, in case I want to play with HouseLinc, and it also says V1.B and 1343. The other 2 PLMs are #5010Ks from SmartEnit (for EZIOs). The one that's plugged in says "2232-233 V1,B 1335". The one I haven't plugged in yet looks older: "2233-233 V1.7 1225". Should I assume that any PLM plugged in could be causing this glitch? (Not just the one connected to the ISY?) So I may need replacements from SmartEnit as well as SmartHome?
  10. This glitch happened for (at least) the third time this morning - suddenly EVERY Insteon device in the house turned on at the same instant. This included every light and fan, my oxygenator, and even our two garage doors opened up! (From the I/O Lincs) (I'm just glad I haven't put any space heaters or door locks on Insteon yet!) It happened twice last weekend, but I waved it off as maybe a power glitch problem, and I didn't note the exact time. This morning I was just sitting in bed, and I noted the time. When I checked the ISY log, I can't see any evidence of commands being sent that would turned on all Insteon devices. I didn't think there even was a "Turn everything one at once" command in Insteon (like there sort of is with X10). Is this a general problem with Insteon? Or is the ISY-994i screwing up some how? This so unacceptable that I may need to give up on the ISY or Insteon or both. (Firmware: Insteon_UD994 v.4.1.2)
  11. Oh (duh!). I hadn't even thought to try that! Thanks.
  12. My wife is used to using the 4-button X10 switch we have in the bathroom, 3 of which turn lights on and off, but the bottom rocker switch is used to brighten/dim whichever of the 3 lights that was most recently activated. And as we all know too well, the WAF is critical. I want to replace that switch with a KeypadLinc, but I don't know how to replicate the X10-style brighten/dim she is used to, but with Insteon switches. The primary load (i.e. button A = one of the 3 lights) we can brighten/dim the usual way. But I want to be able to brighten/dim the other 2 lights from the KPL, without having to walk into a different room to press the SwitchLincs directly. The KPL buttons B and C already turn the other 2 lights on/off. From the KPL (like buttons D and E, for instance) I would like to : 1. Be able to set at least the 8 or so different dim levels that the SwitchLinc does locally. 2. Be able to do that on both of the two lights. If I need something like B brightens light #1, D dims #1, C brightens light #2, E dims #2, that would be OK. Do I need to do this with an ISY program? I'm afraid that would make it too slow. Do I need to have 8 different scenes to get 8 brightness levels?
  13. I have a KeypadLinc button and a 2477D in the same scene, both as added as Controllers (to make it work), but the ISY seems to make them both Responders as well. 1. When I press either button, the other goes on. When I press the SwitchLinc it ramps up at the 2 sec ramp rate I've set. But when I hit the KPL button, it acts like a fast on / fast off, bypassing the ramp rate. 2. If the light is on, and I press-and-hold the SwitchLinc to dim it all the way to zero, the KPL button light stays on. If I click the off position on the SwitchLinc again, then the KPL button light goes off.
  14. No. But then everything else you said went right over my head. I've not explored the network interface, I've never done any TCP/IP programming, and I don't have those boards you mentioned or know anything about them. I do have a Beagleboard I acquired for a project that then went another direction, but I've never programmed that either. I should have mentioned I'm looking for the lowest investment in time, as well as dollars! Maybe someone can convince me that the $800 for the ELK is worth it to me, because: A. The voice announcements in the ELK are quick to trigger (from the ISY), easy to set up, and just as flexible (i.e. be able to record any custom WAV file, up to 40 messages). B. That the telephone support and many other features of the ELK add a lot of other benefit.
  15. OK, you may be right. But that means six PLM-sized boxes to plug in. I see the I/O Linc has a pass-through (uncontrolled) outlet on top. Does that mean I can plug six of them on top of each other, making a nice stack?
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