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Everything posted by Bernman

  1. So I was able to get the launcher working, and can see that I have an ISY994i, version 4.4.6. Unfortunately, it seems that I have to find the user credentials and password before I can access the admin console. I'll have to do some searching to find this info. One of the downsides to having such an ultra reliable device, I suppose
  2. Perfect. Exactly the guidance I was looking for. Thanks Geddy Oh, and I'm pretty sure I have the ISY994, but I'll verify everything before starting to mess with it.
  3. My ISY 99…something, don’t remember the exact model, has been working great with the (pretty simple porch light, and if/then combination lights) sequences that I wrote back in the 2014/2015 time frame. The only issue I’ve had over the whole time was one failure of the Insteon bridge (or whatever that thing is called). Outstanding product I want to make a couple, what should be minor, changes, but it’s been so long since I messed with the sequences, I am pretty much starting from scratch from a knowledge point of view. I suspect that firmware/console updates might be in order, but I don’t want to break anything that will require significant time to recover. A few questions… Should I update the firmware/console, or just leave it as is? I mean, the thing has been stone reliable for more than 5 years. Why mess with a good thing… Is there a particular firmware version that I should, or shouldn’t, update to? I’m pretty sure there is a way to backup the system before I do anything. Can someone point me to where I can find instructions on backing up? Thanks! :-)
  4. Restoring the two devices worked. Thanks a bunch for the quick response Larry
  5. I thought I was following the directions correctly, but my scene isn't working. The 2477D is wired as a "dummy", with the line and neutral connected, but the load (red) is not connected to the load. I have a micro on/off wired to an outdoor light. I created a new scene, and added the 2477D, and the micro on/off, to the scene as controllers. When I turn the scene on and off, the switch does not appear to turn on. When I press the paddle on the switch, the LED's change state, but the scene is not actuated. The micro on/off works correctly within the scene. I removed both devices from the scene, and only put the 2477D switch in the scene, and it still does not work. I've tried clicking the "copy scene attributes from xxxx" button, and tried not clicking the button. I can turn the 2477D on and off from the admin console, so it does seem to be working in the network. There is a "membership tree" to the right side of the admin console when I check the 2477D. It shows as being a controller to the scene, and as a responder to the scene. It looks just like the other 2477D switches that work correctly. It's been a while since I installed the rest of my network, but I do seem to remember having a similar problem with the porch lights, which have two switches, one in the garage and one by the front door. I don't remember what the problem, or the fix, was though. Does the 2477D load wire need to be connected to work within a scene? (I don't think so) Right now, the load is not connected. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks Butch
  6. Ahh. This is really good feedback, particularly The ISY also works with Insteon. When using the ELK for lighting, I think you are more or less limited to using relays... I didn't realize that the ELK didn't interface to Insteon. That alone is the "must have" reason to have the ISY. Of course the rest of the points, ease of programming, alerts, WIFE FRIENDLY!!, all good reasons. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks
  7. I am looking into the possibility of replacing my current alarm system from ADT with ELK. While I haven't dug too deeply into the ELK yet, I did poke through the website, and the question that comes to my mind is: Why do I need the ISY? It's clear that the ELK is a certified, robust, reliable security system and I fully understand why the ISY doesn't fill the security system role, but the ELK does have the capability to turn the lights on and off, open and close the garage doors, and even water the lawn (if it would only vacuum the house and make my bed, I would consider marriage...) Now don't get me wrong, I really like my ISY and the projects that I have done so far, but it seems like the Elk can do everything that the ISY does. I am sure that I am missing something. What does the combination of ISY and ELK do better than the ELK alone? Thanks Bernman
  8. By standard HMI, I mean the blue screen that has the buttons on it, not the admin console. I suppose dashboard is a better name for it. I haven't looked into the X10 part of the ISY. I'll have to read up on that. Sounds like what I am looking for doesn't exist though. Thank for the responses
  9. Did you consider that maybe the people that did happen to look at this thread didn't have the answer, but were interested in the solution, just as you are? Good luck getting help in the future...
  10. I am trying to figure out how to make a simple ON/OFF button in the standard HMI, that essentially just changes a variable state (and of course displays the state of the variable). Is this possible? So far, the only way I see to get a button on the HMI is to have it associated to a physical device. I suppose what I am looking for is a "virtual" device. Basically, what I am trying to do is to have a button that enables and disables my vacation folder. I know I can change the variable state from the HMI, I was just hoping to see everything in one easy to access screen. Thx Bernman
  11. I know I am dredging up an old thread, but there is a ton of great info here and was exactly what I was looking for my away program, so thank you to all the contributors (even if it was 2.5 years ago). I did want to put one thought out. We all like to believe that our lives have a large element of randomness, but I'd be willing to bet that most of the lights that go on and off in your house (and mine) are far less random than it seems. Most of us wake up at the same time every morning (except maybe weekends), and most of us come home, watch TV, and go to bed pretty close to the same time every night. Sad as it seems, our lives are generally quite predictable (apparently 93% according to these guys...) http://www.northeastern.edu/news/storie ... ience.html And just so I can offer something semi-relevant to this thread other than getting all philosophical about our dreary, predictable, lives, here is a link to a discussion on toggling variables that can be used for home/away programs. viewtopic.php?f=26&t=14031&p=109821 Thanks again to all the forum posters that provide help to this community Fun times, Bernman
  12. The programming interface seems to only allow to test for the Status (or Control) of a device, not a Scene. I suppose this makes sense, but the program would be a little clearer if I could check status of the scene vs. one of the devices in the scene. Is there a way to check Scene status? Seems like there should be, but so far it escapes me. Thanks Bernman
  13. The second condition in porch motion on is only to prevent unnecessary traffic of sending a command to the switch if it is already on. I think this was recommended in the "bathroom motion" code examples in the UDI wiki. Traffic on my network, particularly late at night is so low that this is likely not required, but it didn't seem like it hurt anything either. Thanks for the feedback
  14. Bernman

