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  1. This is getting silly and I'm not here to argue. For anyone who actually wants to have a way to turn on and off a block of debugging lines, just enclose them in a Repeat block as shown. Personally, I use a debug flag variable as shown in the first example with Repeat While so you can turn on and off debugging code in a program just by changing the debug flag variable manually from 0 to 1. However, if you just want a simpler and somewhat safer way to stop execution of a block of lines, the Repeat For 0 method will do it. To let the code lines run again, just remove the Repeat for 0 line(s). Then $A_Debug_V0 = -5 $A_Debug_V1 = -100 Repeat 0 times <== Don't let the code up to the next Repeat run. To let all the code execute, remove this line. $A_Debug_V0 = 5 <== This line (and any other lines in the Repeat block) won't run if it's Repeat 0. Repeat 1 times <== When you are letting all the code execute you can remove this line too. $A_Debug_V1 = 100 Note for more advanced use where you want to have the same debug flag work in multiple programs: (Ignore all this if you just are working in a single program) I strongly suggest not using the same pseudo local variable (AW_Debug) in more than one program because it's still a global variable (there are no real local variables). You can use the same debug flag variable (A_Debug_Flag) in multiple programs as long as you only read the value, not change it programmatically.
  2. @MrBill: Good point. ZW Test - [ID 002D][Parent 0001] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then $A_Debug_V0 = -5 $A_Debug_V1 = -100 $AW_Debug = $A_Debug_Flag Repeat While $AW_Debug is 1 $A_Debug_V0 = 5 $AW_Debug = 0 Repeat 1 times $A_Debug_V1 = 100 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  3. @larryllixDid you read the OP? The question was how to comment out debug code. There is no way to do that directly. However, by using a conditional block and flag variables as shown, the code can remain in place and be easily switched on and off. A simpler but less flexible method is to use a Repeat for 0 block. Unfortunately, you can't use a variable for the repeat count. If the Repeat count is 0 A_Debug_0 winds up -5 If the Repeat count is 1 A_Debug_0 winds up 5 I disagree that copy to clipboard produces a more readable code block and you can't paste code into programs anyway.
  4. You might try using a repeat command as a conditional block. In this example if A_Debug_Flag is 1, A_Debug_V0 winds up as 5 if A_Debug_Flag is not 1, A_Debug_V0 winds up as -5 In both cases A_Debug_V1 winds up as 100. AW_Debug is treated as a local variable used to end the Repeat without having to change A_Debug_Flag so the program can be run the same way more than once.
  5. I wanted to temporarily stop using a zwave device so set it to disabled in the Main menu, which showed it disabled. However, when I attempted to update the other zwave devices' links with Repair Links, the ISY went into a loop attempting to update the disabled device forever. I had to reset the ISY to stop the messages, but the next time I did an update it restarted. The only way to permanently stop the messages was to use the zwave command to remove failed device. This is pretty user unfriendly behavior. I'm on V5.3.4
  6. I've just started playing with a couple of these. When installed in the ISY it creates about 24 devices, but I'm only interested in the Dimmer Switch devices numbered .2 - .5. To make all this a bit more organized I created a folder and stuffed all the devices into them. These can be programmed as independent dimmers for 12-24V up to 6A load max per channel, 10A total load on all together. For driving LED's that's a fair bit. The output terminals are labeled R, G, B, W with R Dimmer #.2, G Dimmer #.3, etc. I was able to control my particular led strip light down to 1.5 percent To set parameters use the first device "Multilevel Switch". I set parameter 152, the hub controlled ramp rate. This seems a bit wonky, the set button keeps pulsing for a long time but it seems to work OK in the end.
  7. I just added a Minoston remote switch MR40Z to my mixed Insteon/Z Wave system. Unfortunately, there is essentially no documentation so I have no idea if I'm using it's full potential. However, it works fine. It can emit on, fast on, fade start, and fade stop on the buttons, and seems to have a battery status that's readable. I suspect the range isn't great, my other Minoston devices have very limited range, but I've got some Aeotec repeaters around so it works very well.
  8. These Minoston plugs work fine but the radio section isn't very powerful. I added some dedicated aeotec range extenders and everything works very well now.
  9. Can the isy994i update z-wave device firmware? I'm not asking about the firmware in the 994i itself, rather the firmware in the z-wave device, e.g. a z-wave switch.
  10. I've been programming one recently. I don't see the main switch turning off when I press another switch, but it does blink. In general I'd say this works pretty well although the color of the lights seems difficult to control in anything like real time. I was trying to use color changes to show degree of dimming, but couldn't get the dimming level and the colors to synch. Not a big deal, but it would be nice.
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