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Everything posted by Peabods

  1. Thanks Michel, I'm slowing figuring out Alexa's trigger words that she wants to hear. Keep up the great work!
  2. There's a winner! I used capitalization on all of them. After changing them few i had setup I was able to get "kitchen" to work, syntax needed to be very specific. I too will play around a bit and see if i can't dial in anything else. Please let me know if you stumble across any other good tips. Thanks
  3. Is there any way to verify that my Isy/Portal & Echo are communicating properly? I know the Isy and Portal are good. I know the Echo has the skill enabled. But is there a way to verify on the Echo that everything is set up properly, like the device list, how do i know the Echo has access to my devices i've setup on the Portal?
  4. After adding in my main Kitchen light under the Echo section on the portal and assigning the spoken name to "Kitchen". Every time i address Izzy with "Alexa, tell Izzy to turn on kitchen." I get the following response from Alexa. "Sorry, i couldn't find the device or group name Kitchen in Justin's Profile." I get the same response for all Izzy requests. Any ideas?
  5. I'm obviously doing something wrong. I know the skill is loaded because i can get the Echo to respond to the "Alexa, Tell Izzy to", she just always responds with "there is no device in your library..." Under the Amazon Echo Tool on the UDI Portal, when i go to "add" i see all of my devices on my Isy, I've added four devices from my list and provided the Spoken names for them. I assume these once saved are available on the Echo for the UDI Izzy skill, or no? Using all the proper syntax, i believe, i can't get anything to register on the Echo, or any indication that the spoken words i entered on the portal are available on the Echo. What's me missing step/s?
  6. This won't be a helpful reply, but i am in the exact same scenario. I did everything you outlined above. I see all of my devices under the Amazon Echo section on the portal and have filled in the spoken name for a few for testing, although i am still not successful in getting it to work. From the various posts i found on the subject there are two different ways of going about the ISY/Echo integration, the skill based UDI route and the method requiring the RPi or similar. I thought the skill based portion of Alexa didn't require anything but the proper configuration on the portal, Echo, Isy. There also doesn't seem to be a tutorial walking anyone thru what to do for it. There really can't be that many steps to it, just the matter of getting them all right.
  7. Good stuff, thanks for the replies guys. Good thing the REST interface is solid, guess i'll be sticking with that!
  8. Yeah, this might be a little more painful/difficult to manage than it's worth. Let me ask this, is there a way to create the exact same links between two PLM's? I need a clone option, not a restore.
  9. So what would be the best way to set up the two PLM's so both are in essence a duplicate of one another? I knew there would be issues maintaining the two and I'm willing to give it a shot to see what i get, hoping it's not too much of a pain in the arse. I appreciate any help that can be provided!
  10. Hey Guys, Is there any way to have two PLM's accessing the same Insteon lights for controlling? I have my ISY controlling all my Insteon products currently, i also have a Control4 system that operates everything else. I am currently controlling Insteon from Control4 by utilizing the REST interface and sending http requests to the ISY for controlling the lights, however, there is direct integration with Control4 by hooking up an existing PLM to the 232 port of Control4 and having access to all the Insteon products directly, therefore providing me full status and feedback thru C4. What i would like to do is take the PLM that is currently attached to the ISY and move that over to the C4 system as everything is addressed in that PLM, i would then like to take a new PLM, that i currently have, and restore the new PLM to control the Insteon lighting with the ISY. In essence, trying to allow two PLM's to have access to and control the same lights that i have in the house. I hope i framed this right, what do you guys think? Thanks
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