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  1. Thank you Javi, better get to it then! šŸ¤£šŸ˜€šŸ˜šŸ˜†šŸ¤©šŸ˜‚
  2. Are sunrise or sunset times based on your local time zone displayed anywhere in UD Mobile? I haven't found them anywhere....I probably like many folks have processes that execute based on those and would just like to see when I should expect them to run.
  3. Thank you all for your replies, gives me some more to think about. @Andy P that's a good trip on the multiple scenes, was not aware you can do that. @larryllix thank you for your comments, I do understand the eprom side of it but I have to ask the question: then for what purpose is having the option to set a scene to a variable %? When would you use that? @Bumbershoot I haven't used the adjust scene functionality yet, I will look at that further. Decision point will be how often I expect to switch between these "scenes" to figure out the best approach.
  4. Can someone point me to documentation on how the feature to set a scene or a device to a variable ON level is? I canā€™t find anything in the Wiki and havenā€™t found anything in this forum that provides the explanations. Not sure if what I am conceptualizing can be done or not but something like this. The use of a variable to set a device to a ā€œ%ā€ ON level is straightforward, initialize a value, set the device ON to that variable level. Now, how does that same feature work with a scene where that same capability exists to use a ā€œvariableā€ level for the scene? Does the variable value get applied to every device in the scene? What I am thinking of doingā€¦.for this example, I have 3 separate scenes each with their respective light responders controlled by their respective controller keypad button(s). Can I create a single ā€œsceneā€ combining all 3 of those sets of light responders and their corresponding keypad button responders, and control the illumination % level for each of those 3 sets of lights differently using the variable % set feature at either the device or scene level? Such as scenario 1: 40%, 60%, and 80%, scenario 2: 60%, 60% and 100%, scenario 3: 100%, 100%, and 100%. If I can do that, saves me from creating multiple scenes for each of the lighting values which is what I have now with the potential for further expansion. Hope I haven't hopelessly confused the question.
  5. I agree, had the same problem, updated the app, problem is gone. Thank you..
  6. Thanks Javi, didn't see it in the non-production store. I'll check it out, thanks.
  7. There is no Global Cache NS. Have to look at other options.
  8. Global Cache NS, Iā€™m not using that currently and didnā€™t know there is one. Let me check that out..
  9. Is there a way to programmatically check the results of a Network Resource call? I've been using an Global Cache iTach IR to send IR signals to a split unit A/C. It's been working flawlessly for quite some time but I recently upgraded to a new router and was unable to attach to the iTach unit given the restrictions of the iTach to 802.11b standard. I solved that by configuring my old router as an access point with a dedicated 802.11b network used solely for the iTach. Not wanting this as a long-term solution, I purchased the newer model Global Cache Flex device which supports more of the wireless standards. I had zero issues with setting that up and getting it to connect to the new router but I am getting inconsistent results with the A/C unit. I am using exactly the same base code with the only exception being the IP address of the new Flex unit as opposed to the IR unit so something is happening somewhere with the network resource call but I am at a loss as to how to find the issue. I see no errors in the error log. Any suggestions?
  10. Verified the update I made is to version 7.18.3, still unsuccessful with any recognition of trying to add a device. This Z-wave stuff has just been a big pain in the a.. since day 1 for me. Guess if I'm going to continue trying to use these devices, I'm going to have to move to the Zmatter device. or see if I can revert back to version 7.15 and see if that works.
  11. Missed that thank you. Now to figure out whatā€™s happening with mineā€¦
  12. I like your method, let's try this. He plugs this stick you show in the picture into one of the two devices shown. Polisy (blue) or eisy (Black). Do you know which one?
  13. What controller device, not z-wave device?
  14. @mmbIs he running on a Polisy or eisy?
  15. Ok, just upgraded from Polisy to eisy but didnā€™t want to fork out more money for the zmatter device. Chris helped me get the eisy off the zmatter default and back to the Zooz dongle. In order to make that work, needed to remove all z -wave devices and re-add them. Removed all of them, thought I would be smart and start over from scratch, did a reset of the z-wave dongle to factory settings, then upgraded the dongle to the newest firmware version through the anything but simple Simplicity Studio, typically the right course of action. Now, I canā€™t add any z-wave devices, no response at all to add device even when holding the z-wave device in close proximity to the eisy. Event viewer shows ā€œUnrecognized Z-wave firmware version/library [7.18]ā€ Perhaps need to revert back to a previous erosion for some reason or???
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