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  1. I have my own domain and use dynamic DNS to get around that issue. I used to have to run a DDNS client on my computer, but last year I was able to get my router to do it for me. So whenever my public IP address changes, my router will update its DNS entry with my domain hosting service.
  2. johne


    Hi Michel, If I go to the configuration page and add an e-mail address, and then press the save button, I'm unable to add another address because the "add" and "save" buttons are disabled. That's really it. As long as you don't press the save button, you can keep adding addresses. Either way, it is working now. Thanks! -John
  3. johne


    Hi Michel, I added your e-mail address, as well as several others of my own and I ran my test program again, and I actually received a message at 2 of the 3 in-boxes. Did you receive a "test" message? If you don't mind, I'm going to leave the notify list the way it is overnight. I have two programs that are supposed to send notifications (one when it gets dark outside, and one when it gets bright outside). I'll remove your ID if notifications start working. BTW, I had a real hard time adding e-mail recipients to that notification list. For some reason the "add" button doesn't always work for me. -John
  4. johne


    Hi Michel, I'm running the Tomato firmware on a Buffalo home router/firewall, and it doesn't block any outbound (Internet-bound) traffic on any port. It can do DNS, and it also passes DNS requests if a client chooses to use a different DNS server. I changed the logging level to ALL on the router and tried to send another TestMessage from the ISY. This allows me to see any inbound or outbound traffic, and which traffic is blocked and which traffic is allowed. I see two communications (both TCP) from the ISY. The first one goes to my ISP's DNS servers, and the second communication goes to "Abacus America, Inc.". Both communications are allowed, and I was unable to find any inbound communication destined for the ISY. -John
  5. Hi IM, The old unit was the X10-branded "Transceiver Module RR501" and the unit that ended up working is the "IBM Home Director HD501 02K1040". I actually have both plugged in right now, using the same house code; I figured it wouldn't hurt to have them both working at the same time, however the ISY picks up the signals just fine if I only use the IBM module. It doesn't pick up the signals if I just use the X10-branded module. -John
  6. johne


    It's running version 2.6.6. I now have everything working the way I wanted it, so notifications aren't as important to me as they were a few days ago. So we can put this issue on the back burner if it's taking up resources that could be better used (e.g. having an X10 device page).
  7. johne


    I rebooted the ISY, and issued the TM command. Here's the transcript: http://ISY_IP_ADDRESS>TM Email: Enter your full email address here,myaddress@mymailserver.com Send Message (Y/N)Y Sent the following message: 2008/08/19 05:45:18 Test message from ISY Home Automation device. http://ISY_IP_ADDRESS> The difference between yesterday and today is I used a capital "Y" in answering the question, so this test was more hopeful. However, I have yet to see the e-mail message. Is there a way to check DNS on the ISY? I would be very surprised if my router (running tomato firmware) was causing a problem.
  8. johne


    Hi Michel, I sent the notification using the CLI and the TM command. I have yet to receive an e-mail. I changed my e-mail address to a different account on a different system and tried it again, and so far I haven't seen it. BTW, why not allow users to enter their own SMTP server and credentials? That may be cheaper and less to support. -John
  9. Son of a gun. I found an extra X10 receiving module, and set it to the same house code as the other one, and now the PLM/ISY-99 is seeing the X10 commands from the remote control. I guess this is one of the reasons why SmartLabs came up with Insteon, eh?
  10. hmm. so far it's just that one remote/module which I find completely odd... I figured that since Homeseer was seeing it, then it's clearly on the "wire" and the PLM should be catching it too. I'll break out my old (ugly) x10 remote as well as a different X10 transceiver to see if that makes a difference.
  11. johne


    Hello Michel, I have run my "test notification" script several times and I'm not getting any of those entries in the log. I did find one "-7029" near the top of the log: INSTEON Device Control Value Time User Log Type 0 null Fri 08/01/2008 01:23:08 PM System Start 0 null Fri 08/01/2008 01:23:08 PM System -7029 but that's it. I'm inclined to believe that it's not functioning in this release as d_l mentioned. -John
  12. johne


    How is the notification function supposed to work? I have my e-mail address defined, and I have two programs set up to "notify all" when they execute, but so far I haven't seen an e-mail come my way even though the programs have executed several times. I even wrote a test program that does nothing but "notify all" and it doesn't seem to work either.
  13. I have been fairly successful with the ISY-99 running 2.6.6 code, and I'm able to monitor X10 traffic using the Event Viewer set to level 2. HOWEVER, not all of the X10 traffic is getting logged at the ISY-99 and I'm not sure why. I'm trying to migrate to the ISY-99 from Homeseer, and right now I have the Homeseer communication module (CM11A) plugged into the back of the PLM that connects to the ISY-99. The funny thing is that Homeseer is seeing (and logging) X10 traffic that never appears in the ISY-99 Event Viewer, specifically traffic from my X10 wireless remote that I use to turn on/off the lights on my main floor. Given that the traffic has to flow through the ISY-99 PLM to get to Homeseer, I don't understand why the ISY-99 isn't logging it. Is there something else I can do on the PLM or ISY-99 to see more information about the X10 traffic that is flowing?
  14. johne

    Waiting to begin

    I believe I'm in the same boat, and I agree that some fundamental documentation would be nice, but another way to learn is through experimentation. I'm looking for a device to replace my home computer running Homeseer. Homeseer is a SWEET product, but I want to free up my computer. The ISY-99i is the third device that I have purchased hoping to replace the Homeseer solution, and so far I've found it to be extremely flexible. So flexible, in fact, I think it might work for me. My advice is to buy one and start playing with it. The software/firmware updates seem to be fairly frequent, and they are definitely supporting X10 more and more with each release. Oh, and I've had my ISY-99i now for 2.5 days, and I'm pretty close to having it replicate everything that I'm doing with Homeseer. -John
  15. Beautiful! Both suggestions were spot on. Thanks Darrell!
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