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  1. Thanks for the great feedback/thoughts. I wouldn't be surprised if we see an integration eventually. The echo seems to be constantly getting new updates with various integrations with stuff, either directly or through various skills. So I don't run into the same sort of issues/problems -- What's missing to be able to go from: "Sonos 7 is playing source 43" to "Master Suite is playing Classical Rock Redux" Is it just a set of additional web services that need to get called against the sonos controller to find out the labels instead of the ids? Or is it that since it's a control devices rather than a standard skill, can't have the set of utterances in the skill? I was planning on modeling off of something like this: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/11716-insteon-and-sonos-with-isy-994i/?hl=sonos Thanks again! Ben
  2. Has anybody created some programs to be able to control a sonos through the echo using the ISY? I know there was some work to be able to control the ISY via various switches and keypads, so theoretically should be able to control it using programs via Alexa... Especially with the new Echo Dot coming out, I'd love to be able to use the echo in the rooms I have sonos already, and setup commands through it. I know folks have used lambda/raspberry integrations...but thought this may be an easier way to do some simple integrations (like play list, volume controls, stop/start/etc...) Thoughts/comments? Anybody try this or have a jump start on it? Thanks, Ben
  3. List looks really good. I'd like to also control the above and under cabinet lighting, If I understand correctly, would need to get 'cabinet' added to the device list. Thanks, Ben
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