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Everything posted by jdm5

  1. Had a similar experience last week. Opened a tix and Michel kindly spent a considerable amount of time repairing my eisy. couldn’t tell you all he did but he is amazing supporting this product!
  2. Thanks! Running 5.7.1 ZWave menu is in both new and old machines I backed up ZWave, then backed up IoX on Polisy I restored IoX on eisy. I tried to restore ZWave on eisy but it says there is no backup on ISY. The ZWave objects are there but don't work. Querying a ZWave thermostat (wired) says "Request Failed" I tried to ZWave / Network / Heal Network but same results. I'll open a tix with Universal Devices/Michel but welcome any other input.
  3. Yep - Z-Wave Support is enabled on both the old and new machine - that's presumably correct? Thanks for engaging!
  4. Hi all, Received a new eisy to replace existing an Polisy. I have Insteon and Z-Wave Tried to follow https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Eisy:User_Guide#Can't_connect_to_ZMatter_Z-Wave_board_/_dongle to migrate Z-Wave over with Insteon devices. The user guide states: "Go to configuration tab in Admin Console and select "Migrate to ZMatter Z-Wave" " --- but I don't see an option for "Migrate to ZMatter Z-Wave". I tried the migration skipping this step; my Z-Wave devices show up as objects in IOX, but don't work. I also tried ZWave /Backup, but that appears to store the backup on the local (old) Polisy machine - how do I migrate that to the new eisy (if appropriate)? Can someone point me to how to do the migration and preserve my Z-Wave devices? Thanks!
  5. Tried the update with interview, it did not add any missing nodes. Glad UDI is aware, patiently awaiting updates. Thanks for starting this thread and updating it
  6. I think I'm having the same problem; was working before upgrading to the Matter board, I see all my zwave sensors but the programs looking for water sensor is not idle are not firing...watching here.
  7. Is there a search function I’m missing in UDMobile? I was using Agava for a while and really liked the search function - I have a large home automation install (several hundred devices) - would like to easily find a specific device or scene. thanks!
  8. Hey James and community, Looking for some help - I purchased Agave recently and really like it so far. Everything seems to be working except (2) Honeywell TH8320ZW1000 thermostats (ZWave). The ISY running 5.3.1 sees and controls them fine; running latest Agave on IOS / iPhone. Agave sees the thermostats, but pushing temperature up/down in IOS doesn't seem to do anything. Making temperature changes in ISY _IS_ reflected in Agave. Any thoughts/suggestions on what might cause this or how to troubleshoot? Thanks!
  9. Pretty sure that's propress - it's a professional compression system for plumbers - works great.
  10. Overall goal: have 2 KPL's in the house control the same garage door. One tied to the original (OP's) program, other function similarly (open/close indicator + pushing button toggles open/close, and the original program function accurately. Does that make sense? I wonder if I'm overthinking it, but not sure how to get this working in a good/logical way.
  11. Here's where I landed - I stopped touching the scenes themselves and just used the KPL's as independent switches. They still don't work 100% reliably - would appreciate your feedback on the best way to approach this. Program 1: Master Bedroom off If Control 'Master Bedroom 8KL / Master Bedroom 8KL - Garage R' is switched Off Then Run Program 'Garage Left Door Close' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Program 2: Master Bedroom On: If Control 'Master Bedroom 8KL / Master Bedroom 8KL - Garage R' is not switched Off Then Run Program 'Garage Left Door Open' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Program 3: Master Bedroom Status Closed: If Status 'Garage Door IOLincs / Garage Door Left / Garage Door Left Closed' is On Then Set Scene 'Garage Master Bed KPL Right B' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Program 4: Master Bedroom Status Open: If Status 'Garage Door IOLincs / Garage Door Left / Garage Door Left Open' is On Then Set Scene 'Garage Master Bed KPL Right B' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') As I said, I still don't think this is working reliably (though not sure why).