    Newbee help please

    I believe the code in my "porch light" post from last night should do what you are asking for controlling the lights. Recording on motion would be managed by the camera system, assuming that the camera is connected to a DVR that is. One caveat about my code though. I'm not 100% sure it is working correctly yet. I'll provide updates if I make changes.
  15. Posting my porch light automation programs to A) get some feedback on how to optimize (or fix them if I did something wrong), and to maybe help another beginner (like me) to get up and running. Feedback/criticism is welcomed. Thx Here goes... Hardware 2x SwitchLinc 2477D for Porch lights (set up in a 3-way scene) Motion sensor 2842-222 Automation Spec Porch lights turn on at Sunset [*]If the lights are off (i.e. someone decided to turn them off), and motion is detected, turn the Porch light on and leave it on Porch lights turn off at 12:00am [*]If the lights are switched on, wait 4 minutes and turn the lights off [*]If motion is detected, and lights are off, turn lights on, wait 4 minutes and turn the lights off Porch lights turn on at 4:00am [*]If the lights are off, and motion is detected, turn the Porch lights on and leave the on Porch lights turn off at Sunrise + 30 minutes If someone turns the porch lights on during the day, they just stay on until the automation takes over again that evening. The lamps are LED (Philips 2700k, very pleasing color...I am using these in multiple locations through the house) so I am not too worried about wasting a day of electricity. Programs Main folder (no conditions) Porch Light OFF If Time is 12:00:00AM Or Time is Sunrise + 30 minutes Then Set Scene 'Porch Light 3-Way' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Porch Light ON If Time is Sunset Or Time is 4:00:00AM Then Set Scene 'Porch Light 3-Way' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Evening Motion Folder (runs between Sunset and 11:59pm, and between 4:30am and Sunrise+20 mins) Porch Motion ON If Control 'Motion1-Sensor' is switched On And Status 'Porch Light Switch Front Door' is Off Then Set Scene 'Porch Light 3-Way' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Midnight Motion Folder (runs from 12:00am to 4:30am) Porch Motion OFF If Status 'Motion1-Sensor' is Off And Status 'Porch Light Switch Front Door' is not Off Then Wait 4 minutes Set Scene 'Porch Light 3-Way' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Porch Motion ON If Control 'Motion1-Sensor' is switched On And Status 'Porch Light Switch Front Door' is Off Then Set Scene 'Porch Light 3-Way' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  16. I am very interested in your programs. Please do post them One question though. For monitoring purposes, why add the extra complexity of the "full open" sensor? Seems like knowing the garage is not closed is all that is needed. That said, I am still interested in the code that accomplishes your existing scenario. Thanks for sharing
  17. I have an ADT Pulse alarm which I would like to integrate with my ISY. The ISY can have a Z-wave module, but so far I have not been able to find any info on how to interface to the Pulse, so I didn't buy the module yet. Does anyone have interface information, or know if/when this info might be available, either from ADT (seems unlikely) or from "non-official" sources? I know that I could switch to ELK and the interface is built in to the ISY, but replacement is not practical at this point. The minimum info I would like to have is ARMED - AWAY, but other sensor states would be really nice too.
  18. Is there a way to type the statements using the keyboard intead of selecting the statements, conditions, and actions from the programming interface? Programming via selection is really nice for learning, but many times simply typing the program is easier and faster. I looked through the wiki and didn't find anything. I am quite new to the UD programming style. Maybe once I spend enough time with the programming interface, it will grow on me. Thx Bernman
  19. I want to turn off a controller at multiple times during one day, currently only twice, but potentially more. What is the best way to program this? Here is my current program: If Time is 12:00:00AM Or Time is Sunrise + 1 hour Then Set Scene 'Porch Light 3-Way' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I'm actually not sure if this code works. Seems a bit clunky. I was thinking I could have separate programs for each OFF check, but that is even MORE clunky. Any help is appreciated Thx Bernman
  20. Acrylic will reduce transmission of some light wavelengths. Perhaps the signal is reduced through the door too much to be reliable. http://www.plasticgenius.com/2011/05/infrared-and-ultraviolet-transmission.html
  21. Same problem here. I can connect to the ISY using the IP address, but the Java app fails. It was working fine on Saturday, but failed when I tried logging in today. I'm guessing I need to follow LeeG's advice, but...how? Can someone provide a little more detail on where add the IP to the Java Exception Site list? Thanks! Bernman *Edit* Found the answer after searching for a bit. Here is the forum thread for anyone looking for how to find the Java exception site list. http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=13650 Adding the address seems to have fixed my console access problem.
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