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About 66splitbus

  • Birthday 10/31/1971

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    Elkton, OR
  • Occupation
    Video Game Dev

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  1. Holy crap!!! Thats it. Thank all of you. I cant believe Ive never clicked that, never even noticed it really. ?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️ Now I can finally properly use this damn thing. lolol
  2. Ok, sorry to be such a noob but Im not quite sure how to achieve: humidity <= $Humidity.min I can only compare my humidity controller to a number between 0-100 not another variable. Side note, I have a much better understanding on how Wait works. Huge to know that a new instance starts if the value changes.
  3. Thank you both very much that explains a lot!! I'll be working on this tonight. Really appreciate the insight!!
  4. Could some one give me a direction to look as to why these programs do not run correctly? Im building meat curing chamber and need to dial in the humidity. Ill have a dehumidifier and a humidifier both connected to 2635 on/off modules. Right now for debugging im just using my lights and its just very inconsistent. Sometimes the dehumidifier doesnt shut off at all, and the Wait 10 seconds is random at best. Basically I want to let the humidifier turn on for X seconds the wait X seconds before turning on again. Thanks!!
  5. Really appreciate the help, definitely learning a little something tonight! I've been trying to get this to work on a new motion sensor 2 but for whatever reason my sensors dont have the "as motion sensed." I tried on the original sensor and it everything worked fine. Bummer. I did some searching, seems some sensors show it some dont. @Bumbershoot I saw a thread where you commented on this, did you every figure out why yours have the option? Does your options look like mine?
  6. Lol damn dude, thats hilarious and awesome! I like the idea of redundancy, I'll incorporate that as well... maybe Ill steal some of your alarm ideas as well!! @Bumbershoot I gave that a shot but have a dumb question. What sets the motion sensor back to OFF? That doesnt seem to be something I can do with a Then Set Device. I have the MS2 which doesnt have the on commands only option. Is that a problem?
  7. Ahh interesting, Let me give this a shot! Thank you for the reply.
  8. Im trying to use a motion sensor for two purposes. One is to turn the lights on and off using the timeout value of the sensor. Sensor is on lights go on, sensor is off lights are off. The other use is for security. When I leave the house I push a button on a keypad to "arm" the house. If a motion sensor is triggered I get sent an email and text message. The problem is I dont want to get an email every 90 seconds when the sensor goes off and then back on again. I thought I could use a simple Wait command in the Then statement but that doesnt seem to work with motion. I then thought of changing the status of the keypad to off, then a Wait then back on again but I cant do that either. Any ideas? This is basically what I want to do but the wait command doesnt work the way I thought it would. Motion Email Alert Living Room - [ID 000C][Parent 0001] If 'Keypads / Entry Keypad H - Arm Motion A' Status is On And 'Motion / LivingRoom Motion' Status is On Then Send Notification to 'Send Gmail' content 'Motion Alert' Send Notification to 'Send Text' content 'Motion Alert' Wait 30 minutes Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  9. I had the issue with .15A and losing my leak sensors. I updated to .15B and my leak sensors are back but they do not show any status, same thing with my motion sensors. Only Status, the rest are blank. I noticed this with .15A as well.
  10. Thanks for all the replies, good info... As for my situation, I have great power where I live. We have zero lightning strikes and I cant remember the last time a light has dimmed or my battery backup alarms have even chirped so I dont think its that. Of my 20 or so wall switches 3-4 have completely failed and a few others get increasingly hard to turn on with a tap. I need to hold them or push hard. I dont ever smack them or anything, always gentle but they seem die. Ive had the expensive lawn timer controller die too. Anyway, sounds like I'll order a second isy and keep on going with Insteon.
  11. Hi all, I just bought a new house in a rural area and wanted to get a ISY system to start home automation and monitoring. I've used Insteon in the past and while they work great they sure do seem to die quickly and at usually $50 a pop that sucks. Im was wondering, if you all were starting from scratch what would you use? I dont know much about Zwave for Zigbee so I figure I'd ask. Thanks!
  12. Wow, I wondered if that would work when I saw the pull down with all the temps! crazy crazy crazy.
  13. Hey guys, thanks for all the info. I tried the ez way out and picked up 2441zth, not impressed at all so its going back for sure. Since it's wireless it doesnt report constantly, even when wired. Also the temp is a good 6 to 7 degrees off on both the internal and external temp sensors! Everything in my house, including weatherbug stations say its 68. This thing is telling me 75 and 74. I think im going to take a stab at the Raspberry pi. I have one laying around anyway so time to put it to use. And yes, certain silicone will kill your fishies quickly. I mostly have these little tiny shrimp which are really sensitive as well. Time to Pi!
  14. Dang, got the 2441ZTH and just found out I can load the temperature value into a variable- at least I dont think I can. I was hoping to get the room temp and the water temp of my aquarium and just have them as updating variables to use. It looks like I need to get the wired thermostat to do that but its $150! Any other cheaper solution out there or a way to get the ZTH working?
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