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  1. HAOS in a VM on the EISY is a very interesting idea. That would enable the fully managed version of HA+Linux with the add-ons in an internally managed docker instance - relatively low complexity from a user perspective. With the HA emphasis on a local / non-cloud Voice Assistant capability that might need to be accounted for.
  2. Have you checked your HA log for errors with the ISY integration? I've only recently been migrating my programs / automations to HA from my EOL ISY994 and have run into what appears to be an issue with the integration code. When I made a device on the ISY a member of an HA scene it frequently doesn't respond and I see an error in the logs such as: 2023-12-27 22:25:10.550 ERROR (MainThread) [pyisy] ISY Reported an Invalid Command Received /nodes/XX%20XX%20XX%20X/cmd/DOF 2023-12-27 22:25:10.550 WARNING (MainThread) [pyisy] ISY could not send off command to XX XX X X. My solution for the moment has been to create Insteon scenes on the ISY and use the switch device the UD ISY/IoX integration creates for the ISY scene in HA as a member of the HA scene. If I get any spare time I'll try to dig into the issue with the integration (pyisy).
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