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  1. I don't have an answer for you, but I can share a few tidbits. Caveat is that I'm new to Z-Wave, so keep that in mind. I use the AEOTEC range extender for a door alarm that is too far away for the native EISY to reach. When I added it to the network, a side effect was that my shades became much more predictable. Unfortunately, I don't know how to tell if the shades are being reached natively or through the extender. I know they are not actively paired to the extender, they are paired directly with EISY. Not sure if this helps since you may have distance issues between blinds and EISY but the key for me to pair the shades to both the remote and the EISY was unlocked in this post. Hope some of this helps.
  2. Thanks for the insight. Right now, Gates_ProgON can be fired with a second gate. That program has a different Then action. Should I create individual variables for each program, or is there a way to write the statements in each program so they do not fire each other off. (The second gate program is identical, using different sensors.) Also, can I import the updated text into EISY, or do I have to recreate it using the UI?
  3. Am I writing this correctly? My intention is to trigger THEN if either of the /Main House/Sensors are tripped AND the $Gates_ProgON is 0. I wasn't sure if I needed the parenthesis around the separate pairs of conditions with an OR in between or not. North Gate OPEN - [ID 0019][Parent 0031] If 'Main House / Sensors / North Gate' is switched On And $Gates_ProgON is 0 Or 'Main House / Sensors / ZY 033 North_Gate' Access Control is Window/door is open And $Gates_ProgON is 0 Then $North_Gate_Open = 1 Run Program '_North Gate' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  4. Unclear what the problem was. I cleared all sessions on the FW and forced EISY to get a new IP address and problem hasn't reoccurred. In hindsight, I should have done these things separately. Best bet - a "stuck" FW session or misapplied APP-ID (typical PAN stuff), or a duplicate IP address. Thanks for help troubleshooting.
  5. From support: ssh to eisy sudo rm /var/isy/FILES/CONF/0.UCF sudo service isy restart Resets to the default admin/admin. Works like a charm.
  6. Appreciate the investigation. Let's see if someone can shed some light.
  7. Yes - you're right. Typed a bit too quickly. Unfortunately, this seems to only changes the password for the BASH shell. The console password was not affected.
  8. Sudu command not found in the bash shell, and I think it would likely change the shell password - it is the java console I need access to. [admin@eisy ~]$ sudu passwd -bash: sudu: command not found Currently, I have access to both the portal and the CLI but despite multiple "three clicks" or the multipurpose button, I am unable to access console with admin/admin or any previous passwords.
  9. Troubleshooting one problem, and I created another. I cannot complete authentication via Java console. I have access to the portal, and the CLI via SSH. I've tried hardware password reset via three clicks of reset button on device. I still fail auth. Is it possible to change PW via portal, or CLI? Any other suggestions? TY
  10. I agree, the PAN should be considered as a suspect. And it is a great point that maybe the EISY stops trying to communicate with the portal when it senses Internet access is unavailable. There is also the suspicious timing of 30 minutes which sounds "FW session like". I'm looking into the PAN a bit deeper. Initially, no changes in code or policy in many months and never had this problem before. No other devices are exhibiting problems that I see. But I've been burned by the PAN before. Will report back with more info.
  11. I'm unable to ping "my.isy.io" (which resolves to a number of AWS IPs) from the EISY console, but also not able to ping it from my PC so I believe it doesn't respond to pings per a policy. I am seeing that during the "outage" pings to the Internet ( from the CLI on the EISY fail. During this time I see other requests from EISY (the pings, as well as NTP and DNS) leaving the local FW, but there are no replies. I am able to ping the EISY locally and it responds. What I *don't* see during the outage is the EISY sending any 443 traffic to the AWS IPs of my.iso.io. When things are functioning, those requests are sent every few minutes. It is as if the IESY stops trying to communicate with the portal(s). After about 30 minutes, the EISY returns to normal. The pings to start working and a few minutes later the SSL comms to the portals begins again, at this point and the EISY shows as on-line" and "registered". This repeats aver 30 minutes or so for the last 24 hours. * EDIT: I've opened a ticket with support. Attached: - Screenshot of the notifications I'm receiving - Screenshot of FW log showing approx 30 minute gap in outbound comms from EISY to my.isy.io
  12. I will try this when I get home. I’ve never used the command line on EISY. Assume SSH to IP and use local user/pass? Any special syntax for sourcing pings? TY
  13. Hello - Existing install, new problem. As of yesterday (4/15/2026), I am receiving notifications that my EISY is offline, and then back online with a distinct pattern. The offline events occur at :26 past the hour, and then on-line event occurs at :56 past the hour. The portal shows the ISY disconnected during these windows. I setup a continuous ping to the EISY locally and do not see any drops during these windows, and Internet access is uninterrupted at the house. I checked for possible duplicate IP addresses and it doesn't seem to be a problem. I've rebooted to no effect, and I am on the latest firmware. Any ideas on what might be happening, or ways to troubleshoot?
  14. I'm not sure of the comms, I think you're probably right that the remote, blinds and EISY all need to know what each other are doing. It doesn't seem that I can affect the polling interval via EISY anyway, when I change wake-interval it doesn't affect the comms. The downside is that the remote battery loses about 1% a day which gives the batteries about a 3 month lifespan. If anyone finds this thread and has some info, I'll be standing by. In the meantime, @Techman, I appreciate the feedback.
  15. I called Bali and spoke to their motorization team. They offered a suggestion about resetting the remote to factory default which I will try, but there we're unable to provide specific information on the protocol-level stuff. I found a thread in another home automation forum that references the same problem. No solution is provided. Meanwhile, I've set the wake interval to 86400 (24h) via console and I see the write has taken place, but the interval still seems to be 3 minutes. I'm trying to understand the nature of the command/response. the comms are pasted below. It looks like a command ("D2D Event") is sent from one side, and a response ("ZY003_199") is sent, presumably in return. The remote is listed in console as ZY003_199. Can anyone tell me if this is the EISY initiating the polling or the remote? Also, I'm still unclear if it necessary to have the remote paired with EISY to allow both to control the blinds. Seems like both EISY and remote need to be paired to the blinds, but unclear about the remote-EISY pairing. Any help appreciated! This log repeats every 3 minutes: Wed 03/05/2025 10:52:45 : [D2D EVENT ] Event [ZY003_199] [ST] [100] uom=51 prec=0 Wed 03/05/2025 10:52:45 : [ZY003_199 ] ST 100 (uom=51 prec=0) Wed 03/05/2025 10:52:45 : [D2D EVENT ] Event [ZY003_199] [DON] [100] uom=78 prec=0 Wed 03/05/2025 10:52:45 : [ZY003_199 ] DON 100 (uom=78 prec=0) Wed 03/05/2025 10:52:45 : [D2D EVENT ] Event [ZY003_199] [ST] [0] uom=51 prec=0 Wed 03/05/2025 10:52:45 : [ZY003_199 ] ST 0 (uom=51 prec=0) Wed 03/05/2025 10:52:45 : [D2D EVENT ] Event [ZY003_199] [DOF] [0] uom=78 prec=0 Wed 03/05/2025 10:52:45 : [ZY003_199 ] DOF 0 (uom=78 prec=0)
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