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  1. Tentative results seem to indicate that the the new KPL has solved the problem. There is still the matter of the other KPL that had similar symptoms, but that one is behaving lately. Acknowledging that there are some logical leaps that have to be taken to blame the KPL, but for now that is the conclusion. Thanks again @IndyMike for assist.
  2. This is all great advice and there is a lot I can work with here. KPL is next (should be here in 5 days), and I'll put some of the easier things on this list into my "best practices" list. The workaround of writing until it "sticks" should make this operationally acceptable, especially since the switch and KPL commands seems to work fine for now and I don't change things often. Will report back on new KPL for closure. Really appreciate the knowledge transfer and targeted troubleshooting.
  3. The electrical environment hasn't changed in any macro way, there is a chance that a new device has been plugged in outside of my control. Any suggestions for testing this theory? An unfriendly/noisy electrical environment seems difficult to fix. I have been considering purchasing a new KPL (if it doesn't help, having a spare seems like a good idea). Will post results of the swap once I receive it. Thanks for your continued input.
  4. I am noticing that two other devices are having same problem (if I'm interpreting the logs correctly). Started yesterday with one of them (another KPL), and now today with a on/off switch (2477s). Logs are attached. The devices do write eventually, so far. Editing to add. During this fail to write event, controlling the device seems to work fine. I've attached second log showing comms during on/off. And, I can read device links tables from devices not affected without problems. ON-OFF-SWITCH-FAIL-ISY-Events-Log.v5.3.4__Thu 2024.05.23 08.14.47.txt ON-OFF-SUCCESS-ISY-Events-Log.v5.3.4__Thu 2024.05.23 08.23.31.txt
  5. Thank you for the insight. This problem occurred when changing attributes to a scene that includes the KPL, but all comms to this KPL seem inconsistent (e.g. changing ramp rate also resulted in a comm failure, when I manually retried to write to device it was successful) Reading link table from the device was also problematic. First attempt retrieved 4 links and then failed. The second attempt (which is attached, along with comm log) failed entirely. I do not mind going thru process of factory reset/restore. Let me know if more testing would help before I do. Thanks again for taking a look. LINK-TABLE-READ - ISY-Events-Log.v5.3.4__Thu 2024.05.23 07.24.03.txt
  6. Hi, I'm having sporadic problems with an existing/stable install. Two of my KPL devices are giving "failed to write" errors about 50% of the time. Subsequent attempts will often succeed (although sometimes it take a few). Other comms in network are fine. I've attached two logs, one with success and one with failure. Can anyone give insight? Edit: Should note: the KPLs work as expected as responders. TY NO-WORK-ISY-Events-Log.v5.3.4__Wed 2024.05.22 08.43.50.txt WORKS-ISY-Events-Log.v5.3.4__Wed 2024.05.22 08.44.42.txt
  7. Hi I hope this is appropriate place to ask this question. I have an ISY99, but my question is about an Insteon device connected to it. I need an in-line solution for turning a device (fan) on and off. I had previously used an Insteon In-LineLinc Relay, but they are no longer available. Wondering if I can use a Micro Dimmer Switch Module and set the ramp rate to zero with the ISY. The fan is obviously not "dimmable".. Any pointers?
  8. I can remove the device from the remote and pair with EISY. However, I then cannot pair with remote. I can remove/find in any order, but cannot pair to both devices. Looking at on-line z-wave reference docs, it looks like the primary controller need to "allow" the second controller. I'm at a crossroads, I do not want to give up the remote, it is the friendly way to control the blinds for guests, etc. And I do not want to give up EISY, but this seems to be the choice. Any EISY advice on "allowing" a secondary controller? Thanks
  9. I would like to continue to use the remote though, is it possible to have the blinds paired to both?
  10. Hello, I am relatively new to this technology I have a working ISY99 config that doesn't include z-wave support. I purchased and installed Bali blinds with z-wave connectivity and a new EISY with the z-wave module. When attempting to pair blinds with EISY, I go into connect mode and put blinds into include mode (terms may be off, but I push button on blinds to get them to try to join z-wave device), and EISY doesn't find them. I do the same with Bail remote and the blinds are found. I've tried moving EISY close to blinds to no effect. Am I missing something simple? Maybe blinds cannot pair to two devices? Any pointers are welcomed. Thank you.
  11. Hello, Attempting to change (or add) user results in error message: "Retrieving /api/users (error returned)" After this happened I logged out and I cannot login. Error message "Access Denied" I don't think relevant, but recent upgrade of ISY to 5.3.4 Screenshots attached. Thanks for any info. :Mike
  12. This is the answer. Clicking on the controller and choosing "Copy scene attributes from Low Hang" for each controller set things right. I think a few people had this idea and were presenting it to me in different ways, so would like to give everyone credit. Case closed. Thanks all!
  13. I'm attempting to validate this, I think I'm following the suggestion correctly. Please see attached screenshots. When I click on the scene controller I can see that the device ("Kitchen Island") is a controller for the scene ("Low Hang") and that Kitchen Island is part of Low Hang. Is this the validation we're looking for? I'm tempted to delete the device and re-add (discover) to ISY. I understand this will require me to add the device to any scene, but there are not too many scenes to add to. Is this valid? Or, I have a spare switchlink dimmer. Would it be a good idea to swap the one that is in there?
  14. Done, but no changes. And, triggering the scene from the remote has same effect as triggering from the keypad. So, triggering from Mobillinc or Test Scene in ISY works, remote or keypad leave the "Kitchen Island" dimmer on. I do appreciate you sticking with it. Any tests you can think of that might help discern a cause?
  15. The keypad buttons are both controllers and responders (for different things). You can see the setup in this screenshot. They are controllers for this particular scene ("Low Hang"), and they seem to control it fine with the exception of this switchlink dimmer. I will charge and update the remote just to keep it up to date. Still works, just don't use it much.
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