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Everything posted by tommet

  1. I just installed an insteon motion detector and first alert smoke alarm with smoke bridge. my question is as follows I wrote the following program If Status 'Motion Detectors / Motion Det Basement-Low Ba' is On Then Send Notification to 'Text Message' content 'Low Batt Basmt Motion Det' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') how can I test this to see if it is working properly. will this trigger if I remove the battery. 2. with regard to the smoke detector how can I test it to see if I get a message when smoke is detected. is there something to create smoke. Thank you
  2. I just installed the insteon smoke bridge linked to a first alert smoke detector. the isy nodes read as follows 1.CO off 2. clear blank 3. low battery on 4. malfunction on 5 smoke off 6 test on 7 unknown message blank is this correct why is low battery and malfunction indicating "on"
  3. i have enabled the motion detector to allow timeout changes by software only by connecting jumper 4 to both pins. my understanding that by doing so it does not matter what the internal pots are set at. The timeout and dusk/dawn will be controlled by software settings and will override whatever the pots are set at. is that correct?. my question is how do i now program the timeout using the ISY. i installed the device and three devices appeared( motion detector dusk dawn; motion detector low battery, and motion detector sensor} i tried clicking the "options button" on the "motion detector sensor" and setting the time out to 5 minutes but nothing changes. do i have to hold the set button on the device while i click OK. when do i release the set button to stop the blinking. do i have to do this for all three (sensor; low battery; and dusk/dawn)? Thanks for any guidance i get to better understand the programing of the motion detector.
  4. The following program is set so that when I get home and its between sunrise and sunset the rear pole lamp goes on for 3 minutes and then shuts off. However if I arrive home prior to sunset and remain home after sunset the program also triggers. Is there some way to avoid this. I want it to trigger if I arrive home after sunset and not trigger if I arrive home before sunset and remain home. $My_iphone_home is a geo fence variable controlled by Mobilinc on my iphone. If $My_iPhone_home is 1 And From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) Then Send Notification to 'Text Message' content 'My Home' Set Scene 'Scenes / Outside Rear Pole Lamp' On Wait 3 minute Set Scene 'Scenes / Outside Rear Pole Lamp' Off Else
  5. I have an outside light that is controlled by a motion detector. the light is programmed to operate between sunset and sunrise in response to motion. It turns on when the motion detector is on and then if there is no further movement it times after 30 seconds the light turns off. However there are random times when I would like the lights to stay on continuously regardless of the state of the motion detector. I was wondering if there is a way to program a button on my keypad that could be set to toggle on/off and override the motion detector state. this way if the button is on the lights stay on continuously and if the button is off the motion detector would control.
  6. i am trying to set up moblilinc on my iphone 5. how can i determine if the mobillinc connect portal is enabled on my isy994i. when i try to open the mobilinc app on my iphone i am asked for a pw. when i enter the pw i use to log on my administrative console i get a message that my pw is incorrect. was there a special mobilinc module a was supposed to purchase to use with with my isy.
  7. tommet


    what if i dont turn on at sundet. what if i tun lights on at 7PM instead of sunset
  8. tommet


    i have a isy994i. i am trying to create a program to do the following. 1. turn on my rear lights at full brightness at sunset. 2. 4 hours later i want to reduces the brightness to 60% 3. i want to shut the light off entirely at 5 am the next day can i do this within a single program or do i need two separate programs.(one to turn it on and one to lower the brightness)
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