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Everything posted by jcoverton

  1. I do the same kind programming but use a single time mode variable with multiple values. This prevents the condition where the multiple states could be active at once. 0 = initial value which indicates that the ISY has restarted and the variable needs to be set to the proper value based on time. 1 = Day mode (no default lighting on) which is from sunup to sundown. 2 = Evening mode (a lot of lighting on) which is from sundown to bedtime. 3 = Bedtime mode (outside lights and a few inside lights on) which is from bedtime to house shutdown. 4 = Nighttime mode (All lights off) which is from house shutdown to sunup. The modes can shift by themselves if without intervention. 4=>1 at sunrise, 1=>2 at sunset, 2=>3 at 10pm and 3=>4 at midnight. I also can manually declare Bedtime and Nighttime with a KPL buttons. So I can go to bed early, of shutdown the house. I have a party mode KPL button which turns on party lighting and sets a variable which stops the time based mode shifts. For example, this keeps the lights from going out at midnight. When Party KPL button is turned off it resets the time mode variable to the right value based on the time. A second variable Home/Away is set based on my ELK alarm status. The combination of the time mode variable and the home/away variable control what lighting is set and what actions happen when various KPL buttons are pressed. Some examples are: * KPL buttons in the bedroom are dimmed during bedtime and nighttime. * Bathroom lights turn on dimly automatically based on ELK motion sensors during nighttime. * Motion detector programs use these variables to control their associated lighting. (during daytime nothing happens, during evening lights brighten for a time, and during nighttime lights come on for a time) * If bedtime or nighttime is selected and the Garage door sensors indicate an open door, a program causes the ELK voice module to speak a warning.
  2. I am having the same problem. I am at iOS version I have tried reloading the program, restarting the iPhone, and ISY. I get a message that says Connection Error Unable to connect to destination Please verify that airplane mode is off. I have tried with WIFI and LTE same result. I can reach the ISY with the browser on the phone.
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