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Everything posted by cjbartkowiak

  1. Thanks for the reply and that post pretty much nailed it. Sorry, not sure how I missed that in my search? So we know the 2 provide the same results to the device and the Backlight command is/may be a bit buggy. But the Backlight command can be used as a quick way to set the LED Brightness. By default the Backlight is 0/0 and so is the LED Brightness, yet the devices (as near as I can tell) are 15/1 (not sure but suspect). Once the Backlight or LED Brightness is set, eisy remembers the setting in LED Brightness but not in Backlight. Thanks again for the reply and find.
  2. Is there a difference between Backlight and LED Brightness, with respect to Insteon devices? It seems setting the Backlight on/off sets the LED Brightness, but setting the LED Brightness does not change the Backlight. Just trying to understand the intent of the 2 settings in eisy, and possibly which one to use. Both seem to control the LED of the device just fine.
  3. Teken- Thanks for the clarification. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something. I think maybe I'll just get another KeypadLinc and maybe a remote. Thank you, Craig.
  4. Hello- Sorry if missed this somewhere, but are there different user roles for accessing the ISY? I would like to allow the family to turn scenes and devices (well, realy not devices) on and off without having to log into the HTML interface or giving them the admin username and password. I found the the Configuration > System > System > HTML Role. I read the documentation on this but suspect this is what can be controlled by the admin from the HTML interface. I am currently running a 994i under 4.2.18 using the UDAjax web interface. Thank you, Craig.
  5. Hello LeeG- Thank you for your rsponse. I wasn't going to remove the ISY object under Network in the Admin console. I was just wondering if I could put a "~" in front of it so it does not show up in the web ui. Although I did figure out that the On and Off icons associated with the ISY Scene in the web ui is an All On / All Off switch. Thank you.
  6. Hello- I am curious about the Scene Status that the UDAjax interface displays. Basically displaying both the on and off buttons for anything except actual devices. In addition to the Scene that I created there is an ISY and Auto DR Scene listed. I was able to remove the Auto DR scene per posting, viewtopic.php?f=27&t=11174. Question, can I do the same for the displayed ISY Scene without adverse affects? I understand that Insteon devices have no concept of Scene Status per post, viewtopic.php?f=27&t=12225, but I would think that the actual ISY would have concept of its own power state. Just curious on why, the ISY shows up on the UDAjax interface and why it has no concept of its own power state. Or are the On / Off buttons simply ignored. I was wondering if the Scene Status indicator could be the results of querying the controller state of the scene, or is this thinking to linear? Example, my Christmas Lights scene uses a number of ApplianceLincs and OutletLincs and all controlled by a KeypadLinc Relay button D. When the Scene is ON, the respective button and all the Lincs show On. When the Scene is off, the opposite is true. If the Scene status would query the status of Keypad button or all the assigned devices, it would report being on or off and thus display the appropriate status indicator in the UDAjax display. Thank you, Craig.
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