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  1. OK, installed the new beta version and my impression is that everything is working correctly. There are now many other choices for input selections. I tried a number of these including the ones most likely for me including cblsat, Stream, Game, AM, FM and all worked great. I also tried several others Aux1, Aux2, Sirius but these were non responsive, most likely due to a lack of this capability on my receiver. Thank you @firstone for this enhancement.
  2. I’ll try it today and report back. Thank you.
  3. @firstone are you still out there?
  4. Thank you @firstone. Here is the documentation in full for input select if anyone else is interested. For stream, “SLI 11”. SLI: name: input-selector aliases: ['source'] description: Input Selector Command values: '00': name: [video1, vcr, dvr, stb, dvr] description: sets VIDEO1, VCR/DVR, STB/DVR models: set1 '01': name: [video2, cbl, sat] description: sets VIDEO2, CBL/SAT models: set1 '02': name: [video3, game/tv, game, game1] description: sets VIDEO3, GAME/TV, GAME, GAME1 models: set1 '03': name: [video4, aux1] description: sets VIDEO4, AUX1(AUX) models: set1 '04': name: [video5, aux2, game2] description: sets VIDEO5, AUX2, GAME2 models: set1 '05': name: [video6, pc] description: sets VIDEO6, PC models: set1 '06': name: video7 description: sets VIDEO7 models: set1 '07': name: '07' description: Hidden1 EXTRA1 models: set1 08: name: 08 description: Hidden2 EXTRA2 models: set1 09: name: 09 description: Hidden3 EXTRA3 models: set1 '10': name: [dvd, bd, dvd] description: sets DVD, BD/DVD models: set1 '11': name: strm-box description: sets STRM BOX models: set1 '12': name: tv description: sets TV models: set1 '20': name: [tape-1, tv/tape] description: sets TAPE(1), TV/TAPE models: set1 '21': name: tape2 description: sets TAPE2 models: set1 '22': name: phono description: sets PHONO models: set1 '23': name: [cd, tv/cd] description: sets CD, TV/CD models: set1 '24': name: fm description: sets FM models: set1 '25': name: am description: sets AM models: set1 '26': name: tuner description: sets TUNER models: set1 '27': name: [music-server, p4s, dlna] description: sets MUSIC SERVER, P4S, DLNA models: set1 '28': name: [internet-radio, iradio-favorite] description: sets INTERNET RADIO, iRadio Favorite models: set1 '29': name: [usb, usb] description: sets USB/USB(Front) models: set1 2A: name: usb description: sets USB(Rear) models: set1 2B: name: [network, net] description: sets NETWORK, NET models: set1 2C: name: usb description: sets USB(toggle) models: set1 2D: name: aiplay description: sets Aiplay models: set1 2E: name: bluetooth description: sets Bluetooth models: set1 2F: name: usb-dac-in description: sets USB DAC In models: set2 '41': name: line description: sets LINE models: set2 '42': name: line2 description: sets LINE2 models: set2 '44': name: optical description: sets OPTICAL models: set2 '45': name: coaxial description: sets COAXIAL models: set2 '40': name: universal-port description: sets Universal PORT models: set1 '30': name: multi-ch description: sets MULTI CH models: set1 '31': name: xm description: sets XM models: set1 '32': name: sirius description: sets SIRIUS models: set1 '33': name: dab description: 'sets DAB ' models: set1 '55': name: hdmi-5 description: sets HDMI 5 models: set1 '56': name: hdmi-6 description: sets HDMI 6 models: set1 '57': name: hdmi-7 description: sets HDMI 7 models: set1 UP: name: up description: sets Selector Position Wrap-Around Up models: set1 DOWN: name: down description: sets Selector Position Wrap-Around Down models: set1 QSTN: name: query description: gets The Selector Position models: set1
  5. I am using this node server for my Onkyo receiver and overall works pretty well. There are a multitude of Select Input options available but missing is a streaming device, such as an Apple TV. I see game_tv but on my receiver, I have both a game port and a streamer device port. @firstone Can I request the addition of streamer as an input select?
