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  1. Thanks for all the help and advice! You guys are genius's!
  2. Indeed, thank you all for your input and immense info! I think I want to go the route of creating a scene for my basement lights. As I understand it, this scene will have both of my togglelincs and all 3 of my motion sensors. With the settings of all 3 of my motion sensors set to "Sensing" and "On Only", I will rely on the motion they detect to turn on my scene and then the program will run to handle wait time and when to turn the scene back off. Taking Xathros's program(s) suggestion, the only other question I have is why you set the scene on, and wait, and then set it right off all within the THEN as opposed to putting something in the ELSE? I have it setup with this program right now and I THINK it's working, but I am still trying to wrap my around exactly why the IF ELSE is the way it is. Thanks!! You guys have been a huge help!
  3. You mention the timeout delays on the MSs...that's something I meant to bring up. What should I have them set at? I want the program to handle as much as possible, but the MSs have the knob for the timeout which I assume runs no matter what, right? How does that work with the wait time of the program?
  4. Again, I'm new to ISY and programming and everything so please cut me some slack, but can we take a quick step back? When I attempt to link my motion sensors into the admin console on my computer for the ISY, I think I've got it all communicating correctly, but when I create a scene for our basement, how do I set it up? Do I make my 2 togglelincs controllers and then all 3 motion sensors are the responders? I'm a little confused by the whole controller/responder thing, especially in scenarios like these where RF is involved. Thanks!
  5. Thanks for your input! Do I need to set my jumpers to On Only for all my motion sensors in order for both/either of these programs to work? Which program approach is better? What are the benefits to the second example as opposed to the first proposed one? Thanks!
  6. Hi, I just got an ISY. I'm excited about it, but as you can imagine, it's all new and foreign to me. I'm pretty confident that I can accomplish the following, but I'm not sure if I need a custom program script or if there's a way to configure it simply through a scene(s) setup. I currently have 3 motion sensors in our basement which up until now have been linked to a 3-way switch (2 ToggleLinc switches) which control one main ceiling light. I bought the ISY because I want the ability to have the 3 motion sensors work together a little better. Without the ISY, when one sensor would trigger an ON, the countdown to timeout and turn OFF would begin, and even if one of the other 2 sensors would sense motion, the original sensor would still trigger the OFF once it timed out. As you can imagine, this resulted in the lights doing some weird things from time to time! My goal is to have all 3 sensors trigger an ON and not throw an OFF until ALL THREE sensors timeout (aka there is no more motion anywhere in the basement for X amount of time). Can someone advise me on how I can accomplish this with my new ISY!? Thanks in advance! I've looked around on the forum and I've been Googling it for a while, but can't find a solution.
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