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  1. Thanks very much for the quick solution... that did the trick.
  2. I just installed a Vue and got it connected to my utility provider (PG&E). I can see in the Vue app that it's working fine. I then installed the Vue Node Server on the eisy, but I'm seeing the same "file not found" errors repeatedly. I've attached a file with the errors that I'm seeing, but it appears that the problem is that the "boto3" module is not found. Has anyone else seen this and found a fix? VueNode_FileNotFoundErrors.txt
  3. Never mind... I decided to just go for it. I've been able to add one of the Z-Wave switches (enbrighten ZW3010) successfully after doing a factory reset on it. It seems to be working. Frank
  4. I've migrated my ISY to the eISY, and all my Insteon units are working well. I now want to add a couple Z-Wave switches that I formerly controlled with a Hubitat via a Polyglot unit. So I purchased the Z-Matter USB option, and have plugged it into the eISY. I can see the "Z-Wave" menu drop-down in the AD, but I want to know if there's anything I need to do before adding Z-Wave devices. For example, on the Configuration->System tab, I have "Z-Wave Support" checked. But I also see a button labeled "Migrate to ZMatter Z-Wave". Since I wasn't using the ISY's internal Z-Wave, I assume I don't need to click that button because I have no existing Z-Wave devices to migrate, but is that a correct assumption? In short, my question is: What are the steps to take after plugging in a ZMatter USB and before adding Z-Wave devices? The lack of documentation on this is really frustrating, by the way. There really should be some installation instructions included with the unit, or at least a QR code link to online documentation. Maybe just plugging it in and clicking the "Z-Wave Support" checkbox is all there is to it, but there's no way to know that because it's not documented anywhere.
  5. Thanks for the reply. I did still have a couple programs related to the Zigbee power management enabled. I also had a couple programs related to weather alerts that relied on the Ambient Weather node but they were based on the PG2 version of the node. (I haven't enabled PG3 yet.) Neither the power management or weather programs were running, but I deleted all of them since I'll need to recreate them once I get PG3 up anyway. I then waited about 15 minutes to make sure they were truly deleted before trying to run UD Mobile on the iPhone. No luck. When I look in AC, I don't see any programs currently running so I don't think that's an issue at this point. I'll open a ticket.
  6. I've migrated my configuration from the ISY to the eISY, migrated the portal, and things appear to be generally working. I can control Insteon devices in Mobilinc on my iPhone, however I can no longer get UD Mobile to run on the iPhone at all. When I click on it, I see a brief flash of the app, and then it disappears. If I look at what apps are running in the background on the phone, UD Mobile is there, but selecting it doesn't work. Any suggestions? Did I perhaps miss a step in the migration from the ISY somewhere? Thanks.
  7. I prefer an option where updates get pushed to the device and I'm notified that they're available, but don't get activated until I say so. That way I can make sure they are implemented when I'm around to monitor the result. That said, I'm probably OK with being nagged (via recurring emails, maybe?) if an update doesn't get activated in my system for some prolonged period of time. But of course then you have to define "prolonged period of time"...
  8. That makes sense, but the other Node-Servers on the Pi (ISY Inventory and Hubitat) are working fine so it must be something specific to the Ambient Weather node server. Maybe running an update on the Pi will fix the network problem. If not, then I’ll try reinstalling the Ambient Weather node server.
  9. Thanks for the assistance, Bob. Other priorities kept me from getting back to this for a while, but I did figure out what I needed to do to get the Ambient Weather node values into variables, and in turn use those in an alert. However, the values for the Ambient Weather nodes aren't updating in the ISY. I see all the nodes, but the values in those nodes get set when the Ambient Weather Node Server is restarted, update regularly for a few hours, and then stop updating until I do another restart. Based on the log, it looks like MQTT is running into an SSL error: ssl.SSLEOFError: EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:2341). But I don't know why it would run for a while and then suddenly fail. A Google search didn't give me any useful info. I've attached the log. If anyone recognizes this and has any suggestions for fixing it, please let me know. AmbientWeather_1-28-2023_100707.txt
  10. Sorry, I should have posted my fix some time ago. I did finally fix this by doing exactly what @Techmansuggested. I ended up doing a factory reset and a restore on all 15 2477D switches in my house. It was a nuisance, but it solved the problem. I don't know what caused this problem initially. We did have a brief power outage in late November, so perhaps that scrambled things in the ISY? But we've had subsequent outages and there hasn't been any problems afterward, so who knows. Thanks for the assistance.
  11. I've been using this Node Server since last April, and it's been working well. However, it is no longer reporting Status of the Hubitat devices in the ISY Admin Console. Control of the Hubitat devices works fine, but the status in the ISY console never changes. What should I look for to fix this? FYI, the only devices connected to the Hubitat at the moment are a couple Z-Wave light switches. I'm running the Node Server on Polyglot. The ISY is on version 5.3.4, and I did just update the Hubitat to the latest release but this problem started before that. We have had a couple power outages within the last week so I thought maybe that affected either the ISY, Raspberry Pi and/or the Hubitat. So I've restarted Polyglot and rebooted both the Hubitat and the ISY, but there's been no change. Thanks, Frank
  12. I wasn't trying to send data to the Ambient server, I was trying to include the value of a node in an Action. Specifically, I wanted to be able to send an alert at the end of the day with the value "Rain - Day" so I would know the total rain for the day. A program would send an alert email at 11:59 PM if the value of "Rain - Day" was greater than 0. But I wanted to include the current value of "Rain - Day" in the message, so I need to be able to get to it as part of the "Then" statement in the program. Is it not possible to access the values contained in the various Weather nodes in an Action? Thanks, Frank
  13. I have Ambient Weather running on a Pi Polisy, and it works just fine. But when I try to use Weather nodes in programs, I only see them in "If" statements, not in Actions. When creating an Action, the only options that come up under "Weather/Ambient Weather" in the Your Devices list are Re-Discover, Remove Notices and Update Profile. Do I maybe have something configured incorrectly? Why aren't the nodes visible under "Action"? - Frank
  14. That was a good suggestion, but I'm afraid it didn't work. I cleared everything in Java, including applications, and then reinstalled the start applet, but the console still doesn't register state changes for the switches. And just to make sure it isn't a problem of some sort on my PC, I performed the same steps on another computer. No luck there either.
  15. OK, here's a screenshot of the log for a couple switches being turned on and then off, one after the other. I never have a need to look at these logs, so don't really know what I'm looking at. Hopefully there's something useful there.
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