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  1. We got a new front door. The "old" (different model) zwave lock didn't align with the new strike. I had another ("new") zwave lock, which I tried on the front door. (Alas, also doesn't align with the strike. More work to do.) I'm keeping the "new" zwave lock, however, and I'll put the "old" zwave lock on a different door, some day.... Should I put the batteries in the old lock and "officially" remove it from my system? Or just wait to put it on the other door (could be a while)? Also, I have a "phantom" "entry control". I was trying to add my new lock and did it incorrectly. After adding, removing, adding correctly the new zwave lock, I still have this phantom entry control. Can I remove this?
  2. Hi Geddy, Thank you. Were is the "My ISY"? I got both computers working without the error. I thought I had already removed the applications and reinstalled, but I guess not. Once I removed the applications and reinstalled with the latest start.jnlp, everything went back to normal. And zwave is back to normal too.
  3. I found it. I guess I have to bookmark this: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/24381-iox-launcher/
  4. One thing I don't understand: Where do I get the latest start.jnlp? Don't I need the latest version?
  5. Thank you. It's on a different computer, but I'll try these this weekend.
  6. I'm on IoX v5.8.0 (2024-01-01-10:29:02). Just upgraded to the latest software/firmware this morning by upgrading packages. Any idea what this message means and how I debug it? It came up a few times before the upgrade, then went away. By the way, I had upgraded a few days before, and then my Z-wave went completely offline. Did not realize this until none of my Z-wave worked, including my door locks. (I may have to change them to automatically lock by themselves. Not fun to have doors that don't lock.) A reboot did not fix, but removing the power and putting the power back in, along with the upgrade, seems to have worked. Not sure if this is related to the current error or not.
  7. Thank you. This "trick" has been a lifesaver. I have too many lights/plug ins to drag successfully with a mouse.
  8. Thank you, thank you, thank you. That has saved me so much time!!! I was looking for something like this, but I failed to see it.
  9. I cannot do this. I'm trying to grab a light that is 50 places or so in the menu above the new scene, and move it to the new scene. I cannot get all the way to the scene before I accidentally grab something else and try to add the wrong thing to the scene. Is there a way in the scene to select a device? This is what it looks like, but nothing is available in "device":
  10. Thank you, that did work after a while. Is there a way to add something to a scene through a menu? I have been dragging the remote button down to the new scene, and so many times I'd either lose it or I'd accidentally pick up a different light. I'm using a mouse.
  11. Hi Techman, it's the latest version of the remote. 4 button. I manually added 4 lights to it, before realizing that I could link it to my EISY. One of the lights happens to be the light that's programmed to the keypad we're discussing. This is for an in law apartment. The idea is that the remote is used to turn on 3-4 lights that provide light for parking and for walking the steps up to the in law door. Once you open the door, you can directly turn off 3 of the 4 lights at a 4 gang box, one of which has the keypad (which itself turns on/off one of the lights). The lights for parking are controlled by the A button on the keypad (thanks to you, and where the switch for those lights is in a hard to reach place). I started a different thread about the remote here: Recent thread about remote However, should I add the remote button to the scene I've already created, or add a scene for the remote button only?
  12. I have an EISY an just got an Insteon remote (4 button). I manually programmed the remote to control 4 different switches, then realized that the EISY does not get updated when I use the remote. I successfully linked the remote to the EISY, but I have no idea how to program it. I can see the four buttons in the admin console. Should I reset the controller before programming with EISY? Do I set up a scene for each button, attach the button to the scene (as a controller) and then attach a light to scene? If so, I drug a light to the scene, and instead of the light, I get a "notification controller" (see below). Is that what I should see?
  13. Thank you. I did not know I only needed to use one button. I added a scene and it works if the button for the light is pressed or I turn on the light through the admin console. It does not work if I use an Insteon remote, but I'll research that and add a thread if necessary.
  14. It's a 6 button, and there is a light hardwired. The button shown is one of the 4 not hardwired and would be for another (controlled, not hardwired) light.
  15. I installed two keypads a long time ago. I no longer remember how I did it. I'm using the EISY now, and in the admin console, it shows the keypad buttons. Below is a single button on the keypad. I want this button to be a controller for a light (ideally, turn off) and then (possibly?) be a responder to the light. I would like to program button A to turn off the light and button B to turn on the light. I do not see a way to do this through the admin console. Is there a way to do it? And should each button ONLY be a controller for the switch, or is there a reason to have the button be a responder too? Thank you.
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