  12. I had it configured exactly as jimsearle had originally posted. The only exception I made was I have two sensors - one for door closed and one for door open, and I used them to verify the status (not relevent here). I was successful in implementing this through 'brute force'. I left the original programs exactly as described, and programmatically had the additional KPL button toggle the original garage door scene and update it's own status. Here are my four programs if they are helpful for someone. I'm hoping someone has thoughts on how to incorporate the additional KPL button into the original program, but this works for now (I accept this is inelegant / ugly). Program one: Master Bedroom Off - if the status of the additional Master Bedroom KPL button gets set to off, trigger the scene in the original set of programs to off. This closes the garage door. If Status 'Master Bedroom 8KL / Master Bedroom 8KL - Garage R' is Off Then Set Scene 'Garage Door Monitors / GarageDoorLeft' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Program two: Master Bedroom On - if the status of the additional Master Bedroom KPL button gets set to On (=not off), set the original garage door scene to on; opens the door. If Status 'Master Bedroom 8KL / Master Bedroom 8KL - Garage R' is not Off Then Set Scene 'Garage Door Monitors / GarageDoorLeft' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Program three: Master Bedroom Status Closed - if the status of the garage door is closed, turn off the light on the additional KPL button. This was accomplished by adding just the additional KPL button to its own scene as a responder, and setting that scene to off. If Status 'Garage Door IOLincs / Garage Door Left / Garage Door Left Closed' is On Then Set Scene 'Garage Master Bed KPL Right B' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Program four: Master Bedroom Status Open - if the status of the garage door is open, turn on the light on the additional KPL button. This was accomplished by adding just the additional KPL button to its own scene as a responder, and setting that scene to on. If Status 'Garage Door IOLincs / Garage Door Left / Garage Door Left Open' is On Then Set Scene 'Garage Master Bed KPL Right B' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  13. Ok, I tried "OR"ing them and adding the additional KPL button as a responder in the scene, but it doesn't seem to work: 000 Button Off If $iGarageDoorMonitorLeft_DontWatch is 0 And ( Status 'Foyer 8KPL Island Lights / Foyer 8KPL Garage Right Butto' is Off Or Status 'Master Bedroom 8KL / Master Bedroom 8KL - Garage R' is Off ) Then Resource 'Syslog - Left Garage Program 000 ButtonOff' $iGarageDoorMonitorLeft_RequestedStatus = 0 $sGarageDoorMonitorLeft = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') 000 Button On If $iGarageDoorMonitorLeft_DontWatch is 0 And ( Status 'Foyer 8KPL Island Lights / Foyer 8KPL Garage Right Butto' is not Off Or Status 'Master Bedroom 8KL / Master Bedroom 8KL - Garage R' is not Off ) Then Resource 'Syslog - Left Garage Program 000 ButtonOn' $iGarageDoorMonitorLeft_RequestedStatus = 1 $sGarageDoorMonitorLeft = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The Foyer button works fine alone. When I modify the programs as above nothing works - pushing either button toggles it on, but doesn't do anything to the doors. I have a syslog monitor (the Network Resource) and you can see the output here (this was me pushing one of them on at 18:25:35, then turning it off at 18:25:45).
  14. Reviving this thread - I successfully implemented this set of programs and it's working great. I'd like to add a couple more Keypadlincs to the mix - so I can see the status of and control my garage doors from my basement and bedroom. Any thoughts on how to do that? I thought I could add the additional KPL buttons to the scene, and modify the first two programs to include those buttons (AND'ing the logic of the KPL button status) - but I couldn't get it working. Can anyone suggest an approach? Thanks!
  15. ShannonG - I just PM'ed you - very interested in your code as I have the exact same scenario. Please do share your code - thanks! Josh
  16. It works! I used LeeG's suggestion based on the followup comments and have it working now: If From 8:00:00AM To 9:00:00PM (same day) Then In Scene 'Basement Play Light Relay' Set 'Basement Play Light Relay' 25% (On Level) In Scene 'Basement Play Light Sw1' Set 'Basement Play Light Sw1' 25% (On Level) In Scene 'Basement Play Light Sw1' Set 'Basement Play Light Relay' 25% (On Level) In Scene 'Basement Play Light Sw2' Set 'Basement Play Light Sw2' 25% (On Level) In Scene 'Basement Play Light Sw2' Set 'Basement Play Light Relay' 25% (On Level) Else In Scene 'Basement Play Light Relay' Set 'Basement Play Light Relay' 90% (On Level) In Scene 'Basement Play Light Sw1' Set 'Basement Play Light Relay' 90% (On Level) In Scene 'Basement Play Light Sw1' Set 'Basement Play Light Sw1' 90% (On Level) In Scene 'Basement Play Light Sw2' Set 'Basement Play Light Relay' 90% (On Level) In Scene 'Basement Play Light Sw2' Set 'Basement Play Light Sw2' 90% (On Level) I didn't realize I had to setup scene's for each of the switches, with the controller as a responder in each scene. I haven't added the ramp times yet (excited it works!) but will. Thank you all for your help!
  17. Thank you all for your thoughtful responses - I'll try them out this weekend and report back. I have successfully implemented a boiler temperature monitor using the CAI Webcontrol and have the ISY alerting me if it drops below a threshold, I plan on writing that up and sharing it with the community.
  18. Hi All, Relatively new to ISY / Insteon and loving it. I have a use case I can't get working: Two 2477D SwitchLinc dimmers One 2442-222 Micro dimmer The Micro Dimmer controls the lighting load, the SwitchLinc dimmers control the Micro Dimmer (the load and line wiring weren't all run out to the switches if that makes sense). I have a scene: Basement Playroom Lights The SwitchLincs are both controllers The Micro dimmer is a responder. I want to have the dimmer be less during certain times of the day (i.e. from 8PM to 8AM be 40% or something, other times be 100%). I found http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?p=10667#10667 which describes what I want to do, but I can't get it working. The dimmer consistently goes to 100% My code (disregard the actual time, using it for testing): If From 7:00:00AM To 10:00:00PM (same day) Then In Scene 'Basement Playroom Lights' Set 'Basement Play Light Relay' 40% (On Level) In Scene 'Basement Playroom Lights' Set 'Basement Play Light Relay' 4.5 Sec (Ramp Rate) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The program is enabled, not in a folder, I've set it to run at startup and run the If clause manually to make sure it's applied. I'm sure I'm doing something silly, but can't figure it out...any help greatly appreciated.
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