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  1. Had a similar experience last week. Opened a tix and Michel kindly spent a considerable amount of time repairing my eisy. couldn’t tell you all he did but he is amazing supporting this product!
  2. Thanks! Running 5.7.1 ZWave menu is in both new and old machines I backed up ZWave, then backed up IoX on Polisy I restored IoX on eisy. I tried to restore ZWave on eisy but it says there is no backup on ISY. The ZWave objects are there but don't work. Querying a ZWave thermostat (wired) says "Request Failed" I tried to ZWave / Network / Heal Network but same results. I'll open a tix with Universal Devices/Michel but welcome any other input.
  3. Yep - Z-Wave Support is enabled on both the old and new machine - that's presumably correct? Thanks for engaging!
  4. Hi all, Received a new eisy to replace existing an Polisy. I have Insteon and Z-Wave Tried to follow https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Eisy:User_Guide#Can't_connect_to_ZMatter_Z-Wave_board_/_dongle to migrate Z-Wave over with Insteon devices. The user guide states: "Go to configuration tab in Admin Console and select "Migrate to ZMatter Z-Wave" " --- but I don't see an option for "Migrate to ZMatter Z-Wave". I tried the migration skipping this step; my Z-Wave devices show up as objects in IOX, but don't work. I also tried ZWave /Backup, but that appears to store the backup on the local (old) Polisy machine - how do I migrate that to the new eisy (if appropriate)? Can someone point me to how to do the migration and preserve my Z-Wave devices? Thanks!
  5. Tried the update with interview, it did not add any missing nodes. Glad UDI is aware, patiently awaiting updates. Thanks for starting this thread and updating it
  6. I think I'm having the same problem; was working before upgrading to the Matter board, I see all my zwave sensors but the programs looking for water sensor is not idle are not firing...watching here.
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