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About willclarke

  • Birthday 03/11/1969

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  • Location
    New York & Vermont

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  1. I'm new to the EISY. I have an off-grid house and need to monitor our battery state of charge ("SOC") and use the SOC in programs to turn critical devices on or off. I found a bluetooth device that will monitor the batteries and wondering if this would connect with the EISY. Victron Smart Shunt 500A/50mV Bluetooth lithium Battery Monitor Will any bluetooth device connect with the EISY? Any insight would be appreciated.
  2. @lilyoyo1 Understood. I'd rather not have 2 separate controllers. I'm going to try the repeaters and see what devices I'm success with. Thank you again for your responses.
  3. Thanks @lilyoyo1. Yesterday you said the eisy could support two zwave networks. How would I accomplish this, what hardware would i need? I have one LAN network for the house and garage. Can I use an ethernet USB hub and zwave doggle in the garage, would the eisy recognize it?
  4. @Techman Great! Thank you!
  5. @Techman Thank you! If these work, that’s an easy solution.
  6. I was wondering if i could use a hub, Ethernet to USB hub with a usb doggle plugged in. Not sure if the EISY would recognize it.
  7. The garage may be too far from the house for one Z-Wave network to reach it. That's why I was thinking of two networks. I didn't know the EISY could only have one network.
  8. Has anyone done any work to pull solar inverter data from the GroWatt website? I have an off-grid home and looking to pull inverter data into a new EISY system to monitor critical items. Can anyone assist?
  9. I’m starting from scratch with a new EISY and ZWave doggle (was shipped today). I had HomeSeer running my house and garage and I’m finished with it, had enough. I have approx 60 Zwave switches in the house and 12 in the garage. All Zooz devices. Is there a way to set up a second Zwave doggle in the garage over LAN so i will have a second network just for the garage?
  10. Thank you for the responses!! It worked by dropping the zero.
  11. Hi All, I have a custom notification set up to run that gives me current status on a hand full of devices. I have a bunch of 2441TH thermostats on this report. I have 4 thermostats that I cannot get the custom notifications to report on. The isy can see them and communicate with no issues. I just noticed that all four thermostats have a zero in the address at the leading digit in the second set. These are the actual address that are not working; Basement ..... ${sys.node.24 07 6D 1.ST} Bedroom 1 .....${sys.node.24 07 38 1.ST} Bedroom 2 .....${sys.node.24 08 58 1.ST} Bedroom 3 .....${sys.node.24 08 D7 1.ST} I don't have any other devices with a zero in the address at this spot to test this out.... Has anyone run across this, is there a fix for this? Thanks, Will
  12. Xathros, Thank you for the reply. While searching the web, I see that the Dallas DS18B20 is common sensor used with the CAI board. Is this sensor what you use or what you recommend? Also, I assume I have to purchase the network module for the ISY, right? I'm not very advanced at programming, however not a novice. Is this a difficult task getting the ISY and CAI board to talk? PS: I saw your location and had to research "Republic of Vermont". Interesting history. I have a farmhouse in Andover, built in 1780. Thanks, Will.
  13. HI All, I'm new to the forum. Purchased my first ISY this past August and having fun with it. I'm using it to control a ski house in VT. I'm looking for an easy way to monitor the water temps on a boiler, supply and return. Can anyone suggest a simple way to do this with a sensor that can handle the 180 degree temps? Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks, Will
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