  6. Hi @photogeek54. Yes, confirmed the node server is production. Will send you the api_key.
  7. @bpwwer Greetings, our SolarEdge installation has 2 inverters, each with 1 battery attached. When I restart the node server, the log shows finding 2 inverters and 2 batteries, but there is only a single battery node with a node name of battery 1.5 and a single battery in the Polisy. Are the two batteries being consolidated? 2023-08-19 11:09:48,914 Thread-1 udi_interface INFO solaredge-poly:discover: Discovering SolarEdge sites and equipment... 2023-08-19 11:09:49,807 Thread-1 udi_interface INFO solaredge-poly:discover: Found 1 sites 2023-08-19 11:09:49,808 Thread-1 udi_interface INFO solaredge-poly:discover: Found Active site id: 1003126, name: Quackenbush1, TZ: Pacific/Honolulu 2023-08-19 11:09:49,809 Thread-1 udi_interface INFO solaredge-poly:discover: Adding site id: 1003126 2023-08-19 11:09:49,811 Thread-1 udi_interface.interface INFO interface:addNode: Adding node Quackenbush1(1003126) [None] 2023-08-19 11:09:49,813 Thread-1 udi_interface INFO solaredge-poly:discover: Requesting site inventory... 2023-08-19 11:09:51,069 Thread-1 udi_interface INFO solaredge-poly:discover: Found: 8 meters, 0 sensors, 0 gateways, 2 batteries, 2 inverters 2023-08-19 11:09:51,070 Thread-1 udi_interface INFO solaredge-poly:discover: Adding inverter 7F177E6B-7F 2023-08-19 11:09:51,073 Thread-1 udi_interface.interface INFO interface:addNode: Adding node Inverter 1(7f177e6b7f) [None] 2023-08-19 11:09:51,075 Thread-1 udi_interface INFO solaredge-poly:discover: Adding inverter 7F16EF1C-A0 2023-08-19 11:09:51,078 Thread-1 udi_interface.interface INFO interface:addNode: Adding node Inverter 2(7f16ef1ca0) [None] 2023-08-19 11:09:51,080 Thread-1 udi_interface INFO solaredge-poly:discover: Adding battery R15563P3SSEG12204231694 2023-08-19 11:09:51,082 Thread-1 udi_interface.interface INFO interface:addNode: Adding node Battery 1.5(r15563p3sseg12) [None]
  8. The bigger question: why are these occurring? Is this an issue or not?
  9. Like others have mentioned, I am now seeing many on-line and off-line notifications per day, screen shot posted. This does not look normal to me.. I am running both an ISY for the IR capability alongside the Polisy but haven’t noticed any system “issues” per se.
  10. GQuack

    What is the EISY?

    Wow, I have only been running the “new” Polisy for six months and now another new piece of hardware. If I had known the EISY was imminent, I would not have spent the money to move from the ISY to the Polisy. I understand technology marches on but this feels unfortunate. Did I miss that this latest generation was coming soon?
  11. Guess my lesson may have to wait for another day. My wife just told me she prefers to control the hall lights…GASP, manually! What is this world coming to???
  12. Thanks all for the comments and this has been very helpful for my understanding. I’ve never used the Adjust Scene feature so seems a good time to learn. I would only be doing the adjust twice a day, once when it is dusk, once when it is dawn so hopefully will not experience any issues with the lag time.
  13. I was using multiple scenes before and thought this variable approach was much more....elegant. 1 scene instead of 3, 20%, 80%, 100%, and less code. If it doesn't work the way I thought it would, feels like a swing and a missed opportunity. The variable is being treated like a static value instead of.......a variable. That's weird that you have dates as an option for on levels, I have only percentages or variables to pick from, no dates. Doesn't make sense. I'm running 5.4.4.
  14. @Techman Here's the scene. --------------------------------------------------------- $Dark_Ind is a State variable set at Dawn or Dusk $Hall_Illumination_Code is an Integer ---------------------------------------------------------- Set Dawn or Dusk Conditions If $Dark_Ind is 1 Then $Hall_Illumination_Code = 20 $Hall_Illumination_Code Init To 20 Else $Hall_Illumination_Code = 80 $Hall_Illumination_Code Init To 80 Hall_Grp_Motion_ON If 'Hall_Motion-Sensor' is switched On Then Set 'Hall_Lights_GRP' On '$Hall_Illumination_Code %' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Hall_Grp_Motion_OFF If 'Hall_Motion-Sensor' is switched Off Then Set 'Hall_Lights_GRP' Fast Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  15. I've come up with a potential use for the feature to specify a variable for a light device illumination level. I have a Scene with two devices, and within the Scene set both devices to use the variable for the ON level. I have programming that changes that variable based on certain conditions. What I expected to happen was that the Scene would turn on at that ON level at which the variable is currently set. What seems to happen is that the Scene always turns on at the ON level for the variable at the time that the Scene was created even if the variable is different. Is this correct?
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