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Everything posted by naPS

  1. I had to do the same thing, and I only have a single ISY. Perhaps change the title of the post to reflect the issue to help others that might have the same problem in the future.
  2. naPS

    OpenADR Wiki Update?

    Is there an official place to throw in a bug report?
  3. edit : It says they are Zigbee modules - "MCT-320 SMA is a fully supervised, compact Zigbee door/window contact transmitter, designed primarily for protecting doors and windows. Suitable for any residential or commercial environment this low-profile transmitter gives the added advantage of a particularly small size that allows for highly flexible and virtually invisible installation. The MCT-320 SMA boasts impressive wireless range, while maintaining a long battery life." Original : Doh, that's a bummer. Guess I should start peeling these things off the windows and doors. For security integrations, is there a certain system I should stick with that works real well with the ISY?
  4. I cancelled my Cox Home Security monitoring because it was a dumpster fire. As part of the initial installation, I had to purchase all the door and window sensors as well as a glass break and a couple of motion sensors. Cox took back the head unit, which was a SMC device. As far as I can tell from all the reading I've done, all the devices are Zigbee devices. I believe the door / window sensors I have are : http://www.openhome.io/deviceDetails?productId=59 Can I talk to these things? Will an ELK system talk to these things? Are they useless? Should I rip them off the doors and windows and start with something else?
  5. Can you please update the OpenADR wiki entry? I'm having a difficult time getting it working, and would like a reference to make sure I'm not doing something silly on my end. Thanks!
  6. Thanks for the help guys. Ended up going with two mirco modules so I could dim the fixtures - went ahead and put the modules in the first fixture in each room. Works like a champ! I'm only controlling 2 10w BR-30 LED lams from both switches, so it's well within the rating of the micro module. Thanks again!
  7. Yup, they're both single switches for the loads in the other room. It's just dumb. I see the in-line linc now, thanks for pointing that out - and yeah, that would do the trick. My only issue with that solution is that my boxes are already full with switches, and I wouldn't have anywhere to throw the inline linc. Thanks for the response! edit : Ooh! This looks promising - http://www.smarthome.com/2442-222/INSTE ... ule/p.aspx How small are these things? The description says they'll fit behind normal switches.
  8. Whoever designed the switching circuitry in my house was a moron. I have two rooms, let's call them A and B. The switch for the overhead lighting in room A is in room B, and vice versa. Is there any way I can put a 2477D on both of them, and set it up so that the switch in room A will control the circuit in room B and turn the lights on in room A without affecting the room B overhead lights?
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