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  1. Yes, this is my experience too. The latest after a few days of experimentation is good news. I bought Laughlin G7 LEDs (14W PAR30 dimmable spots). These things got great reviews and so far, no flickering at all. @haroldunger, I like your idea of dropping the ramp rate as a troubleshooting tip. What's clear is that sometimes these configurations are like chasing a ghost in the machine, especially with changes in LED circuits, different brands, and different loads on the same circuits. Over time I have to believe this gets to be more stable. Thanks again for the great advice. My next project is going to be some undercounter LED strips.
  2. Great suggestions all. I will swap the bulbs out today and see if perhaps they've just "gone bad" or if another brand makes a difference. I had hoped that things were finally stable in this room (a large kitchen) after spending more than $700 on LED bulbs for lamps and overheads! I'm convinced this is great bulb technology and thankfully we see lots of new products coming out all the time.
  3. I searched and found limited posts on this topic, but perhaps others have had this issue. I have a ISY 994i running 4.3.26 firmware. I've been building out a system for a couple of years now and have close to 50 Insteon devices. I have one Z-Wave lock too and some IP cameras that operate via the network interface. In general things work great - programs operate as they should, etc. I'm reasonably capable at programming to get LED lights to do what they should and am a happy customer. That said, I have a pesky problem. I just replaced a standard 2477D module controlling some overhead lights with a 6 Button dimmer keypad (2334-232). Now that I have done this, the lights on the load circuit flicker frequently and badly. There was no flicker on a standard 2477 dimmer. In the past I've seen this with certain brand LED lights, but I have to rule this out since the light bulbs haven't changed, just the controller. I thought the 6 button unit might be defective and replaced it. Same issue. Does anyone have any experience with these sorts of issues? It feels like interference from Insteon traffic on the neutral wire and maybe the keypad dimmers are just more sensitive because of the extra 4 buttons that can be programmed? Thanks!! Jason
  4. Stusviews, LeeG, and Techman - Thank you all for responding. Turns out LeeG was absolutely right. I never knew the red KPL controller entries in the scene could have different settings than the scene they are supposed to control. That was the issue. Now that I understand this I think it gives me lots more flexibility. Again, many thanks as this was really driving me crazy. On a related note, is there a good forum post or wiki page on how to interpret the links tables?
  5. Hello All - I've been working with Insteon and the ISY 994i for about 1 year and have nearly 40 switchlinks, iolincs, outletlincs, etc. I consider myself reasonably competent on things like LED scenes, use of variables, locksets, camera integration and other programming elements. But I'm really stumped on something and would love any suggestions. I have 3 kitchen lighting scenes that control the same set of 6 lights, with varying on levels. The scenes work perfectly when tested from the ISY console and also when selected via the Mobilinc app. However, I cannot get buttons on a 8-button and 6-button KPL to properly turn on these scenes. There is a single button per scene on each KPL, in Toggle-On mode. A fourth button on each KPL is a Toggle-Off controller for a 4th scene that turns all the kitchen lights off. My issue is that one light turns on at 100%, regardless of which KPL scene I select. If the scene behind that button calls for 50% intensity, the KPL for whatever reason turns it on at 100%. All other lights in the scene, including exact same types of fixtures/dimmers/bulbs work as expected. I have tried factory reset on the offending 2477 dimmer. I've tried swapping out the dimmer. I've tried restoring the configuration to both KPLs and the affected dimmer. No luck. I've pulled the device links tables for the KPL and the dimmer but can't make sense of them. Will attach here.
  6. EDITED: FEB 17, 2014: Confirmed that you can also use the Authorization header in place of clear text username and password in the path as indicated below. This provides for much better security. I spent considerable time trying to locate the API for INSTEON-branded wireless cameras (Part # 75790 from SmartHome) so that I could build event triggers with the ISY. A number of other posters describe similar tasks with other cameras such as Panasonic. After some trial and error using developer views of browser sessions with one of my cameras I discovered that the camera is actually manufactured by ReeCam in China. Sure enough, these guys have a wiki site (http://wiki.reecam.cn/CGI/Overview?setlang=en) that provides a great deal of information on the CGI API. If, like me, you have any interest in creating a program to activate motion detection, email alerts, etc... this is valuable information. Full disclosure, I'm not a developer, but know just enough to navigate the basics of a GET/POST string on a web browser. That was essentially all I needed to create a working networking resource in the ISY that could respond to program conditions. The only way I was able to get this to work successfully was to use a POST command but include the full string in the path vs. in the Body of the resource editor. This included the username and password to my camera in the string which is certainly not ideal from a security standpoint. The screenshot below gives you some idea of what I mean. Hope this is of help to someone else....
  7. Thanks LeeG. I apparently had the two controllers cross-linked incorrectly. And I also discovered a scene that had mistakenly been linked to a button on the KPL, further complicating my issues. All is resolved and working like it should now!
  8. I'm fairly new to this and have successfully installed about 30 INSTEON devices working quite well with an ISY. Now that I have the basics, I am trying to tune several KPL-triggered scenes and try more advanced programming techniques. I'm very confused, however, on the best way to handle a 3-way lighting controller. One switch is the main button on an 8-button panel, and the other switch is a normal INSTEON dimmer. I followed the instructions for 3-way installations and have no problem with either button controlling the light. They are both cross-linked, meaning the ISY shows each as a controller and a responder to a new scene I created just for this light. My question is how should I add this light to a scene where I want the light as a component? I cannot to my knowledge add this 3-way scene to another scene. Thanks for your guidance!
  9. I'm having this same issue but it only started after I upgraded to version 7, build 51.
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